See Ash Pikachu event

>See Ash Pikachu event
>Break out my 3DS after months
>Gonna get me one of these neat pikachus
>Uni wifi needs Username and password
>3DS shits the bed, cant handle that
>No Pikachu for me
>Can't look at this fucking shitter anymore
>mfw I realise no trading, online battling or events
>Pokemon is dead now
Is this what it's like to grow up anons

Use your phone as a wireless hotspot retard.

>turn on data
>turn on wireless hotspot
>take less than 20 MB to dl the little wondercard
Also you missed Kantochu, right now it's Hoennchu. You can only get one of the hats (barring the USUM movie one) so choose between Hoennchu, Sinnohchu, Unovachu, Kaloschu, or Alolachu.

Doing events like this stupid. It constantly disincentives people that missed the event to not give a fuck about the game since they are now behind and can't get those items or characters due to not either having the game or not playing the game at a certain point of time to get the item. Then you go, why bother playing? Especially bad when one of the focuses of a game is collecting.

Just inject.

There's nothing special about this Pikachu anyways. You won't even use it.
NO ONE actually likes Pikachu.

I'm just saying in games in general. MMORPG's are notorious for these things with event only items. I would log in after an absence, suddenly know of a bunch of crap I cannot get, dick around for an hour, then proceed to not play the game for months on end.

You can only get 1 out of the different hatchus too.

Reminds me of Runescape. I always wanted that damn Scythe and the colorful Christmas beanies.

anyone can literally just hack them in so it's not like it matters anyway

>NO ONE actually likes Pikachu.
Japanese unironically like him, but yeah I guess they're the only ones.
I'd rather use Raichu if I wanted a thunder type.