What went wrong?
Angry Joe
>angry, grumpy, cynical etc. game reviewers
lol remember that thing from a year and a half ago? crazy stuff am i right?
What's his naaaaaame?
His name's whaaaaaaat?
so he's decided to rip off avgn...again?
he's a lil bitch that doesn't understand why people watch his shit
He called the shit doo!
why people watch his shit? besides being retarded
Perturbed Pedro
didn't he do elaborated game reviews?
i guess people got tired of his off topic shit
The best are happy/informative. ResearchIndicates and LGR stick out to me as top tier.
This guy fucking sucks at Cuphead.
He would just vaguely describe a game. There was almost no depth to his reviews.
Game reviewers are useless shits anyways but if you make your persona out to be a cunt then it's just useless AND annoying.
>watch him play Cuckhead
>he raged on the first run and gun
>took him an hour to complete it
>couldn't pass the second boss
>started ranting about the controls being bad, and blaming it on other shit
>meanwhile DSP one shotted a boss
He's a joke now.
>Vidya review 4 million views
>Movie review 100.000 views
Is joe actually retarded?
is angryjoe still fat
Sometimes it's nice to listen to other people's opinions and memories of a game from their childhood that you may have never played. Maybe not useful, but enjoyable all the same.
Lmao, the one thing you can get him on without his fanbase screeching at you is calling him beyond casual. His fans were literally begging for Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne reviews, but Livid Lardass literally couldn't get anywhere in those games, and refused to play them anymore. Same reason he doesn't review Monster Hunter or anything other than pure AAA trash, he can't play anything other than shooters and casual fighters.
Ashens did it first.
Ashens did it better.
He sucks at every game. He said max Payne 3 was hard.
>Get Persona 5 as a gift
>Play it for 10 minutes
>Back to playing the newest western shooter
Literal shit taste.
Podcasts or talk shows with fun people maybe, but listening to some old sjw cunt rant about video games is not something I'd call "enjoyable".
The most wonderful part was where he shit on the entire OST as "Jazz shit" and then the absolute most cancerous screamo shit played at the end of his video. I almost died of laughter.
Honestly I hate angry Joe but I give him props here for not giving weebshit the light of day.
Back to pubg
>likes persona
>says other people have shit taste
based joe doesn't want to play shitty pedo weeb games
he wanted to play a game, not read a retarded weebshit fanfiction obviously
Is there any game reviewer that plays anime games without calling it garbage 5 times in 10 seconds? They always just try to appeal to the redditard faggots.
you are the one being cynical
What did they mean by this?
>>started ranting about the controls being bad
he isn't wrong, every platformer game on pc which doesn't let me use my mouse to aim at whatever angle i want with a gun are trash. Shooting in just 12 angles was 90s limitation we can do better than this especially since enemies can always shot/fly wherever they want
To be fair, that game is a chore to get through. He probably didn't want to touch it after sitting through a 30 minute cutscene, then overhearing that it's like 70 hours long.
Now this just shows that he has shit music taste. The OST is top tier, but he'll sit and listen to some screaming rock shit.
Yeah better give that light to progressive pandering dogshit like Horizon instead
Currently replaying call of pripyat and pathologic retard.
>if you don't like cunts who are annoying on purpose then you're being too cynical
Yeah and I don't like homeless people yelling in the train stop, I guess I'm just too cynical.
>complains about too much dialogue
you really should get a hint
Reminder that r/anime is one of reddits biggest and most active subs. Anime is as reddit as it gets.
To be a successful video game reviewer you must
be an idiot
Be "angry" all the time
Usually have an annoying, pompous and insufferable British accent
Use big words you had to Google the definition of
Be bigger than usual
Be a sperg on twitter
Get cucked by your wife
And make sure you pick only the stupidest most loyal monkies to be your pawns
Maybe you tards can answer: Of all the terrible shit on youtube, why do you pick this idiot? He's nigh unwatchable and clearly has trouble speaking and collecting his thoughts. I understand he might be throwing a few bucks to some people to start threads about him every day, but there seems to be genuine discussion about him from people who actually watch him.
Reminder that every youtube personality and their fanbase came from SA which explicitly banned anime and was the reason why Sup Forums was created.
If you hate anime you're a redditard, that's just how it is.
Leave the angry army to me
Persona 5 is shit, there's a reason people here talked about 3 and 4 for much longer than 5.
>anime game
>not being garbage
You're grasping for straws there. Sup Forums is an anime website.
The controls are perfect, and I never had any trouble with them. Out of the hundreds of streams and gameplay videos I've seen of it. Joe and the fags here are the only ones I've seen complain about it.
>referencing Adam Sandler movies
This is the type of human trash these threads attract.
How's your ass cancer doing TB?
Anime is as normie as it gets, retard. Every. Single. Dork. Watches. anime.
Its counter cultural for "internet" personalities to shit on anime. Not that its the only reason they do.
People still talk about 5. The reason why people have talked about 3 and 4 longer is because they've been out for more than 5 years you absolute faggot
Was, in 2007. But thankfully those days are long gone, newfag.
>Its counter cultural for "internet" personalities to shit on anime.
So literally Sup Forums. What are you doing here then?
>in the meanwhile as he's sucking...
>You have people SUBBING to his twitch, with Shao Khan banter.
So then video games are normalfag also since every "dork" plays video games.
>Sup Forums was an anime site in 2007
>but now it's not so you're a newfag
How does that make any sense?
Was in 2003, is in 2017. Fuck off back to plebbit if you don't like it.
I love reviewers that are simply ranting about the game being shit or having SJW pandering.
Why aren't there any Persona 5 threads on Sup Forums right now then?
>So then video games are normalfag also since every "dork" plays video games
Correct. I have no pretense about my normie anti hobbies like vidya.
>retarded weeaboo has poor reading comprehension
damn he got fat.
Sup Forums is openly acknowledged as one of the shittiest containment boards and being almost as bad as Sup Forums
Does it really fucking matter which one was posted more? All the threads were filled with was waifu posting, and I'm glad even Persona 5 threads slowed down.
Your point is still extremely retarded. Every major youtube personality has been shitting on anime for decades, before youtube they did it on SA. The whole reason moot made this site was the counter culture against weeb haters.
Now calling TB and other SA faggots "counter culture" is just autism overload and shows that you're probably 16 years old.
>Noooooo, we're not just ripping off James Rolfe! We're ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS
>anime is allowed on every board
>video games are only allowed on 2 boards
>but Sup Forums is the containment board
Because the main user base of Sup Forums is asleep or doing other things right now. There's no persona threads at all, actually. Not 3 4 or 5
So is Sup Forums your point?
I really wish people that dislike anime would just go back to re.ddit.
Sup Forums is openly acknowledged as literally plebbit 2.0
>anime isn't reddit
Sup Forums users openly admit to browsing r/anime too, which is the worst part.
Dont talk to me unless you watch soviet art house fucking normie.
he got fat as fuck. see his destiny 2 review, he has his old self in the back. 3 years and he turned into a bloated fat lazy mexican.
his skits aren't funny and they are drawn the fuck out
Now show how many gamers browse plebbit. And how many of them are from Sup Forums.
>says normie
>complains about re.ddit
It's normalfag and you seem like a fucking pretentious cunt.
elaborate? fuck no. read the back of the game box is what he did.
His intro to the MvCI review was bad. Joe seems like the type of guy that still finds guys in girls clothes funny.
>implying I'm going to defend Sup Forums
You faggots sure love your Japanese cartoons.
I have only ever used reddit for random hardware problems that no one talks about here...is that bad?
>his skits aren't funny and they are drawn the fuck out
The best part is that he likes to pretend those 2 minute skits with two guys in costumes take "Weeks to film sometimes" and that's the justification for him switching to doing movie reviews.
Honestly Angry Joe is a fucking genius.
>Work hard and gather a following of loyal mouthbreathers
>Slowly pull back and lower expectations on what you deliver
>Eventually get to the point where your content is literally you and your fat ass friend sitting in chairs and giving kindergarten tier opinions on flavor of the month movies.
>Your fans actually defend this content as well because you've conditioned them over time to accept it.
>Pop out a quick shallow game "Review" every month or so to keep heat off you
It's really brilliant, say what you want but this man makes a living doing almost nothing and has an army of retards who support him.
And too long. It was like 5 minutes too long.
He got upset because destiny fans didn't like how he played like a fourth of the game and reviewed it
I never implied that. I called you a normalfag redditor for saying normie and I called you pretentious as fuck
You're just spouting inane shit. Plebbit became a big thing when all of SA migrated there and they openly always hated anime. And still other than some fringe subreddits anime is collectively banned on that site.
>unironically follows the normalfag/normie divide
Anime is a shit, consumerist anti hobby. Only retards like it. Get over it
If you hate anime you're a redditard pleb and you gtfo. That's just how it is.
Too bad you came to an anime site to preach your message.