How hard is too hard?
How hard is too hard?
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Many multitudes harder than this game.
What were you hoping to accomplish with this thread OP?
It's a legitimate question.
You should have picked a less controversial OP pic then.
why don't you grab my dick and find out
I refunded before getting through the tutorial, how do they expect people to do this?
You're suppose to dash at the highest point, dumb dumb.
i wanted to buy this but everyone and their mother crying about the difficulty is a major turn offnot because i don't like challenges, but because i don't want to be associated with a bunch of tryhard faggots who actually unironically believe a metal-slug lite with pretty visuals is legitimately difficult which is sad and says a lot about the core audience
This guy is just being dumb. Obviously you're supposed get on the block then air dash.
Holy shit does this guy have any idea how to play Megaman games?
be quiet, idiot.
remember anons, this man has been paid for decades to professionally review video games for you by a large publication.
shut up you vile shitlord how dare you assume his playstyle he's just testing the mechanics god
Why isn't her hand on fire yet?
affirmative action
When the game is pure trial and error, thats when a video game is too hard.
Because the coldness of women cancels out the heat from the solder.
>Not playing something because you're afraid of association.
I'd call you a kid, but then I know many adults who are the same way. Stop caring what other people think about you and live your damn life the way you see fit. If your consciousness survived death, what do you think it'd say? "Boy, I sure am glad I made choices in life based on what random people on the internet would think of me?"
What did OP mean by this?
But there is no solder. She's just using the iron to burn the insulating fibreglass of the mainboard. Because that image was born from my nightmares.
do you understand what association actually means in that context? it's nothing to be afraid of or concern with validation dummy, it means in order to enjoy the game outside of the actual game itself, you have to associate with like-minded people for things like discussion; not wanting to associate with the community because of how you personally feel about them has nothing to do with the shit you're talking about, and is in fact, almost the opposite of what you're implying
I've finished the game and it wasnt that hard
You just have to learn the patterns
If Contra and Metal Slug are average difficulty, Cuphead is pleb tier
How the fuck do I beat that candy corn? Is there a set pattern?
By getting good.
Smoke Bomb you nigger.
>I say all of this to say that while I recognize that the cel shaded beauty and style of Cuphead is new to games and something to be appreciated, seeing the trailer for the game this week elicited a visceral reaction in me. It made me feel physically ill. I got queasy and my head swam a bit. It was one of those moments when you are sure that your blood pressure has shot up 20 or 30 points, a true WTF moment. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. I kept waiting for the next boss to be a thick-lipped, black-faced, spittle-dripping caricature of an African American man (probably holding aloft a terrified, screaming, blonde, Caucasian woman just to show what a threat he actually was). And looking back at the trailer for the game that was shown at last year’s E3 we see that the devil who is after the souls of our heroes (Cuphead and Mugman) is strangely reminiscent of caricature (NB that this year’s trailer devil was grayscale, so the color is unclear, with less pronounced lips)
>I kept waiting for the next boss to be a thick-lipped, black-faced, spittle-dripping caricature of an African American man (probably holding aloft a terrified, screaming, blonde, Caucasian woman just to show what a threat he actually was).
What a fucking racist.
I wonder how well its sold so far
minstrel mods when?
100% artificial difficulty.
>I see a chance to play the victim! It's a huge stretch, but I get a false sense of moral superiority out of it so I'm gonna go ahead and write a substance free article, after I wiki some racist cartoons!
>if there is an example of racism in an art style or format, that art style or format cannot be used because I might think about racism.
>cel shading
You are a faggot. Because of what said, but also because you belittle a game that is legitimately difficult, and good, which you haven't even played(I'm assuming bought means played).
Granted, the difficulty is being hugely overblown by faggots, but what's new? Letting other people influence your opinion of something to this degree is retarded, anyway.
Only normalfags place more value in talking about something than actually doing it.
I fucking hate this attitude. Not doing something because other people you don't like also do it is stupid, childish, and the mark of someone who is completely incapable being their own person. Does knowing retards drink water make you want to stop drinking water?
>being this mad about someone else's opinion
>boo hooin about the same thing as the other whining faggot while making the same "i lack the intellect to see more than one meaning for terms or phrases" mistake even though there's a second post explaining this that requires little to no comprehension on your part
>desperately comparing drinking water to a fucking video game
>it's legitimately difficult bruh
>you have to play it to know meme
lmao keep crying little girl
Fuck this go tho right?
Has anyone played with a friend yet? Does it get more difficult or easier?
>Only normalfags place more value in talking about something than actually doing it.
>you can't both talk about and play a game
Perfect example of using video games as a genre because no mature genre would take her seriously. She knows nothing about video games, but if she wrote about books or movies people would completely ignore her. Video games on the other hand is almost all on the internet, so there's always somebody to pay attention to you.
Video games are a medium, not a genre.
>snake with legs