This is not a real life photograph. Its actually a screenshot from Microsoft's Forza Motorsport 7 video game available on the Xbox One, Xbox One X, and Windows PC platforms. I repeat, this is not a real life photograph. Let that sink in.
This is not a real life photograph...
>This is not a real life photograph.
Yeah, I can tell, by the shit ground textures. The only thing that looks good in Forza are the cars, everything else looks awful.
Everything but the cars looks awful.
What's with all the legos? This lego forza?
This is low settings right?
This is not a real life photograph. Its actually a screenshot from Kemco's Top Gear Rally 2 video game available on the Nintendo 64 platform. I repeat, this is not a real life photograph. Let that sink in.
Wow, microsoft are true genius. Can you believe that the most beautiful game runs at 4k/60 fps on scorpio and requires only a pentium and a 5 years old GPU to run on ultra???
The lighting is terrible.
Wow, look at those particles. Amazing 2d sprites here guys! Can't believe it runs at 60fps!!!