You will buy her inevitable dlc right Sup Forums ?
Dragonball Fighter Z
I would buy her tits if you know what I mean
no that game is garbage
I actually like Caulifla wearing clothes rather than being waifu bait.
No, I very rarely end up playing the DLC characters in Arcsys games, not even if they're as stupid as Kokonoe was in CP 1.0
I'll buy hers
I want to make hybrid children with her
This cunt better get knocked out next week
Goku seems to like her as she is.
>Buying an intentionally incomplete game so you can buy more stuff for it later.
But why?
>new characters that were just introduced
yes but only becuase i want to play as more qt fightin girls. i dont actually give a a shit about her as a character
What's the deal with fags like you wanting to ruin fighting games by filling them with sexy chicks?
Hell no. Black is the only Super character I care about and he's going to be in the base game.
Who are the target audience for such """characters"""?
Is neither cool nor sexy.
I just need them to announce Android 21 playable.
>it's ruined because there's girls in the game
Only a literal retard would think this way
No moves besides ATATATATATATATATAT and red blasts. Shit choice.
question: are you literally gay?
she's clearly not supposed to be either
The way that transformation is shown it looks more like putting on a costume than actually turning into that. Would it have killed them to have transitional stages?
Caulifla is fucking amazing!
Honestly I kinda like her, even though I can't tell if she's popular or hated. Or both.
On the other hand, got really old really fast.
So why make it?
>if a characters not cool or sexy its not worth making
the game looks worse than gg for reasons i can't quite put my finger on
like it still looks good because the engine is nice looking in general but something is off about the animations or some shit
It's okay to have girls, but they aren't allowed to be sexy.
You boys learned nothing from P4A.
You'll play for a week and then realize you spent $60 on a game you can't play.
It is supposed to be funny. A Magical Girl that goes from hot to disgusting, that's the entire point.
The joke would work better if all three of them became ugly desu.
She's a parody of magical girl transformations, you dumbass.
I can play if my friends cant play either
But it isn't even a scary kind of disgusting. Just turns into a Teletubby or something.
But user, I put something like 3000 matches into P4A. Or close to that, it might've only been 2k actually.
Blame Super for that, they are probably not allowed to make something like Dodoria or Guldo, which just hurts the joke even more.
why the fuck would it be scary
>crying about images on an image board
Jesus, I want her out. Her fucking face is annoying. So is her personality.
all saiyans are trash
Yamcha looks so badass here.
>buu reaction image
niggers really do use Sup Forums
t. irrelevant human
Would be a great choice for FighterZ in terms of Gameplay.
It is pretty sad how in all this time, the only Super characters with actual material are
>Fused Zimzam
the animations in dbfz are down at a lower number of frames because the anime was animated at 24fps or thereabouts so the characters are animated at the same speed to make it look closer to the anime
If she has moves and is a female then why do people take it for granted that Caulifla and Kale are shoe ins when they didn't even show anything yet? Don't watch Super.
well the first two arcs were just movie rehashes
Saiyan, popularity.
I fully expect to see Hit and Beerus playable. I don't want to see Black until DLC rosters though just because goku is already eating 2 seperate spots on the roster by himself, as is vegeta
>hurr not same character etc
I know but I'd rather see zamasu or even fused zamasu than just goku black
personally I want to see super 17 playable
He better be shit
>we couldve had a ss powet couple
>we couldve had the best pairing
>gohan would actually like fighting
>goku mightve been closer to the family because everyone wouldve liked fighting and it would be a family affair
Female Saiyans.
Kale would be better.
Yellow Ranger would be better.
>best dbz fighter in years is garbage
your breathe smells like garbage
Then Gohan would also be an unemployed bum instead of the successful intellectual he is and Goku would probably have starved to death
I know how you feel? Thoughts on Vegito though being in the base roster, how about Bardock?
What was with those episodes where they actually outlined them like this?
dev interviews but now that I look it up it sounds more like they just lowered the cutscene fps to 24 rather than basing character animations around that number so either I read it somewhere I can't find or I'm pulling stuff out my ass
they could probably work as a pair. kale has more moves
He's going to be top tier.
Kale is just female Broly.
Where are my cell fighters at
Which color are you using for beat boy
>Buying Super shit
Naw, but I'll have fun shitting all over her online, that is she does get added in as DLC and doesn't have enough nails in the coffin to keep her shitheap character out of the game
when are they gonna do away with this cell shaded fighting game garbage and make an openworld DBZ game with graphics like pic related
ROFL. Good one dude!
>Kale is just canon Broly.
?? that was literally only in the fusion movie with the hitler segments
Reminder that Toriyama only had Goku marry Chichi so he (Toriyama) wouldn't forget about her.
>graphics like pic related
hopefully never
What does their Imperfect Cell look like?
What? There were some Super episodes where they randomly gave them huge outlines literally like the OP.
Fusions are fine imo since they basically have their own character attitudes and fighting styles. Bardock should just be a Goku skin. There's so many neat characters they could pull from across DB/Z/GT/S that there's absolutely no need to pull in every possible saiyan.
Old man buff Roshi would be fantastic, Hercule is almost guaranteed to be in, I'd love to see Tao Pai Pai or Omega Shenron. Yajirobe would be a fun pick, Lord Slug would add another Namekian to the roster, etc.
I'd love to see Arale in with some super goofy toonforce fighting style but that's a pretty low chance.
Nothing wrong with that.
I mean, at least you can pretend like she has a chance at this tournament. It's not as if "just discovered SS2" Caulifla is going to take out any of the heavy hitters.
Fat Buu looks terrifying.
I wouldve been fine with ssb vegito as rep for ssb but we have ssb goku and geets so thats done the drain. Dunno how i feel about bardock beyond not exactly wanting him now, rather him be dlc if we get black first because we'll already have 3 gokus
That's pretty hard to come by in a japanese fighting game
>resorting to le reddit meme XD
nice question dodge faget
But she was already eliminated.
Can't go wrong with the original green, it's perfect.
Cell and Android 16 are basically lock ins for my team right now. If they add Super 17 as playable I'm just gonna roll with all androids.
Are Super Saiyan tits super hard or super soft?
not even the user you were talking to faggot
Caulifla will get SS3 suddenly and take out someone she really has no business beating.
kale is just female broly with no moves except two of broly's