I love all of the convoluted Japanese games and have gotten my fix with nier and DS3, but man, I am really sad that MGS came to such an abrupt and quite frankly poor and ambiguous ending. Is there any way Kojima can get the rights back from Konami? I would love to see this story fleshed out the way the creator intended.
Will we never see MGS again?
No, there is no way that will happen
If another MGS past Survive is ever releases it will probably be a reboot made by a western studio
The only way I could see Kojima getting MGS back is Konami going under, which won't happen since they make so much money through their pachinko shit. I agree, it truly is a shame, but Kojima has said that he was tired of working on the same series over and over so he probably doesn't even want to make a new one.
Pray for death, really. Konami has no talent left and are run by complete idiots and have shown a complete disregard towards their IPs, giving a number of famous IPs to second rate western developers, as shown with Silent Hill, or Castlevania.
I've enjoyed several games from this series that didn't have Kojima involved, I'm fine with playing more. But I'm not interested in fighting zombie swarms. What about...
A MGS game staring The Joy during WW2.
A MGS game staring Solid Snake during the events between MGS1 and MGS2, when him and Otacon were looking for nukes and metal gears.
A MGS game staring Big Boss(the real one) as he meets and trains Sons of the Big Boss and sets things in place for Metal Gear 1.
A MGS game staring Solid Snake as we play through Metal Gear 1 & 2, killing both Venom Snake and Big Boss, but redone in both gameplay and story since Kojima added fuck tons of plot to it all.
Even if Kojima got the rights back, he probably would just dump a new cassette tape that is just some English guy he found reading out what the endings would've been, because he hasn't wanted to do MG since 2 and lost all passion at PW
No we won't thank goodness.
The story is over and has been since 08. There's nothing more to tell, Snake stopped the patriots and him and Ocelot had a showdown.
>A MGS game staring The Joy during WW2.
Would've been shit.
>A MGS game staring Solid Snake during the events between MGS1 and MGS2, when him and Otacon were looking for nukes and metal gears.
The only type of Metal Gear running around at the time was REX.
>A MGS game staring Big Boss(the real one) as he meets and trains Sons of the Big Boss and sets things in place for Metal Gear 1.
Would've been shit.
>A MGS game staring Solid Snake as we play through Metal Gear 1 & 2, killing both Venom Snake and Big Boss, but redone in both gameplay and story since Kojima added fuck tons of plot to it all.
That's not necessary. At best, MG1 and 2 need a rerelease with dialogue and story changes to fit the current narrative. They are peak 2D stealth
>A MGS game staring The Joy during WW2.
would give me a bonheur, but I think that The Boss' backstory is best left vague. The risk of ruining her in a prequel would be too significant to be worth it.
DUDE what if Solid Snake didn't die. They put his brain in a cyborg body, like Raiden. And then the Neo Patriots are up to no good so The President calls up Solid Snake for one last mission.
I'd rather have a new Metal Gear Rising-styled game set between Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid, starring Gray Fox. Pretty much just showing how he got revived into the Cyborg Ninja, how he escaped Dr. Clark's captivity, and what he was doing until MGS.
>Would've been shit.
>The only type of Metal Gear running around at the time was REX.
They could just go after Metal Gear projects rather than actual functioning MGs. There is a lot of potential in the idea.
>Would've been shit.
>That's not necessary. At best, MG1 and 2 need a rerelease with dialogue and story changes to fit the current narrative. They are peak 2D stealth
Since we already have the originals a rerelease is even less necessary. Making a 3D remake would give us something new gameplay-wise.
The problem is that all of these ideas, no matter their potential, would be ruined by Konami somehow.
>I've enjoyed several games from this series that didn't have Kojima involved
Yeah but how many of them had Konami post going full retard? One? Kojima not being on board is only A problem not THE problem, the problem is that Konami are complete fucktards
Yes, it would've been shit. It would've ruined her character by giving her too much backstory (see Big Boss on why that's an issue), would've been about giving birth on Normandy, and would've added nothing a novel couldn't have had. Her backstory would only work as a movie or novel, as an MG game it would be shit.
What would you gain from playing as Big Boss training one of the Snakes? Fuck all, why would you want that to happen, it'd be completely pointless and would probably retcon so much shit from MG1 and 2 in the process.
>Since we already have the originals a rerelease is even less necessary. Making a 3D remake would give us something new gameplay-wise.
But, they're still good games. They don't need a remake, not everything needs to be remade.
>The problem is that all of these ideas, no matter their potential, would be ruined by Konami somehow.
None of them have potential in the first place.
Would be retarded since the aging should affect his brain aswell, but the idea is tantalising.
Give us MGR2 with cyborg Snek fighting Raiden who's become too much like Armstrong or something pls
>It would've ruined her character by giving her too much backstory
I fully agree. But if we ignore this fatal flaw, the gameplay posibilities are fairly good I think. MGS in a WW2-setting could do some cool stuff, like trying to assassinate Hitler or trying to discover some retarded Nazi-attempt to make a proto-Metal Gear.
So yeah, the game would be a total retcon-fest with lore-fuckery everywhere, but gameplay-wise it would be cool.
>it'd be completely pointless and would probably retcon so much shit from MG1 and 2 in the process.
We have different outlooks on this whole issue; I'm mostly interested in fun cuhrazy shit happening since I've already given up on new games in the series having any semblance of respect for the prior ones, whereas you want it to be consistent with the rest of the story. So while I agree with everything you say regarding fucking the story up, I think it could offer some fun gameplay.
>They don't need a remake, not everything needs to be remade
Yeah, you're right. I just think it would be interesting to see them remade in 3D. Moreso than MG: Survive at least.
>None of them have potential in the first place.
As said, I think they have some fun gameplay-potential. But that's all.
Nope. Have fun with survive :^)
>MGS in a WW2-setting could do some cool stuff, like trying to assassinate Hitler or trying to discover some retarded Nazi-attempt to make a proto-Metal Gear.
That's not cool. That's just dumb. That's 'LOL RANDUMB' plebbit tier stuff.
The gameplay possibilities would be limited. It'd be 3 again but with less advanced.
>I think it could offer some fun gameplay.
What would there be to offer? Even more downgrading from 4's gameplay? Additional micro-managing that just bogs everything down further? MG1 and 2 are perfect as they are gameplay wise. A remake of them would add nothing.
>As said, I think they have some fun gameplay-potential. But that's all.
That's not a reason to make a new game in a story-heavy series. If this was Jak and Daxter where the story barely matters, sure, but Metal Gear was a clusterfuck of retcons back at MGS3.
Gonna let you in on a little tip.
Metal Gear Survive happens to have more staff from older Metal Gear games/pre MGSV KojiPro than Death Stranding has. But I'm not even convinced DS is actually a fucking game.
Konami was always retarded, lets be real.
Konami was always kind of daft yes, but now you're SUPER retarded. There are tiers to retardation you know?
It's hard to have fun when it's something that is consciously ruining a series you like for the sake of dumb fun. Shit ideas are shit ideas, and the gameplay would likely be worse than 4
only MGS we are getting now is Telltale edition
I don't think the other user was trying to "consciously" ruin the series with those ideas, just spit ball avenues that may be interesting to pursue.
I'm a fan of the series too and I don't think those ideas are too bad. They are certainly better than Metal Gear Survive.
Also feel the need to add that one of your arguments for shitting on his ideas is that "the gameplay would likely be worse than 4"
What kind of shitty argument is that. You can apply hypothetical gameplay to a one sentence narrative idea and assume it's shit?
>That's just dumb
I like dumb stuff I guess.
>It'd be 3 again but with less advanced
I dunno, I think you could do some interesting stuff. It doesn't have to follow the MGS-formula fully, instead opting for teamwork with the feeling-squad or something like that. The base idea of "The Boss doing stuff in WW2" strikes me as endless potential.
>What would there be to offer? MG1 and 2 are perfect as they are gameplay wise
Something different, not necessarily better. If I took some time to think about it I could probably come up with some interesting ideas, but right now I can't really formulate anything.
I'm sorry that I come off as a retard who only wants to have a bit of stupid fun. I fully agree that all of these ideas are both superfluous and would rape the lore even more than what's come before, but I think it would be interesting to see some sorta silly games in the series ala MGR. The series should have ended at 3 (although I can understand why some would argue 4) and now I just want something in the same vein of MG, but less serious.
>4 ruined Snake's character
>5 ruined Big Boss
There's nothing left, let it die.
>4 ruined Snake's character
>5 ruined Big Boss
How? 5 wasn't even about him.
What about a game where you play as Solidus? But it's not a stealth game, you're doing presidential duties.
>presidential duties
You mean hanging around, looking charismatic, while Patriots do all the decisions, and then at the end of the day call Ocelot for some hot, evil plotting?
Nah, I'd rather have a dating sim.
not the same guy, but I would argue PW together with 5 ruined BB. mgs3 set up the perfect base for MG1+2, explaining it further was just retarded, especially the way they did it.
i wouldnt say 4 ruined snake though
>while the Patriots do all the decisions?
Using paperwork/phone calls/agent management to subvert the Patriots' plans*