Girlfriend doesn't play vidya

>girlfriend doesn't play vidya
>buy an SNES Classic to ease her into vidya
>she loves it
>won't stop playing, so I don't get a turn

What the fuck do I do now?

Other urls found in this thread:


Play with her if the snes classic lets you, I don't know much about it though. Failing that just emulate some snes games you can play together

hi smackey

bet her vagina smells like cheesy potatoes

What a shit setup. That said, she's a thicc qt. Got any belly pics?

If she doesn't play any videogames in that physical state, what the fuck are her hobbies? Eating the TV?

Fat fuckers

she's fat


Holy shit fat. American? This must be american. You don’t see people this fat over here in europe

Put a treadmill in front of the TV

buy her a treadmill

You must not have eyes, then.

She's a big girl.

>itt: jealous Sup Forumsirgins make fun of OP's gf to mask their pain for not having gf


The same you do when she is having sex with black dudes. You watch.

I know you amerifats cant into food, but you can atleast try jes

Idk play with her or just leave her to it?

normally they are gypsies and woniggers if they are this fat where I live

>No fats in Europe

I always love this narrative. I have seen people that size in the U.K, Germany, and The Netherlands

Her neck is going hurt after playing like that for an extended period of time

This fat bitch doesn't love op, she loves the pizza he buys her everyday

Find a new slim gf

Harpoon that thing, lad.


you plug up wii fit instead

fuckin kek

Well, when this used to happen with me and my cousin, I called my mom.
Did you trued this?

OP if this real and not bait then shame on you for subjecting you poor GF to this abuse here. Nothing wrong with being bigger but you had to have known that no one on this site would give you actual advice and instead just rip into your GFs wieght.

I initially was going to suggest at least providing her with a chair but it looks like she'd break it after 10 minutes.

>50 thick threads on Sup Forums every day
>OP posts his actual thick gf

you people are weird

Wish I could find a nigress like this. Would ditch my trap gf in an instant.

muh dick likes thicc

Is your post real and not bait though? I really can't tell if you're actually pathetic or just pretending

Fuck her in the anus raw while she BING BING WAHOOs you redditor fuck.

Your gf is fat, not thick. She's fucking round, my man.

Scream in her ear that it's your turn

I guess people don't want actual thicc then? Seems the obvious answer you silly billy

I live in the uk and I've seen like 20 people that fat, in america it's most people.

It's real. Nothing wrong with a little empathy for another person.

I don't know, you have sex with your gf and other girl?
I don't think I could trade sucking a female penis to suck a female vagina everyday.

you've never been to the usa, you obese britkike. your obesity rate is the same as the usa

this has to be a reddit post. even worse the people shitting on her in this thread have probably never had sex.

did somebody ask

It's a fun roleplay experience. Boss Ur little sloots about

Oh shit, forgot about that. I think I channeled it from my subconscious.

>tfw no submissive nigress gf

Nothing wrong with calling someone out on being fat either. It's not mocking a genetic feature like "ugly face", this is just a picture of a lazy person. And you're an enabler. She's gonna die at 50 because of people like you.


Most studies i find use different standards for the uk and us.

>gf is a fat whale that can barely move
>let's get her into a hobby that will make her move even less and get her even fatter lmao

Honestly I wish I had a chubby gf who was into gaming to do this too. I actually watch porn that does this a lot.

Bitch about it on the Internet like a fucking pussy.

Jesus Christ op get a pair of balls

>buy your fat girlfriend a video game machine

Good plan. You are probably a fatfuck also, so perhaps its not so bad for you.

bet she only eat cheese and potatoes

For him.

Nice whale, what is its name?

That's his plan

It unironically seems sort of comfy

>shitty post formatting

>Posts this beast of burden on here expecting people to be jealous

Thicc is only hot when it's a 2d woman, and most of the time not even then

Bitch is spherical

release him back into the ocean

Fucking Kekd

Hope she means calling her a nigger during sex and not just casually saying "nigga". That's pretty hot.


get a thin one

show her this thread

>Tfw you will never bleach this nigress

Life is suffering

How do you fit her into that tiny cage?

Only because Scotland inflates the figures.


okay, then in the usa it's only because niggers and spics inflate the figures since their women sit at nearly a 50% obesity rate and the men at a 40%, britkike


what a fucking whale

>OP has bars on the stairs just in case it tries to escape

I'm not an enabler. If that were my GF we'd be doing a few 5ks a week. There's a difference between encouraging someone to be healthy and being hurtful. Now sometimes people are stubborn and won't change until you get harsh with them. My lil bro was overweight and didn't do much about it until we straight up told him he's overweight and needs to control himself. Still it's different than shouting "white whale, man the harpoons" about someone you don't know. All of us struggle through this sick charade called life. Some people struggle more than others. No need to be the one making it worse for anyone.

I know what fantasy I'll be masturbating to tonight!

Tell her theres a pizza downstairs then push her down so she breaks her neck.
Then throw yourself down for dating a walking donut depository.

I haven't had sex in going on 3 years and I would never fuck an ugly ass land whale like that, I'd rather be a virgin. Have some fucking standards.

I saw your mum last night & she was plenty fat you lying pissfag

Are those animals in the cages

*tips fedora*

please erase yourself

*tibs bedora*


I kek'd

Can you ease her into a diet?

>it's a "we don't count Scotland as part of the UK" episode

Holy shit I recognise that house. My ex lives there.
Actually it's because she owns a cat.

Dunno about that, bet he could grease her into just about anything though

Fuck. Are there any actually attractive nigress porn stars? I generally steer pretty clear but this kinda makes me want to check some out

Is that her in the pic?

/s/ occasionally has good negress threads

With enough Crisco could you force her into that cat carrier?

>my neighbour is so jealous that I fuck my dog, I bet he's just insulting me because he's masking his pain because his wife has been dead for a decade


Not the only classic you have been buying her has it, op

You idiot. You fed her too much now she can't fit back in the cage in front of her.


Your heart is in the right place, but your web browser isn't

Skin Diamond gets me solid, but shes a pretty light skinned nigress. Can't comment on the dark ass ones as I don't find any of them attractive.