What is the latest game you bought?

What is the latest game you bought?

I got pic related today.

>just bought a game
>goes to Sup Forums to talk about his recent purchases instead of playing the game

are videogames no longer for playing them anymore?

I want to fuck Rabbid Peach: The game

Tekken 7
As a Street Fighter casual pleb, Akuma is a blessing, still want to get good with other characters though.

it's all fake and hopes peak isnt real its just a tv show
i saved you 45 hours refund the game now

What happens to the executed? Was that just fake

So basically the entire series is pointless and a waste of time?

Pretty much. Then again DR was always ott not serious and future sequels could always meme harder and have the very vr reality show be the fake.
Unable to tell lie from truth is the entire theme of v3

i think they actually die but they're not real characters they're people applying to a reality show with fake backstories brainwashed into their heads with magical flashlights (not making this up)
junko isn't a real person
hopes peak isn't a real place
it's all a television show and V3 is the 53rd season (hence the V)

I'm sorry you are stupid OP.