Who is the strongest man in vidya?

Who is the strongest man in vidya?

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>that armpit

Is Zac fun to play as?

honestly the most fun jungler imo
too bad right now he's bad Sejuani

what kind of debate is this?

>giving link hips
that's fucking cheating and you know it user

Swingin' hips Link is canon, user.

You wouldn't happen to know who drew that cute Magikoopa, would you?

I'll never stop

Kled is the strongest! THE STRONGEST!

you are small time

What game is he from?

what feats does he have that surpass killing GOD with YOUR BARE HANDS

Gogeta's probably pretty strong.

Lego Legions

league of legends


>ywn eat out Zac's slime ass

Furry threads aren't allowed on Sup Forums.

>you'll never have a harem of all the hot league husbandos

There's too many good ones.

He make my dick strong
that's only thing I know about him

goo isn't furry

>no nipples or at least imprints
Shit art

but zac doesn't have nipples!

Neither do Nagas but nipples are required. Pecs are empty without nips.


Jubei taught me that I can't play fighting games.

okay oniichan


I have to agree. Regardless of the actual characters, nipples make dudes hotter


this thread always has the same waifufags spewing the same shit, every. single. thread.

enjoy ur aids


Remember me, user?

the monkey was better
monkeys are cute! gorillas are bad

Sup Forums's homo threads are the most tolerable from all the boards that aren't specifically gay.

>Sup Forums's got straws with the same body.
>Sup Forums's got raided by femanons and pedos, despite having a whole capeshit to grind.
>/vp/ gets separated threads, one for furs and other for good men, but always the same art.
>Sup Forums goes for bara with some scalies that oversaturate the furries, and they get raided by waifufags complaining about the existence of a homo thread.

They used to be a lot more lively back in the better days of yore though.

But bara be best.

part of it is cause they kinda cracked down on the furry vidya characters, even if its sfw that gets the thread 404'd and the person banned usually these days. too bad there are a shit ton of people who likes it here.


Threads have been 404ing even when there's been no furry lately. Not that it should even be an issue, vidya is vidya and anthros have been a part of vidya since they've been made.

Nipples are a compromising womanly feature, pecs look stronger and sexier without them.

But yeah I imagine some fags have just kinda given up and moved on from Sup Forums. I ain't goin anywhere though, threads about male characters have been on Sup Forums for years and years and years.

I never said bara was the issue

>dude look at this barely mobile blob isn't he the pinnacle of masculinity
i hate barafags


A belly is a sign of working testosterone,


y'all gay

Strong by what metric?


Barafags are the worst.

These all look terrible, like variants on the same fat old man.

Bara-style characters/character art is sexy when it's not done to excess and when fat fetishists don't lump their shit into it

yeah true. hopefully mods calm down one of these days, along with the boyfriendfag who always pushes them off topic

I don't have to think of everything in terms of bara vs not bara. I just like what I like.

>still no rule 63 zac

Zac is incredibly fun to play.

>Q is "NOW KITH"
>W is an aoe fart on a nigga to kill 'em
>E is literally fucking superman
>R is a magic trick that turns the enemy's backline into their frontline into trash
>Passive lets you live forever
>Jungle sustain allows you to never need to go back unless you ever do want to
>Super cool as hell dude
>Doesn't need that many skins because he's good enough as he is

He's fun as fuck, user. Fuck the meta. Fuck the tools. Get you a nice suit and play the fuck outta' him.

I mean, if you don't play him for fun, what else are you gonna' play anyone else for?

That'd be nice, but the mods would have to stay cool for a good while to really recover. I mean these threads are never going to go away as long as they're related to video games, and as long as men exist in video games, but there's still that road.

Honestly I blught zac recently and I have to agree, his jungling and more importantly, his ganking is a ton of fun because his E makes it so that you can get from some of the more unorthodox places. I also love how he needs to pull himself into shape after every movement

I thought this show was about a bunch of Clown Ninja Kids or something, how did it's power creep get so out of control?

His E's are the fuckin' best my man. Being able to jump someone from the top of Blue-Buff to Top lane is magical. It makes people terrified to get too close to the wall. Wanna' scare bot lane? E from tribush to lane or from bottom of Blue.

And yeah, all of his effects are splendid. He plays like what a dude made of jello would feel like. I'm just crossing my fingers they'll make him a swanky Debonair skin one day so he can finally have his suit.

>tfw threads like are happily sharing offtopic porn and talking about ass sizes while we have to careful about everything we post and most posters are now too afraid to post anything

>Sup Forums is just Nikolaj spam

I like Mr Corrupted Demon Dad

this, i have to actually heavily consider what to post cause i've gotten banned for ridiculous shit. but honestly, if they're gonna act tough on these threads, act tough on the 14 different ones going on at the same time.

Shit sucks.
I hope things get better some day.

I fucking hate the roasties on Sup Forums.

Orctober starts now, i hope you're ready for orcs

not OP's pic that's for sure. That strength is an illusion relative to how weak the other team has become through dated game mechanics.

I'm always ready for Orcs.
And Orks.

>tfw wanna get an orc commission but literally just got one that was expensive

Bless this month and all the art it will give us

I'm gonna go play as one of my husbandos right now.

oh yes.

Why do I love green boys so much?
Zac, orcs...

Honestly what I always find funny about bara threads on Sup Forums is when an angry waifufag starts shiposting because someone dared to make a barathread in their sea of waifuthreads.


Sign of an overactive appetite

Hell yeah, man. Orctober is the best.

>their planing on nerfing my rat to shit
prepare for twitch becoming the worst adc



He's had it good for too long. That being said, I'd rather not nerf him to /absolute/ shit, since I'd rather lane against Twitch than aids like Caitlyn or Lucian.

>you will never punch chris boulder

do they also spam henry?
if so, moving to Sup Forums
peace out fuckers

I want to adventure with an orc in a non sexual way

you should play that orc game on patreon :^)
totally non-sexual just some bee honey harvesting

c-can i get a name?

Draenei and Orcs are both for hug and fug.

even /lgbt/ is infested by trannies and cross Sup Forumssters so nothing there


nope just wholesome adventuring, awkward sexual tension is the absolute maximum that's acceptable

and /hm/ infested with teen girls talking about the latest preteen male celeb
literally nowhere to go

>literally nowhere to go

>lethal injection

Pick two.

Sucks this isnt a crop.


honey can be sticky be careful!
good enough for now 2bh