It is Sup Forums's birthday

It is Sup Forums's birthday

Post when you first came to Sup Forums and what your favorite era of Sup Forums was.

Fuck off with that shitty video, you cunt.




Hats are mobile exclusive

hiro got rid of hats.

he thought they were too immature and didn't fit into Sup Forums's new brand image.

so Sup Forums has been fixed on mobile or it has an official mobile app?

>desktop posting
Lmao get a load of this cuck! Clover is where it's at :^)

I've browsed long enough to know that if I dont see birthday hats, it isn't 4chans birthday. Fuck off.

Clover. Sup Forums's mobile site is still atrocious.

I don't own a phone because I don't go outside :'(. i wish i was just shitposting

Came here in 2011.

Favorite time was early 2013 when Metal Gear Rising, DmC, Bioshock Infinite, Walking Dead, and The Last of Us came out. Not because I like any of the games, but because of how Sup Forums reacted to all of these games.

2013 really was an interesting year for vidya

I dont have any party hats.

Fuck off that flash was cool as shit


Favourite time was just after /vg/ was created and all the tripfags finally fucked off. Pure bliss. Sup Forums is absolute fucking pigshit today mainly because the industry as a whole is pigshit.

Sure, you fat virgin.

I came to Sup Forums at the end of 2011, during the best sidekick contest. Used to just browse Sup Forums but that made me check Sup Forums out and I've been a regular since.

Came to Sup Forums in 2006, it was great. It was really slow and not every single poster was an aggressive cynical dick.


I was here since 2012 but didn't come to Sup Forums til 2013 or 14 cause I jumped from Sup Forums to Sup Forums and to Sup Forums

Came from one shit board to the next, congratulations.

Fuck off, you virgin. With that shit taste you should just kys.

Sup Forums was fine then, and I thought Sup Forums was fine too.

~07 it was original and could have actual discussion with less shitposting
rarely visit since gettting /fit/ even that board is on a downward spiral

>USB recently corrupted and I lost all my images dating back from then

Sup Forums had an era that wasn't cancer?

I came to Sup Forums in 2012 because of hearing about /mlp/ in the pony fandom, eventually years later it felt like everyone on /mlp/ was jaded about the show so i tried Sup Forums and its the same shit but for video games.

I first came to v in 2004 when the board got added.
It was pretty cool, but my favorite year here is still going to be when we trolled John Green's show 24/7 for weeks.
I miss when we just had fun actually but times change, i just kind of let all these kids do their thing and just lurk.
I barely post here as often as i used to, because nowadays i often end up having nothing to say.

I want Twilight Sparkle to sit on my face.

I came to this site in 2005. If we could get rid of Sup Forums, now would be my favorite time because this board isn't infested with PC game discussion, and we can actually talk about JRPGs openly.


>I came to this site in 2005.
>If we could get rid of Sup Forums

Sure you did faggot. If you were actually an oldfag you'd know there have been far worse things to plague this board than Sup Forums

When people like me browsing this site were still a minority

2009. I don't regret my overall time on Sup Forums but I really wish I could quit now since it really just takes away from playing video games and other hobbies.

I don't know about a best time but after 2012 I have regular burn outs where I hate every post on Sup Forums.

my first board was /d/

link hopping from site to site getting teased with small thumbnails of girls tied to water wheels. Somehow or another, I found Guro chan which led me to /d/.

Thought this place was an image gallery like Aries dies or something, so my learning curve for everything around here was pretty awkward.

that was 11 year ago. Damn

On and off lurking the whole site since 2010 but only bothered posting on it until like the end of 2015 once I realised how bum-fuckingly easy it is to "fit in" around here I guess it's the overlap in the users nowadays

No, there aren't.

first to Sup Forums when I was 16 in 2007. Can't believe I've been on this shithole for a decade at this point

I don't know what my favourite era was, but I'd say before memes became as widespread as they have been the last 5 years and before GG happened

Ill always miss the HARMONY threads

Yes, there certainly were. Shut the fuck up and stop astroturfing.

Been on 4chins for years. Maybe 5+ I guess. Mainly stayed on Sup Forums. Never wanted to go on Sup Forums cause all the pothead boards I frequent talk shit about it. I used to always see stuff along the lines of "at least this ain't Sup Forums". I decided to check it out 2 years ago. I like to come here for the latest gaming news. Honestly don't know where else to go for that. I don't go on reddit unless a tutorial or answer is there and I unsubed from ign and other channels because they spoil so much shit with thumbnails and titles. Not vidya stuff, TV shows and sometimes movies. Couldn't take it anymore.
I just like to lurk and argue with people if they're being irrational. Like if someone actually thinks botw is a 10/10 masterpiece and the best game ever made.

>once I realised how bum-fuckingly easy it is to "fit in" around here
If you had to pretend to fit in you are pretty pathetic

>People haven't realised purple was the best this entire time.

i don't remember when i got here, but i think umineko was still being translated back then

i'll just post flash game image so it might turn into general 00's internet nostalgia thread

been coming here for 7 1/2 years and i only started coming to Sup Forums a few months ago
maybe i took brain damage so now i think Sup Forums is nice
always been a /vg/ poster

A true patrician

>came here in May of 2004
>first post was on /h/ in Spring 2005
>when i discovered it i was only 7, 8 by the time that first post was made
>at the time of learning about it Sup Forums wasnt a board yet
>to date i have posted once on every board except /fk/ /5/ /yg/ /z/ and /vip/ (fuck off hiro) at least once
>i miss text boards and old Sup Forums more than /l/ for some reason
i think i came out okay

Is there seriously a filter for other boards

>/vg/ user
>Brain damaged

Checks out.

2006. At my first job at a video game store a coworker showed me some weird, somewhat funny images he saved to the work computer. Eventually I asked where he got them and he told me to look up Sup Forums. Immediately went to Sup Forums when I got home.

Around 2009 maybe. Started on Sup Forums like every dude that finds this site. Moved on to Sup Forums, /sci/, Sup Forums and some other boards. Browsing Sup Forums less and less as of late.

I've been here 7 years and every minute of it has been as shit as the last.

I haven't been on here for a year, I come on today and it makes me sad.

Sad because you have no friends or acquaintances that talk to you or hang out with you? Or is it because you don't like the content here?

>been on /h/ since 7
Closest thing to /h/ I had at that age was cartoon shirly temple getting eaten alive by king kong while she screamed.

last month

I love you guys but if we reveal ourselves too much we get fucking flooded and trolled.
Keep your autism on the dl you tards.

>if we could get rid of pol
When that place first came about im pretty sure alot of us btards just used it to fuck around and troll people who took our shit seriously.
Then pic related happened and its been god fucking awful for the site as a whole ever since.
Thanks m00t

Probably six years ago

I can't tell if the quality has declined

Not him but both

>"I haven't been on here for a year"
If I had no friends then I would be sat here every day like you wasting your life away :)

Reminder Le it was always shit xd-fags need to neck themselves.

I had access to my own laptop, an r52 thinkpad that was given to me in 2002, with dialup so i essentially had unsupervised access to anything my young mind wanted answers to

i have learned more and been raised more from technology than people have. it didnt take long to realize porn was cool to me

It got way worse
Things were different before 2011

>I've been here just a few months shy of a decade.
I mostly just miss moot.

good web communities dont exist any more. show me one

i miss
>.net domain
>Mr Spooky
>triforce (since its filtered permanently now)

Last summer and last summer

is there no way to make a proper triforce now

Cmon now user, I can't come here everyday. I'll admit I visit /gif/ very often, it's a good place to find porn.
Still, you've come back user. Why?

correct. filters have made it impossible to do

I don't have a favorite time, I generally liked it when we collectively laughed at overhyped games with some hilariously shitty design choices and/or devs that behaved like idiots. I.e. stuff like Heavy Rain, DmC:DmC, ME3 and SWTOR of course.

E3 threads were also pretty great.

Or ridiculous hype with lots of OC like Japan Time.

I came here to discuss vanilla SFIV in the arcades. Before then I used the site for porn.

I miss dubs

I come here early this year, a-am i welcome guys?

mods can still get dubs actually. its only normal posters that cant get dubs+

I'd found Sup Forums in high school (2004, 2005-ish) and mostly for Sup Forums and /h/. I returned and was a regular Sup Forums poster for about a year before coming to Sup Forums in 2009.

My first thread was a Final Fantasy 12 thread about Fran. I got called a faggot. Been here ever since.

Definitely when people laughed at horse armour.

Now it's just the status quo.

Favourite era was when people came from Sup Forums to play TF2 on the same server and micspam dumb shit for hours.

I couldn't play on normal servers anymore, cause it was just too weird without the constant AMV soundtrack and Gayroll.

fuck Sup Forums, censorship government style

I honestly have no idea how I winded up here. What was happening in 2010/2011 that possibly attracted me to this site?


Most likely porn or something close to porn. You probably came back the next day and was wondering why the web page said 404. We all did at some point so don't lie now.

I miss noko, dubs, visible sage, submit, classic filters, triforce, and back when baiting was just called trolling and (you) wasn't a thing. God I fucking hate (you) and how it's used these days.
>I just wanted to get some (you)s
>give me some (you)s
It sounds so cringy and childish. I just want to talk about video games.

pools closed due to aids

>tfw 11 years

I want to leave, but I haven't got anywhere else to go.

No, I definitely came here for something vidya-related, but I definitely stayed because of the porn.

>vidya discussion on Sup Forums
>eventually we get designated vidya board
>only rule is keep it vidya
>to date we have failed this only fucking rule

i went on /mlp/ only in 2012 when i was a horsefucker, but i only went on other boards months after i stopped being one in 2013
it hurts to be a newfag

oh, the irony

There is nowhere else to go. I can't even browse normal forums anymore without feeling pure disgust.

Which one was your favorite. The answer to this question is very important, user.

now i'm wondering, are we living in dark ages of Sup Forums?

think about it, every "generation" had something they could be identified with. suiseiseki, anonymose with fawkes masks and their actions, various dramas and memes, trolls, troll faces, boxxies, whatever. what will you remember from last years in the future? what will be logo of current era of Sup Forums? or greatest accomplishment?

are you 22 stone and neckbeard?

>tfw used to go on habbo hotel damn near every day
I remember getting banned for calling some bar tender a bitch since he let some girl work there and not me.

I still have faith that Sup Forums can talk about video games. Every once in a while we have some great vidya threads. It's just that now it's becoming increasingly rare these days.

2005ish when console wars were for retards.

We all deserve each other. Besides, I find it sadder that we're the only board with a decent birthday thread up.

That's what i actually meant.


2006. Fuck I'm old.

Sup Forums has always been cancer and that's just okay.

It's been so long. Fuck you.

All those "Anonymous" videos they post on YouTube with conspiracy theories and weird messages and shit. That's the legacy of this generation.

Nobody's coordinating shit on here these days.

Starting posting in 2006

>posting efficiency has improved
>extensions and ease of use have become so easy
>spend less time making the same content
>most OC is literally gone
>fun times are gone
>everything is dry bland stale or some other thing

at the benefit of being easier to use, we lost what made it special