Which channels are you subscribed to and why?
Mostly because they’re clearly Sup Forumsidiots
BrainScratchComms is also ok to put on during work
The Immortal John Hancock because he's wholesome and his collection is pretty insane.
>Having a YT/Jewgle account
Boogie2988 because I like him, and a few random Nintendo related channels cuz I'm a drone.
DYKG too of course.
>it's another "basement dwelling neckbeard thinks his wall of (probably unplayed) games gives him credibility" channel
Not a single one. I play the games I like.
>neck-beard adorned user takes out life related frustration on a youtuber by making vague assumptions about a him with no proof.
I'm subscribed to a lot of channels. Every channel I once liked has now gone to shit, and nothing on the site really interests me outside of new vidya trailers/discussions/reviews. The only YouTuber I'm really waiting on is for ChuggaaConroy to play a game that would actually be fun to watch.
none because fuck jewtube and their constant advertisements
Jerma985 and he is seriously the best youtuber in my opinion
None because I don't need some C rate Adam Sandler to convince me to buy a game.
I don't have an account but i watch jim sterling, zaric zhakaron and lafave bros
I can't imagine having to move from your old house with all this shit and then having to stack it all back again in the new house.
Fucking take a 3 days just for that alone.
thrifts > oddware > tech tales > foods > everything else
Ross Scott. His Game Dungeon series of reviews is great.
8-bit guy
I like long critiques. Any recs? I like Noah Gervais, Redgrave and the other people he works with and sometimes Matthewmatosis though his voice grates a bit.
Tech Tales is great. That one about the blue LED was interesting as hell, I didn't know that blue LEDs were such a hard thing to make.
frans de fietser
Who /Northernlion/ here?
Really liked him when he was doing youtube but streams are pretty boring imo. Most of the time stupid funny shit he does feels very unnatural and fake. Also his gf is unbearable too.
Still like his personality tho.
MJR so I can find all the hidden gems
I was waiting.
Check out mandaloregaming. He got a nice voice and his reviews are pleasant.
I was told to shill here, so I will do that.
I am subbed to this guy which is not me, with 3 accounts in fact.
Look, some of the video this guy that isn't me are pretty nice.
I like Easy Allies.
Jesus user, wat is dat nou.
You're not wrong.
achievement hunter
this guy
>lazy reddit room
his embarrassing duke nukem voice renders his entire channel unwatchable
Since when eceleb talk is vidya related ?
You'll never have this cute of a life.
Sega lord X and VectrexRoli. They’re good because they focus exclusively on content and aren’t popular.
>all that wasted space for something that could fit on 1 hdd
tried one of these and I was met with screaching and lulrandom wacky "humor". How the fuck can you stand this "person"?
I need to know what kind of mix breed benson is but apparently they don't even know
he's real cute
TheNeedleDrop. I don't know shit about music but love listening to this guy talk.
It's fun to watch Bdobbinsftw continue to ruin games for me with painful realizations. I mean I knew most of the stuff but hearing it's hurts too.
Ahoy. I think his videos are very well made and the content comes across as very well researched.