>kill someone
>they accuse you of cheating
Kill someone
>Do well in a match
>Receive a message and prepare to rub your rhubarb at the rage
>"Holy shit dude, you play like crazy. Very well played"
>Not sure how to feel
>Have 2 kills and 13 deaths
>There's one guy behind you with 1 kill and 16 deaths
>dude gets an ordinary kill on you nothing impressive
I too like arena FPS
>get a leg in one hand a brerb in the other
>Dude accidentally kills you when he was trying to do something else or you accidentally kill yourself in front of him
>You see them stand there and look around, dumbfounded at what just happened
I like them but they don't like me
>Open up a game on steam
>It opens as intended and works without a flaw
>someone kills you in a suspicious way that could only be explained by cheating or serious brain damage accompanied by unbelievable luck
>give them the benefit of doubt and accuse them of cheating
>they throw some kind autistic party in the chat
mandatory reminder you're not good enough at videogames to get hackused for skillful play
>Playing an MP shooter
>Covering an angle the enemy is likely to come from
>Still covering
>Continuing to cover
>Ah nevermind, nobody's coming that way
>Turn away
>Shot in the back of the head
>kill someone in a fair fight and taunt after
>someone comes along and kills me while I'm immobile and taunts
>don't stop shooting dead body
Always from some pissed off fag in the lobby
My favourite is when you've been having a nice easy, casual game where you're just putting a nice bit of effort in but nothing special - then you die and your killer is just going apeshit on your body as though you've been bagging him all match.
But for you, it was Tuesday.
>guy gets a kill
>types a lenny face
>Smurfing on CasualWatch
>Playing against silvers
>Every few games some people ask what my real rank is
>Sometimes people just assume I'm using an aimbot
>Ask them if they're aiming with a controller
>No response
Every time. Mfw killing subhumans in low ranks.
>this crap finally dies down on Sup Forums
>almost a year later literally every faggot uses it nonstop
>some still haven't stopped
>teammate bullies me for being terrible
>get embarrassed
>alt+f4, uninstall
>end up sitting in my room doing nothing
>being affected by what someone said on the internet this badly
I refuse to believe anyone could possibly be this pathetic.
You guys ever had someone call you a hacker to try and make you mad?
I haven't managed to leave the house properly in almost 6 months. Everything affects me, including that. I know it's pathetic.
>Play a city-building game
>Pizza Hut can only be built in the garage
>play GoldenEye: Source
>put dot on center of screen with sharpie
>get called hacker
>buying a shitty game two times just to feel superior to literal subhumans