What do you think about witches in your videojames, Sup Forums?
What do you think about witches in your videojames, Sup Forums?
they need to be sluttier
There should be more
Witches don't exist and it's silly and childish to think otherwise, so I prefer my games WITHOUT witches.
Give me a Wadanohara sequel please.
Are they sexy witches?
I started playing Wadanohara, but I stopped after I got the bad end where she got eaten by the Orca. I didn't want to see a cute witch go through stuff like that.
How in the FUCK did you manage to die to a single enemy in this game
witches you say?
I wanted to see what would happen since the guide said one of the endings was to lose that fight.
oh user...
Oh dang, looked like a loli beato with an open front for a sec.
Is Wadanohara any good?
It's filled with cute girls, the story is okay, the gameplay is a snoozefest.
The story has one of those holy shit things sure went FUBAR moments, so if you're after something to thirst your quench for disturbing stuff you'll like it.
They're my favourite.
I want to punch Wadda in her big stupid face
[x] rape
witches are for fucking
I want to softly hug Chlomaki and nuzzle into her neck, she looks so unbelievably cuddly not to mention that she has the exact personality that would maximize her huggability.
Witches are always welcome in my vidya games.
I like Lobco.
When will DSP hurry up and release a new game?
Witches should be either little cutie patooties in training, or big 'n busty fully accomplished spellcasters, no middle ground.
pls dont post pictures of my wife without my permission, okay?
what games let you play as a cute witch
The new Little Witch Academia on PS4
Your wife is pretty tall, dude.
Yeah, but she is mine and stop posting pictures of her, dickwad.