>It's a good game, it's just not a good [series] game.
What's her name?
It's a good game, it's just not a good [series] game
the phantom pain
Street fighter III: 3rd strike
Super Mario 3D World
Diablo 3
DmC: Devil May Cry.
Good game, worst Diablo game
Skyward Sword
Adventures of Link
Undecided on if botw should be added.
Yeah, thats why he fucken said it
Take it back! It was good clean fun
Other M
SM3DW was a good Mario game. It should be the other way around. If you're talking about departure from the core, the 64 style games are the departure, not 3DW.
Starfox Adventures, because it wasn't even supposed to be Starfox anyway.
Other M is shit from every perspective, though.
Crono Trigger
Final Fantasy 3 (6)
Megaman X3
>Chrono Trigger
You meant Cross and X-2, right?
Charlie go to bed
>Chrono Trigger
Come again?
Shit, forgot about X-2. Never a fan of Cross. It wasn't bad, but not for me.
I will open admit X-2 should have made the list.
Fallout 4 tbrqh
If FO4 had the quests that FO3 or the consequences of NV, I'd be with you. As is, I basically use it as an arcade game.
It's got better shooting and gun mechanics than the other two, and the animations for enemies are better. The settlement thing is built in, but you can mod that into the other two, but the graphics are better.
So, if you're playing through to do quests, get rewards, fuck bitches, then the first 3 are better. Since I spend 99% of my time fucking with mods, turning the game into Zombie Apocalypse.game, I don't really need great quests...
Dammit, don't do this to me.
Dark Souls 2 is the quintessential example of this
Banjo Nuts and Bolts as well
>it's a good game
> it's not a good [blank] game
>it has [blank] in the fucking title
this is the dumbest rhetoric is existence
t. RE4 apologizer
It's about a higher ideal of a particular kind of game
Doom 3
>needing to be an apologist of a masterpiece
The original RE games aged like milk, fuck off.
Deus Ex invisible war
>oh yeah baby tps for dudebras with zambies and the RE cast all plastered over it
>Never a fan of Cross. It wasn't bad, but not for me
So then what are you talking about? Do you not understand the thread? The only two games in the Chrono series are Trigger and Cross
No need to apologize since RE4 is better than 99% of the other games in the series/
>hahaha funny random jokes hahahah leon acting out of character hahaha silly exaggerated shit hahaha MIERDA, COGEDLO
>It's a good game, it's just not a good [series] game.
Is this the stupidest meme complaint ever?
Yeah, comparing RE4 to every other incarnation, its safe to say RE4 Leon is the best. His dialogue is more akin to RE1 because of how cheesy it is
That's were you are wrong kiddo
It is a self parody of the franchise and you go HAHAHA GREAT
That's why I hated it, but it is ok I bet you are a gen Z anyways that played it when he was 15
>A parody game is better than every game in the series
Shows what kind of series RE is then
Saints Row 4
lol, it's not even a good game in general
I don't know how anyone could enjoy the amount of downtime and filler missions in it
Zero Time Dilemma
Basta hijo de puta
Dark Souls 2 would be a terrible game without the "it's hard, so it's good"-meme of the series
Silent Hill: Shattered memories
Tomb Raider (2013)
Metroid Fusion
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Suikoden V