Now that the dust has settled: what went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled: what went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

> Waiting 3+ months between each single leader DLC and none of said leaders being appealing (or worth the price, at least)
> still no alternate leaders for base game civs
> dev sneaks his waifu in as the leader of France despite her being an awful person from the French perspective
> she's also shit tier gameplay-wise
> religion is still boring gameplay wise and the only option is monotheism
> AI is still wacky as fuck
I'd say wait for one or two of the expansions but I already have it.

Lack of futa

>tfw every civ game since civ 5 will always be shit at launch and we have to wait years for the expansions to come out + modder support in order for a final product to be complete that can maybe hold a candle to civ 4


after so much fucking patches i still cant get the fucking AI to built Nukes of fucking planes FUCK THIS GAME waste of time

wtf is with the loading and turn times of this game? civ 4 when I load a save it takes like 5 seconds and turns are also super quick.

Why would turn times increase with sequels? It's not like this game is more complex than civ 4. It's simpler. So wtf it shouldn't have to go into two load screens whenever you load a save as if you're starting a brand new game.

And the early game turn times in this are like late game turn times in civ 4.

And the A.I is way worse also so there's no excuse for longer turn time.

It kept everything wrong with Civ V with barely any attempt to fix it.

Jews and sjws.
And hexagons.
And feminism.
And no road building.
And continuation down the same shitty wrong path that the faulty Civ 5 took.



It's literally f2p clash of clans clone mobile game for SJWs with microtransactions

When will this meme fucking die.
There's a lot of things Civ V and VI did wrong but hexes isn't fucking one of them. There is no fucking way you can defend that non-euclidean shit.

How are hexes good. It even makes having an actual round world map impossible.

This in a nutshell.

The entire civiliopedia is cringeworthy how they are trying to be "young" and "hip"

The entire game reeks of the 'we want to appeal to a wider audience' curse. Naturally, the Civ fans hated a second blunder in a row and refused to buy it and the casuals just didnt give a shit because casuals dont play strategy games.

It literally killed the series.
You can go and suck off that panzer general playing failure of a modder.
Instead of having even bigger worlds with even more civs and units and cities it forces cancer like building 4 cities and 4 archers and upgrading them into the nuclear era.

On the plus side. It does have Fascism as a viable, playable form of government. On the cringe side it gives communism all the " le defensive perks omg communists are victims they have only ever been defenders in war!! fascists are offensive bullies!! "

>Workers lasting only a few turns
>Boring leaders

>map sizes are in literally any way effected by square vs hex
How retarded do you have to be?
How do you be this fucking stupid, seriously?
>How are hexes good.
Every direction a unit can move is by nature equidistant. Diagonals on a square map are a great distance than the orthogonal directions.
>It even makes having an actual round world map impossible
Literally how does it stop this where square grids do not?

Also hilarious how Communism in the civipedia gets favorable quotes that feed into communist points like Warren Buffet saying " le class warfare exists and my class, the rich class is winning " yet Fascism civipedia page gets quotes by anti fascists LEL

game sucks

What are some pro-fascist quotes and perspectives they should've added?

Learn a bit of programming. And about matrices.

>hexes cannot be represented by the exact same datastructures
Come on nigger. The only practical distance is that distance calculations are very mildly more complex.

"The Jews posed themselves as French, German, British, etc and began to speak to these peoples, not as Jews, but as one of their own. If culture is understood as the way in which a nation speaks to itself about itself, then one must understand that the presence of an alien body in this process can be devastating."
- Adolf Hitler

Dumb retards who don't play the game will cry about SJWs
Truth is the game launched buggy and unfinished

>AI is more braindead than in Civ V
>boring leaders
>leaders chosen solely to inflate the game's vagina/nigger count
>unit/building production moves at a glacial pace
>diplomacy is practically nonexistent
>game allows for multiple leaders per civ, but there aren't actually any

I like the district system, wonders taking up a tile, new trade routes and City states, but they fucked up just as many things as they improved.

Are you retarded? The small maps with nothing in them is a result of 1 unit per tile, not fucking hexes.

The DLC civs are fucking obnoxiously OP as well, with make belief ability as a bait for easy win instead of stategy or history. Literally pay to win.
Plus the quotes and direction suck and act all mighty. What kind of civlopedia anywway that half of its content was self contradictory with sarcasm? I cringe reading the pedia for Astrology and Great Scientist

>Not gaming on Endless Legend

EL > Civ

>civ games are simply animated board games that has an a.i keep track of the rules and be other players for you
>graphics don't matter, civ 6 does at least acknowledge this and lets you play in a 2d basic graphic mode

>somehow turn times and load times still increase with each installment of the series despite the fact that theoretically civ 6 could be played on the NES if the graphics were simply downgraded to 8bit

>joke quotes
>travel web quote
>anachronistic quotes
>facebook page gun club quote
>cocky civlopedia
Its the little things, that somehow were let to bundle together as a big pile of shit in the room that put me off. Oh and the room is made from shit too, since the game is just terribly misbalanced in many way.

>leaders chosen solely to inflate the game's vagina/nigger count

The lulziest thing is, people didnt gave a fuck about muh vaginer when they added legit female leaders like Lizzie, Vicky or Cathy or Cleo, but they just HAD to go out of their way to add literal fucking nobodies like that italian bitch who for some unearthly reason leads france. What the fuck, did Napoleon, The Sun King and DeGaulle all called in sick along with like 1000 years of french kings to choose from? If they wanted to do a real funny and "inclusive" thing they could have added Charlemagne for both Germany and France, that would have atleast fired some neurons.

As for the niggers, fuck em to hell. I hate nothing more than forced diversity. Instead of going "hey, what if we added some interesting but lesser known cultures who made an impact in history like the Kushites, the Hyksos, one of the many steppe tribes etc." they just went "ah yeah, too much FUCKING WHITE MALES better add a prize mandingo from kongo and make him all wise and shit so he could tut tut at you for conquering in a 4X game"

Also, why cant they add some lessern known european(you know relevant) states before? How about some powerful medieval kangdomz like Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Burgundy etc. Why not add the Swiss Confederation, the ukranian hetmanate, or even finns if they want something more unknown. Or even the basques, the only surviving pre-indoeuropean language and culture in europe, that'd be such an interesting pick for a seafaring nations.

But nah, fuck that, better get some random brown tribal.

you basically described a good 98% of games released nowaday.

>has 100$ of dlc

errrr this makes firaxis look generous.

The trouble with fascism as a political ideology is that it is not coherent the way marxism is. Marxism is essentially the assertion that bringing some or all productive enterprise together under a state monopoly can produce prosperity and plenty for everyone.
Fascism...isn't. The only constants that fascism has are that it's nationalistic, illiberal, and considers strength to be good for its own sake. Fascism also isn't inherently utopian, unlike Communism. This makes it hard to find quotes that make fascism sound good-Lenin talking about communism sounds like a decent guy, despite being a despotic mass murderer. Benito Mussolini talking about fascism sounds like a Bond villain.

That said, here are some things they could have used.

War is to man what maternity is to a woman. From a philosophical and doctrinal viewpoint, I do not believe in perpetual peace.
War alone brings up to their highest tension all human energies and imposes the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have the courage to make it.
Fascism is a religion. The twentieth century will be known in history as the century of Fascism.
The truth is that men are tired of liberty.

Fascism gets the evil treatment in Civ VI because Fascism is an evil ideology, retard.

Go back and complain to Sup Forums instead of complaining to people who aren't mentally stunted.

>>has 100$ of dlc

>questionable leader/civ choices
>agendas being so retarded I can't believe they got through a single game of play-testing
>dropped mechanics from previous game
>did nothing to fix the combat
>production costs of everything are too high
>diplomacy is worthless
>no reason to build tall
>no reason to not constantly be at war
>retarded tech tree
>shit quotes, completely wasted Sean Bean
>AI is as brainless as ever
>devs only patch things when they release their overpriced DLC
>these DLCs and patches introduce more bugs
>half-baked modding tools
At least the music is pretty good, and the district system is interesting. If anyone is interested in getting it wait for an expansion and then pirate it, although I don't trust the devs enough to fix it with expansions this time.

You underestimate just how many concessions NES era RPGs and Strategy games had in terms of programming, but yes, it's woefully unoptimized. The AI in Civ VI does actually take a massive amount of factors into account, it just does it poorly.

>fascism is evil
>would preserve actual racial diversity by placing absolute value in borders and nationalistic culture which both segregate the races in a peaceful manner

I shouldn't complain. I paid 80$ for civ 6 like a cuck. Inevitably I will buy the expansions also.

>civ 6 has 88 on meta critic somehow
Is this blatant shilling?
Also wtf civ 5 has 130$ of dlc?
Wow man I've been in my civ 4 bubble for too long. Things really went to cancer after civ 4.

Fascism glorifies war, retard. It has never, ever even pretended to be a peaceful ideology. What you're saying is as stupid as saying Jihad is a peaceful ideology because it's just Muslim nationalism. Also, there is zero benefit to racial diversity.

>Civ 4 has 130$ if extension
WOOAAAhh eeh guys!!

Hexes cannot be represent by the same data structures.
Civ 2 had bigger maps while working on computers with 16MB of ram.
One unit per tile cancer is because of hexes.
Attrition system in EU4 does a great job of limiting the size of a stack.
Actually I do not even care about civ series anymore...


Can some explain to me what is the appeal of this series? I recently bought civ 5 and it's the most mind numbing "strategy" game I have ever played by far. There is no depth whatsoever compared to proper strategy games so I wonder why this shit is famous in the first place. Is it the casual simplistic approach that pleases the masses?

>not a peaceful ideology
>France and Britain are the ones who declare war on Germany
>U.S president is literally lying to the American people talking about secret maps he found made by Hitler to take over the world

This is actual war mongering propaganda of the HIGHEST degree captured on video.

>Fascism glorifies war,
Communism is cancer, on the same level as capitalism.
And it is an ideology that killed hundreds of million people and the one that glorifies death and war.

There are some good articles on civ fanatics from the Civ V era talking about how the spacing hexes force ruin the city economy that Civ sets up. You end up with very strange pressures based on the hex system and how much 'space' an individual city has that breaks other systems in comparison to IV, for example. VI was hoped to have the dev team embrace hexes fully and completely redo how cities worked, but districts (while being the mechaniv de jour) were the wrong approach.

But how do you calculate movement costs between tiles that are √2 units apart?

It's called civ 4.

You can't. That's why civ 5 is actually civ 1 and it was never done before.

Only Sup Forums retards actually care about a person's skin color when shit like intelligence and creativity is much more useful

>Hurf Hitler was actually peaceful, curse those evil Brits and French for attacking him completely unprovoked just because he sent his army on some field trips of peace to Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland

No one said anything about communism. Why are you talking about communism?

I don't care about skin colour. Jews have white skin if you didn't know.
I mean I'm interested. There are liberals who think it's about skin colour. So what do they think it is about the jews? Frankly I think they put little thought into this.

If I hear a hispanic or black or something talk about how there is racial discrimination over their skin then I got to ask. What do they think about the jews discrimination who are very
" white skinned "


In civ 1 travel between tiles that are √2 units apart is rounded to a movement cost of 1 unit, the same as traveling between two tiles that are 1 unit apart. Rounding it that way distorts travel distances and makes diagonal movement faster than lateral movement.

Spotted the retard

>There are legitimate reasons to be concerned about Fascism as an ideology.
>but communists were WORSE
>That's fine, but Fascism was still quite awful.
Why do Sup Forumstards out themselves so easily?

Then why bring up > preserve actual racial diversity

who gives a shit about race? In a 100 years we'll all be a mix but technologically advanced enough that you can look however you want

preparing the franchise to a major console realease

Play a chess game before talking, faggot.

>on the same level as capitalism

Civ Rev?

What the Brits and French did was the epitome of serious actions. They declared into a war that had no assurance of U.S or Soviet help and thus even if they won they would have been completely devastated in a way that would make ww1 look like nothing and leave Europe defenseless to the eyes of either U.S or Soviets.

It was such a mind boggling move for the Brits and French to actually make that of course Hitler didn't take them serious. There was no winning for them. So it only proved the jew theory right in that these states would move forward with war despite their people having no way to avoid losing and suffering even in the best scenario.

>communism is represented as if they copied kike propaganda
>fascism is represented as if they copied kike propaganda

>why mention reality of communism

You exist in a world unmoored from reality, stripped of reason and devoid of genuine purpose. Succumb to the despair that surrounded your life. Stop polluting society with your continued participation.

>Incoherent, off topic rambling trying to deflect arguments they can't deal with

Sup Forums doing what it does best

They didn't declare war because they saw what happened when every other state in europe didn't declare war.

Hitler outright stated his hostility toward the french on countless occasions, this is not "jew propaganda", this is literally written in mein kampf. A single united European power has always spelled doom for the Brits so they were forced to assist the french.

Civ 4 was also horribly flawed at launch

>prove the jew theory right that Britain and France were jew lovers that entered a 'losing war' because they were corrupted
>Germany pursued the Final Solution aggresively to it's detriment, accelerating their loss and the end of the war by dedicated valuable resources to extermination and destroying their industrial and commercial sectors due to racial animus

>arguments with actual substance once again on the side of Truth

No wonder our opposition are so quick to want to take away our free speech or when that fails to try violence.

We are the civilized men of this world. You people....I don't know how you people even see yourselves. Surrounded by trannies, faggots, foreigners, degenerates. I do believe you people are the real freedom fighters because you people fight for sexual degeneracy, homosexuality, mental illness like trannies, at some point pedophiles. Drugs. We are a static ideal of stoicism reserves for the straight man and woman while you people are an unending hole of " freedom " for every dark corner of the human mind that wishes to reveal itself.

Warren Buffet quote is clearly anti-communist though...

>word soup the ideology

>since civ 5
since civ4 actually, do you even remember base civ4? it had jack shit to do

Of course he doesn't, user.


The " Brits " being what? A government? An elite? Certainly not the British people/race, right? Of course it would be foolish to assume Hitler even in the most evil " master race " archetype propaganda would indeed not seek harm to what are Germanic Anglo Saxon people.

So the " Brits " fought for their government/elites/system and sacrificed the people for this aim.

Civ 4 was better than Civ3 and more complete on launch than Civ 5 is now with expansions.

lol what a retard

grow up

>civ 4 already had substantial mods less than a year of its release such as Fall from Heaven original

>I am 16 years old and have been diagnosed with a severe mental disorder: The poster

completly wrong

> dev sneaks his waifu in as the leader of France despite her being an awful person from the French perspective
A least she was French, and what made her an awful person from the French perspective?

I was born and raised in a communist country.
That later went trough a transition to capitalism.
I see trough your kike bullshit.

Fascism is inherently a shit form of government as its intention is to preserve traditional culture and capitalism at the same time despite the changing condition of the world and industry due to capitalism, hence it is a contradictory goal, and leads to its own self-destruction. Marxism on the other hand actually seeks to resolve the contradictions of capitalism. That's why there is Marxist theory and not fascist theory, because the former is based on logic and scientific causality while the latter is based on nostalgia.

>Sup Forums falling on identity politics to justify it's position
And no one is shocked.

i play Civ since 1999. and Civ 2 is my first Civ.
I have an account on civfanatics since it was made.
Only the most cancerous shills are trying to put Civ 4 in the same shit group with Civ 5. Remember that Civ 4 was released before horse armor.

They used a French woman that isn't Joan of Arc.

Jew more kike.

Another post that is completely unrelated to the actual topic.

Every single post you have made is you trying to evade the argument and talk about something else.

Why are all Sup Forums-tards so easy to see through and disarm in any argument?

Oh right, it's because their arguments fall apart under the slightest scrutiny.

She was Shitalian

That post is textbook. Enjoy being mad.


>arguments with substance


killing yourself will preserve your ideals better, why don't you try that?

National Socialism and other Nationalistic authoritarian governments such as Fascism are what seek to resolve the problems in Capitalism.

Marxism is just another route in which a foreigner, an alien , attempts to dismantle the power of a host people and damage or take their wealth/power while robbing them of their identity.

The dumbass is arguing Hitler was peaceful, there is a 0% chance he believes the Holocaust occurred.

>The solution to the problems of capitalism is to ban people we don't like from capitalism based solely on muh feelings

what could possibly go wrong?