>had it a week
>barely holding my attention
>maybe a third of the way into it
Think I'll be trading it in, lads. Metroid games usually have me by the balls from start to finish, but this is doing nothing for me.
>had it a week
>barely holding my attention
>maybe a third of the way into it
Think I'll be trading it in, lads. Metroid games usually have me by the balls from start to finish, but this is doing nothing for me.
nice blog post
Yeah, well that's your problem, fuck you.
nobody cares
Good for you I guess?
I have a bigger problem with some of the metroid fights. I just go to the omega (?) and it's such a little cocksucker.
>Have to shoot it's chestpiece for like a million years
>Missile the fuck out of it as much as you can before it regenerates
>Very rare opportunities to counter
Maybe I'm just a bitch because I only came here with two e-tanks and he shreds through me like butter, but I'm a little worried about playing through it again on fusion mode.
>he actually paid for you
Serves you right, nigga. It's shit.
So like when is Metroid gonna get a proper release?
Nice input, Nigtendrones.
Came here to post this
>>Have to shoot it's chestpiece for like a million years
Alternatively, two super missiles do the trick. The chestpiece normally drops super missiles after it disappears so you'll earn them right back for the exposed chest part of the fight.
Managed to beat the big 3 bosses without a single death on Fusion mode (thanks to Lightning armor)
>Have to shoot it's chestpiece for like a million years
It takes no time at all. Just use missiles to break the chest piece, and then use super missiles on the weak point (or save your supers for the counter attack if your aim isn't good).
See, this is how I know I'm getting old
Same here, though I had the sense to pirate it first since I didn't trust MS to make a Metroid that I'd like. Turns out I was right. Beat the drill robot guy and haven't touched the game since, that was like 4 days ago.
Don't worry, I went the whole game without realising a load of shit, like that a charged ice beam shot temporarily disables some of a Metroid's attacks, or that a frozen enemy can be instakilled by just whacking it with the melee move.
The fact that most people's complaints for this game boil down to "it's too hard" is ultimately what convinced me to buy it. good job everyone
I started shooting him in the first place with just the beam because my aim was so shit with the missile it plinked off, I assumed you had to use your fancy new plasma.
Fucking this, it's so hilarious.
>muh counter is gonna make this a babby game lol
God help those people. I didn't even like the game, but difficulty was the least of my problems. It's perfectly manageable.
I'm a big metroid fan. It's probably my favorite nintendo franchise. i'm 30% through this game too and i usually play it one day then take a 3 day break then play it one day and take another 3 or so day break. it's weird. i don't find it particularly fun.
but i also read that area 3 is the worst part, which is the part i'm in right now, and i'm guessing the part you're in.
i'm just gonna hope it picks up at area 4
You can also make contact with the core of the omrga without taking damage. I think the part that is green that does damage.
>i'm just gonna hope it picks up at area 4
It does, don't worry. You start getting the power-ups that make it so you have to rely less on the melee counter, and if I remember correctly it's where you finally fight your first Zeta Metroid. There are other cool parts but I won't spoil them for you.
Yeah area 3 with the gamma kinda sucks, there are some speedrun strats that don't make them flee
Areas 5 and 7 through to the end are the high points of the game. Area 3 is a slog with all those Gammas and the fact that you get the upgrades for it early on, so there's little actual progression besides watching the Metroid counter go down.
I do think some of the areas are too large for their own good, and area 3 is the biggest offender.
I'd just stop playing until you want to. I'm the complete opposite. I finished the game in 3 days, went a finished Zero Mission, then went back to SR for a hard mode playthrough, then Super, then Fusion, then Other M, then back to SR for a Fusion mode run and tonight I start Prime 1. Found Samus Returns to be more fun to revisit than I expected it to be. I don't dread going back to collect items unlike Fusion and Zero Mission with all their ShineSpark puzzles.
I love that every boss has that one little "I didn't know you could do THAT" moment too. Like using Morph Ball bombs on Arachnus to trip it up in ball form. Or using Spider-Ball against the Diggernaut's vacuum so you can unload bombs into it and force it's phase changes. Or using Spider-Sparking against the Metroid-Queen to cause massive damage and skip whatever attack it is she's doing (you can also crawl into her mouth and lay a powerbomb.)
There should have been roughly 9 less Gammas in the game. Zetas should have been introduced earlier and you should have even fought more Omegas. Instead of dragging out Gammas by letting them escape, swap them for Zetas.
I think 4 Omegas is enough as they feel like actual boss battles, but we definitely needed more Zetas. I don't mind the amount of Alphas as those go by quick and later in the game they become a comparison point to how much stronger you've got.
Zetas got shafted, there's only 4 in the game. I think it was probably the same in the original, but we should have had like 7 or something.
I think they could have at least mixed up the fights a little bit.
How cool would it have been if, just as you're starting to get tired of going through the same Gamma fight over and over, they throw a Gamma and an Alpha at you at the same time? Or a pair of Gammas? Or a trio of Alphas?
It doesn't feel like I'm exploring the Metroid home planet. There's too much Chozo shit in the environment.
...Because it IS a chozo planet and they MADE the metroids.
Do you even know a single thing about the game's story?
Well Metroids ARE an artificial race created by the Chozo soooo
They don't really have a "home planet"
uhhh, user?
I will say this much. The game has fuck all atmosphere.
AS in it has a lot of atmosphere? Because I agree. I appreciate that you're able to understand what Samus is thinking without her saying anything.
It had plenty of atmosphere. Just because it's not constantly dark and moody doesn't mean it has fuck all atmosphere.
No, you sarcastic cunt. If you're honestly trying to tell me this game has anything matching the feeling of the prior games then you're completely full of shit.
So these things would ruin the Metroids day, right? All it would take is for someone to expose the X to sub zero temperatures and the Metroids would be fucked.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was being facetious. The absolute state of the american education.
Are you kidding? It at least has better atmosphere than Zero Mission. You are at least blind or playing with the 3d off
Welp, that's this fanbase gone to shit.
I kind of agree. I appreciate the level of detail they put into the backgrounds but somehow they didn't really feel part of the levels like in Fusion.
I think the best parts were the lab area that felt really awesome, and the final area where the Metroid larvae were. But nothing really struck me like the different areas in past Metroid games or in AM2R.
I'm not really sure exactly why that is, though. Maybe the music wasn't punchy enough.
Explain how it doenst have atmosphere? It has tons of fauna and weird alien species interacting in the background.
Also something cool is that the lab area has some ice, showing that they tried to freeze the metroids
People don't know what atmosphere means. You'd have to really, really try to make a game with no atmosphere.
Obviously what they mean is that it doesn't have the atmosphere they expected it to have.
No, what I mean is it didn't engage me in its world like other Metroid games did. I didn't feel like I was in a real place that I wanted to explore.
Look, I'm not saying the game had NO atmosphere or that it was bad. I think it just barely missed the mark in capturing the Metroid atmosphere, but I'm looking forward to MS's next attempt because I think they can really nail it if they're not having to do a remake.