Wait you still play videogames? But you're a 25 year old man!

>Wait you still play videogames? But you're a 25 year old man!

Said no one in the last decade.

And you're a fat pig with dyed hair.

>"Yes, I do play mobile games like you female creatures do."


I'm 24, you vacuous harlot.

I don't know what weighs more, you or your makeup.

her self-loathing

Wait, I never asked for your opinion.

Who the fuck are you and how did you get in my house?

I'm a 29 year old man

>Waite you're still a fat piggu???

>Wait, you still rage at video games? But you're a 25 year old man!

Playing video games past 18 is a social death sentence. All you fucking nerds can't even comprehend how people look at you when you tell them you're an adult and still regularly play with children's toys, even going so far as to consider it a hobby.

This is a website meant for adult people. So either you're just as big of a loser as you're calling all of us, or you're under-aged in which care you need to get the fuck out.

Playing video games is fine, using it to define your personality is the cringy aspect. Like wearing mass effect shirts, being proud of spending every weekend staying in and consuming content. You're as interesting as a rock at that point

Le bait

Having fun is a sign of being a child. Grow up and get a job and wife.

t. shlomo shekelstien

No thanks. I'd rather not.


>video games

am I being trolled?

I don't understand who this bait is supposed to get when you consider that the average Sup Forumseddit poster is a decade younger than 25.

ISTP detected.

Nah, I'm 32.

you must be miserable

Women are disgusting. Not gay, but wish I was. They’re so unlikable.

we r/incel now

>a woman talking to me
Literally impossible

Despite what Sup Forums believes, people do play video games, and anyone who says this is quickly going to get laughed at.

>falling for the MBTI meme
I think you might have us confused with ISTJs, user.


>literally the embodiment of "stop having fun guys"
Enjoy your pathetic life.

26 actually. No wonder I didn't get a gift from you on my last birthday. Fuck off, cunt. You can't compete with my waifu anyway.

>But you're a 25 year old man!
Yeah, I already waited too long for this.

jokes on you I'm over 30