Just bought Cuphead about an hour ago because of Sup Forums peer pressure and it turned out to be the most bullshit...

Just bought Cuphead about an hour ago because of Sup Forums peer pressure and it turned out to be the most bullshit hitboxes that I've seen in a platformer/schmup. the only good thing about this game is the way it looks. Otherwise you can just play any Metal Slug to get the same gameplay. I recommend it though.

theres a reason no one likes you and that you only have one friend, kys

Show me the boss bullet patterns.

it's shmup you retard.

>call of duity

kill yourself

Lawbreakers is good free weekend
CoD is still trash>not knowing your enemy to hate them
I have 6 friends that use steam IRL the rest are consolefags
I hate DBD and tried to get it refundedThe friend that is online bought it for me
>Implying those aren't great names
My friend bought me PUBG because I told him I would never give those Early Access chinks money. I don't even like the game and have been having more fun with Fortnite


>I have 6 friends that use steam IRL
No you have one friend. Stop lying on the internet faggot.

>free weekend
Hmm this stellar review was made August 9th..

Discord homo

I have it on PS4 too

>paying for lawbreakers
>paying for an FPS on a CONSOLE
>paying for LAWBREAKERS

you're more of a retard than I thought.

OP why are you such a lying faggot

for what purpose?

I got it on console because I was new to PC and couldn't get the mouse controls down. Tried it again during free weekend and it's better than console desu

Thing is I'm not lying. I haven't lied yet.

I want to see the game do great, so AAA devs might be convinced to dip back into 2D art again
Really fucking tired of this realism shit, I'd like to see what a AAA studio funding could do in terms of 2D now

did you deactivate your tumblr once you realized how much of a faggot you were?

>playing a fps on ps4
>trying a fps on a console when pc version already exist
>paying for lawbreakers
>steam name is lolannefrank
>only 1 friend on steam
ok we get it you're an edgy teen who struggles to make friends


Since back in the day some games ALMOST had a cartoony look about them. Obviously the graphics of the times made it that way, but, some games came close-ish to cartoon smooth animation in a early shitty tech way. If you didn't like it then you don't really appreciate retro games or ancient retro cartoons or never played any of the old games as they came out. But I grew up with sidescrollers and old Disney and Fleischer cartoons. I know I'm not the only one that has been waiting for a game like Cuphead to come out. Didn't think anyone would ever make a game like this, honestly.

i nominate this for worst thread of the week and month

I'm sorry.