What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Call of Duty 2 came out.
The first one had an ADD, hold W and shoot awful singleplayer, but at least the multiplayer was great. Then CoD2 came out with brain-numbing casualisation and from that point onward it just got worse.

The children on here will tell you that Call of Duty 4 or whichever game after that was good, because it was their first game.

Activision got greedy

WWII beta was good. MP seems promising and if you asking me I genuinely enjoyed Infinite Warfare campaign mode.
There's nothing wrong about COD it's the same as before, it always be the same game no matter the setting COD it's fun as always.
And I'm playing this franchise since COD2 for X360.

>And I'm playing this franchise since COD2 for X360.
Way to out yourself as an idiot, but everything you've written before that already did that.

WWII beta on PC is already ruined
dedicated servers would fix this but activision don't care

That's the problem if you wanna play COD you need a console and that sucks.
COD = Consoles

No german campoaign

incredible bad cod game

I felt the games after cod 2 were all ass. Cod 2 was where they should have stopped.

lowest common denominator pandering

They never stopped making them.

Call of Duty 4 is good where the maps are a decent size. That feature alone makes up like 50% of CoD games at this point. Prone blocked? Average gunplay? Standard procedure at this point.. The maps define the primary playstyle potential -- sneaky, snipy, etc.


>COD = Consoles


Looking at the games and their poor quality and disappointing size of content, you have to wonder how little Activision actually pays to have these games made, and just how high the return on investment is.

The team behind MW1 and 2 left to make Titanfall. MW3 was a disappointment and everything past BO2 isn't even worth playing.

the STG44 is the best weapon in CoD WW2:
it has no recoil at all, while being a 3 to 4 hit kill, with great iron sights, good firerate, great hipfire performance and a bayonet
put a reflex sigh, advanced rifling and extended mags on it and you have yourself an allrange combat machine

WTF is 'advanced rifling'?

it extends your range on your guns
~20ish % extended range, if I recall correct

your gun will be effective up to 40 meters instead of 20



the first cod was fun and united offensive was good. everything after that was trash


>no recoil at all
>codkids are happy with this

What an absolutely trash franchise