PSO2 Thread

>Great character creator.
>Classes with a ton of variety in gameplay
>Shit tons of content
>Dat amazing soundtrack
>Not pay to win
user whats your excuse for not playing the best MMO in existence. although admittedly that's not a hard title to hold.

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A shitty laptop with Intel HD. I haven't tried it yet, but it appears that the game won't run, I bet on it doing so, anyway.

It's out in english now?

>user whats your excuse for not playing the best MMO in existence.
Uh, it never came out in the US. So SEGA can fuck off and so can you, OP.

Actually this game is optimized by the gods my old shitty 2008 laptop could run this game well I'm sure your laptop could too.

Got 13* weapon and semi potimized units

no content hard enough to use them on

no reason to play after 500-1000 hours

>Shit tons of content
and how much of that is relevant?

Doesn't know what is. lol.

I stopped playing around Tower Defense EQ because I couldn't keep up with the humongous grind for everything.
The gameplay is amazing, but it's held back severely by it being a MMO, shame SEGA won't make a NOVA 2, without gimped weapons this time.

Gotta try it then.

>He seems to think that anything other than an official release matters.

Define relevant. not trying to be cheeky or anything I Just what to know what you mean by that.

>using a 3rd party client
no thanks

What the fuck happened to the old 80s sci-fi setting?
That was literally the only thing setting this series apart from anything else. It looks so generic now i wouldnt even recognise it without the name.

Content that players does regularly, I've not played it for a few years, but my last experience was that everyone was just afk in the "base" waiting for emergency missions to pop

>What the fuck happened to the old 80s sci-fi setting?
PSO happened.

It's people like you that I don't understand. your like the fags that keep whining that mother 3 doesn't have a English release. Even if Sega made pso2 available for the west it would be years behind the jap version and would die off like the sea version did. so why not just play something that works just fine instead of waiting for something that will never exist?

are you referring to PS1-4? those only had a 80s-90s scifi anime art style because (no shit) that's when they came out.

Post music

>Even if Sega made pso2 available for the west
It would have never happened and anyone who played the game during the first year would know why, licensing hell, made even worse by making tons of collaborations with other IPs.

That also reminds me I missed on the limited Qubeley MAG designed by Nagano, fucking hell, I was salty for months.

it's not a MMO though. Sega has never once called it a MMO. Even in their commercials they call it a "online action RPG"

Yeah, that's why I play FFXIV.

It's always updated worldwide and it's run by a company that's more competent than Sega. I really wanted to play it, but I'm not jumping through hoops and get treated like a second class citizen to play a f2p game.

That was my life when I played the game before and a bit after the awful pet class dropped.

The gameplay was fantastic and GU/RA was sex, but there wasn't really anything worth doing once you got your 13* weapon.

>so why not just play something that works just fine
I wish it worked fine, but that's the problem.


the game runs on vita so it shouldn't be surprised that it performs well on toasters


Made that event dungeon 10/10 because I'd spend most of the time laughing.

well in that case there's more stuff now than there was when you played it more missions and quest to keep you interested in it. like all mmos even when you run out of things to do just wait for the next episode and there will more shit to do.

it plays like shit and nothing like psp2i which is objectively the best game in the entire franchise, barring only 4 which is illegal to compare it to as the game is flawless.

>I'm not jumping through hoops and get treated like a second class citizen to play a f2p game.
Not that user, but I never had to jump through hoops to play PSO2, then again, I know japanese.
>The gameplay was fantastic and GU/RA was sex
My nigGU.
A shame SEGA won't make an offline game with that gameplay because it's amazing stuff.

>it plays like shit
Wrong opinion discarded.

>Not that user, but I never had to jump through hoops to play PSO2, then again, I know japanese.

So then why are you commenting? The people here who don't speak Japanese can just play a game that's actually translated and don't treat their NA fans like garbage. Sega is a fucking pisspoor company that treats its North America market like trash.

Fuck Sega.

PSU's core gameplay is atrocious and can't hold a candle to PSO2 in any way.
Even NOVA, which is pretty gimped when it comes to weapons is better than PSP2I, and I played I more than 600 back in the day, online and all, PSP2I has Nagisa and Space Polnareff and that's pretty much it, even the PSU characters are pretty shit and the original PSP2 crew is annoying with the exception of Chelsea.

If you don't know japanese it's not really that bad, the translation, ability to copy paste ingame, and the eng-ship mean you never really have a problem.

The big problem is the tweaker is an awful piece of shit.
It is always amazing, because whenever I get the urge to download and play the game, the tweaker is there to remind me that is not worth going through that bullshit again.

>can't hold a candle
you're right it doesn't hold a candle to it, it ignores the garbage that is PSO2 outright.
when's the last time the game's had a proper content update anyway? All I ever get emails for are miku crossover 1980238129057238957658901235892304781239047213890478490123641237904612379031 and whatever anime bullshit is popular at the time.

this is from nights into dreams.

When was the last time Infinity had one?

Don't know, still has more content than PSO2 though. lel

>Christmas event
>not even the Christmas version of the song
Come on, Sega.

>you're right it doesn't hold a candle to it, it ignores the garbage that is PSO2 outright.
I guess that's why PSO2 is immensely more successful than Infinity then?
I seriously hope for you that you're not implying that Infinity has better core gameplay, music, bosses or class design than PSO2, because the only thing worse than Infinity was everything that came before it in the PSU era, which was garbage.
>still has more content than PSO2 though
It doesn't, Infinity doesn't even reach 100 BASIC missions, it doesn't have a fraction of the mechanics PSO2 has, not even the weapons count can touch PSO2, and Infinity had lots of weapons, even more than PSU iirc.

>Not pay to win
>can literally buy actionable items and grind rate boosters to make in game currency and weapon leveling trivial

not so fast weeb


post rappies

I will when it launches in the US.

you know very well what the fuck im going to post.

and it ain't rappies

>not official

Lol no


is it vol dragon fucking io?

So never i guess.


No. Lo is pure.

Reminder that this website is still up.

oh no you don't, you fuck off back to /vg/ this fucking second you weird ass motherfuckers, theres a good reason this thread was made where you weren't welcome, cancerous erping circlejerking discord posting lobby shitters

I don't really understand why they won't just come out and say it's dead

okay fine post stratos

it would be bad PR so they would rather just ignore it entirely and hope people forget

>you fuck off back to /vg/ this fucking second you weird ass motherfuckers
Make me, faget

No one is working on it, so no one has the job to do it.

sea version is dead already?

the gameplay is cool but content is so dead it's a joke. like if you aren't doing the latest emergency missions then everyone is just AFK in the lobby waiting for it. if you check for groups for older content, they are always locked or non existent.

yeah its been for a while now.

it wasn't missed

They deserved it desu.
Oh well.

not pso2 but still a good song

>popularity = quality
PSO2 is a F2P game available on three different platforms with translation patches for overseas players, Infinity was only on PSP and had no translation patches while servers were active.
>better core gameplay, music, bosses
PSO2 does these better but also squanders them completely
>class design
PSO2's class design is a hot mess at this point, HERO literally invalidates every other class and Sega has absolutely no idea what to do with the skill tree system which is why the level cap was stuck at 75 for two fucking years and is currently stuck at 80.
PSO2 has the most content out of the entire series on paper, but due to Sega's retardation, most of that content is completely irrelevant due to a lack of higher difficulties and worthwhile drops. PSO2 strays from the ARPG roots of PSO and instead chases after a pseudo-MMO gear treadmill where players do the latest FOTM quest which can only be done a few times per day to obtain stones to trade in for a new weapon that's slightly stronger than what they had before. Then you have 14*s which, unless I'm wrong here and Sega took proper precautions, are practically useless because you're unable to hit 60 element unless you can somehow get two to drop.

Last I checked the game is losing players fast which is why they hastily made a Switch version that's not even a port but a god damn cloud based streaming version.

can we have a Sup Forums group, i don't want to play with /vg/ and all i've benn playing 200+ hours all by myself.

jesus christ everything you need and don't need is translated, and there are a lot of english players.

>PSO2 is a F2P game available on three different platforms
And only PC is ever relevant since the Vita version is locked on different servers and the Switch version is a desperate attempt at trying to regain players.
>PSO2 does these better but also squanders them completely
Doesn't matter whether it squanders them or not, the core gameplay is light years ahead of Infinity, even with all the problems of balancing, which were also a thing in Infinity either way.
>PSO2's class design is a hot mess at this point
PSO2 is dying so it doesn't matter, Infinity's class design was a mess to begin with and was NEVER fixed, and classes in Infinity were completely meaningless, worse still, you had to grind a specific class to unlock some ability you could use on your main if you wanted to play slightly differently or minmax, and levelling in Infinity was atrociously slow, made even worse with the Reincarnation system, and the high level quests forced you to reincarnate at least 10 times if you didn't want to get one shotter by mooks, which was absolutely nightmarish even playing online, especially due to the the horrible battle system, hitlag and fucked up hitboxes and active frames, especially on the old PSO returning monsters.
>PSO2 has the most content out of the entire series on paper, but due to Sega's retardation, most of that content is completely irrelevant due to a lack of higher difficulties and worthwhile drops.
So was Infinity, you only run a handful of missions or create Infinity missions by using chips you had to farm by doing said handful of missions.

Again, the core gameplay is enormously better in PSO2 in every possible way, even though it still suffers from most of the problems that plagued the series, Infinity is fondly looked back because it single handedly made PSU not complete trash, but it wasn't a good game, nor can it compare with PSO2, it's a completely different world.

I second this

is it still phantasy hero online

If only the game emphasized being varied and playing cuhrazy. Last I remember you might as well just spam the strongest attack and maybe use one of the mobility moves.