What is the latest game you bought?
I got pic related today.
What is the latest game you bought?
I got pic related today.
>just bought a game
>goes to Sup Forums to talk about his recent purchases instead of playing the game
are videogames no longer for playing them anymore?
I want to fuck Rabbid Peach: The game
Tekken 7
As a Street Fighter casual pleb, Akuma is a blessing, still want to get good with other characters though.
it's all fake and hopes peak isnt real its just a tv show
i saved you 45 hours refund the game now
What happens to the executed? Was that just fake
So basically the entire series is pointless and a waste of time?
Pretty much. Then again DR was always ott not serious and future sequels could always meme harder and have the very vr reality show be the fake.
Unable to tell lie from truth is the entire theme of v3
i think they actually die but they're not real characters they're people applying to a reality show with fake backstories brainwashed into their heads with magical flashlights (not making this up)
junko isn't a real person
hopes peak isn't a real place
it's all a television show and V3 is the 53rd season (hence the V)
I'm sorry you are stupid OP.
>Dangan thread gets archived
>New thread pops up just in time
The whole point of the end of the game is that fiction has the ability to sway minds just as reality does, so in the end it doesn't really matter what is fiction or reality, brainlets.
are the controls for the sidescrolling part supposed to be dogshit? holy fuck the responsiveness is awful
it just makes the entire universe of the games irrelevant though
since the people watching the show are fictional as well why would i care if the message comes across to them or not
this was a misfire and people defending it are absolute brainlets
You're not supposed to beat it. If you do, you get an ending scene then wake up back in the academy anyway. The whole point of that section is that it's horseshit.
Every DR game is dogshit
I'm on chapter 2 right now, and I'm stuck need some help. Who was the murderer here? No spoilers pls.
Kaito is the mastermind
it'd be one thing if it was just impossibly hard, i'd get that, but most of my team dies on the first jump so i thought the game might be glitched or something.
Kaede's twin sister is the mastermind
Hopes peak is real. Just in an alternate universe.
Stop spoiling this for everyone user.
Maki is actually the Ultimate Assassin and used poison to kill Hoshi in his lab before using a grappling hook to throw him into the piranha tank
It is impossibly hard. That is the point. It's beatable, it's just hard.
My favorite part is that Tsumugi did not cosplay any characters from DR3, which coincidentally is the only previous Danganronpa that was not documented via film or simulation. Hmmm, really makes you think.
Delusional. It's not an alternate universe. It's literally fake in its own canon. Even in the universe where hopes peak existed, Junko didn't exist.
Only because they didn't have art for them made. We know DR3 is part of their "fiction" because it's in the intro and it's listed when they go through DR 1-10.
Replay the game/rewatch The ending. Blue hair is a known liar and not even the survivors are sure if they're memories are real.
This isnt really that difficult user.
That would involve making sprites for them and hahahahah fuck that.
Also fun factoid, Shuichi's lab has 52 files about murder cases, and there's supposedly been 52 previous Danganronpas.
But the game literally confirms that she wasn't lying in the last scene when they're looking outward through the shattered screen and there's a giant barrier of TEAM DANGANRONPA logos separating them from the outside world.
Okay now you're just straight up lying.
That's a representation of the end of the false world TDR constructed. Like in previous Danganronpas the background characters characters weren't actually blue and the blood wasn't actually pink
Yes, meaning that TDR is real and danganronpa is a show. Just like moogie said.
But I never found a grappling hook. Is that one of your lies?
We don't know whether or not all the events of the Bible actually happened, and yet it's the baseline of a religion billions of people follow.
Okay, but we know for a fact that the events of DR didn't happen within DR's own universe.
I didn't buy this game on launch, now I'm glad I didn't. This sounds absolutely atrocious. You could argue SDR2 could be simplified into "it's just virtual reality", but at least it had actual stakes and the events that happened in it weren't pointless. Looks like Kodaka is doing the usual shtick of retroactively ruining his two good games just like like anime.
Of course all the events of the bible happen! Some arabic asshole in egypt went to the red sea, said, "Let there be rock" and hit the rock with his magic stick, and then all the water went away!
TOOOOTALLY not fiction! My uncle was there!
You're missing the point. Even if the events of DR didn't happen we clearly see they had an impact around the world with the 50 season TV show and fans clamoring to volunteer to get killed on TV.
>come out and have your twist retcon the previous two games
Wow, that's one way to shoot yourself in the foot. What happened to saying that DRV3 was going to be it's own self-contained game and the only returning character would be Monokuma?
But we're not playing in that world so why should the player give a shit?
Okay. DR1 didn't show the wrecked outside world reacting to the killing game broadcast or DR2 show the Future Foundation out cleaning up the Tragedy. How is this any different?
It was a lie.
Also were you fuckers mad when Digimon Season 3 said Season 1 and 2 were TV shows? When MGS2 pulled off a lying twist as well? Or whenever something like this happens?
What a shitty comparison. MGS2 never said that MGS1 was a fake game within MGS1's world. The twist was that the specific circumstances surrounding the Big Shell incident were orchestrated by the Patriots to match MGS1.
>youdon'tactuallyhaveanychoices: the game
from demo experience
Then how did I end up on an entirely different route in Chapter 2?
if there were actual choices that changed anything they would have appeared in the demo. since they did not they do not exist and you are spreading lies to shill some moeblob shit.
So that means that the panel filling sequence doesn't exist? Because it wasn't in the demo?
That means the music rhythm minigame doesn't exist? Because it wasn't in the demo?
I think you might be on to something!
MGS2 is a good game outside of its story unlike V3.
>When MGS2 pulled off a lying twist as well?
MGS2 didn't retroactively ruined MGS1 actually the whole TWEEST is the game actively jerking off to MGS1.
Because those were overarching stories and it was more about what happened in the academy to make that happen and uncovering it. This was "lol doesnt matter cause we made it all up". The outside world in this game is completely irrelevant because it was entirely fake up until the last trial. There's nothing to care about in the outside world.
They don't pretend like you do have choices though. No one ever said danganronpa has multiple routes. It's ace attorney with more gore.
That kind of message would only be new to a toddler.