Are there any games with actual slavery?

Are there any games with actual slavery?
I don't mean +10% wood cutting production or some background slave count number. I really want to beat and breed slaves.

Look up Free Cities.

Holy hell that image is amazing.

I want to become someone's profession slave in wow.

Tropico 2


Rust, no breeding and it can be super unorganized, also you have to deal with people that play rust

couldnt you catch slaves in that conan game?

Conan exiles, yes. Too bad the game is trash

In addition, if you consider sadist abuse as the core tenet of slavery, you don't deserve to hold any you wasteful degenerate.

Dungeon Keeper and its numerous clones.

It won't appeal to your sadism but Expeditions: Vikings lets you take thralls.

The primary use is to speed up building projects but it's a bit more involved than that: you have RP encounters with escaped thralls, can take on new villagers as freedmen or thralls, interact with slave merchants, might choose not to kill people to take them as thralls etc. It's pretty explicit in the game that being a thrall is awful.

Total War: Warhammer 2, if you play as Dark Elf you have to take slaves and manage them to keep your economy going.



>numerous clones
>dungeon keeper


Rimworld with mods.

Though the Ur-Quan don't really enslave people. They either lock them up, or force them to fight. But even then they have a great deal of autonomy, as seen during the game



Morrowind, but you have to choose best house.

i always thought a plantation sim would be fun and educational. you could visit the slave market and buy some new slaves, rename them. try to keep your slaves relatively happy but sometimes you gotta bring out the whip when they get too uppity. etc. lots of fun gameplay scenarios to be had there


It's still slavery, the level of autonomy means nothing when every order given to Battle Thralls has to be carried out or their entire species will be exterminated

Conan Exiles

Ehhh Dragon's Dogma?

>background slave count number

whoa +100 moneys for -1 public order so deep...