People are really buying a fucking emulator with a plastic case for 80$?
I've seen sites literally seething at people who emulate trying to state that "emulation comes with a risk of virus" and other such bullshit.
I've emulated the SNES since the late 90's and it has always run perfectly and never eve had any sort of problem with it.
Is this a new low for nintenbros? To throw their money at Nintendo for selling them this shit? Also, who hasn't played every fucking SNES classic out there. Don't pretend people are not going to play 3 rounds of Punch Out and get tired of it and return to Overwatch or PUGB.
This is fucking terrible and if you support this shit or the actual shilling in this site you are actually pretty stupid. Don't fall for the bait.
>People are ok with this shit >But they get mad at the newest Call of Duty
I don't see the difference, really.
Isaiah Brooks
It's giving EB more exposure so I'm okay with it. No longer is it even a choice; purchasers of this WILL also have EB. that's a lot. Faggots might actually know what Ness is from now.
Easton Hill
I bought it for the controllers. Also, I try to buy legal copies of games rather than pirating when they're released officially and priced at a level I can afford. When subtracting the value of the controllers (like $15-$20 each, I'd say) and the system (maybe $30) you're only paying around $1 for each game.
Elijah Allen
It's a dead series, user. Why is it that only RPGs get this treatment? Hardly anyone complains about EWJ or Castlevania being a dead series but people get very passionate about RPG series like Mother, Suikoden, etc;
Dylan Brooks
How can someone be so assblasted about what other people do with their money? Get over it.
Asher Brown
>a week later >"WOOO FUCK EA CHARGING 100 BUCKS FOR A GAME" t.nintenbro
You really want this to be a trend user? You really want a ps1 sold for 100 bucks with 10 games next?
Ian Taylor
People gladly pay for lootboxes in Overwatch and Destiny 2. People are idiots with too much disposable income. This shouldn't surprise you, user.
Nolan Robinson
You could have gotten better snes clone controllers for less.
Jaxon Gomez
>It's a dead series, user. Not today it ain't.
It's got the potential audience its always wanted in the modern day. All it needs now is the exposure.