Do not post here. I'm just putting a hat on my wife, this is none of your business.
Do not post here. I'm just putting a hat on my wife, this is none of your business
*posts here*
Better dead than Al Bhed ya?
You failed, though.
We seem to have a problem here OP. That is in fact, my wife.
you're wife shit!
You're wife is gay
wrong wife
What a coincidence I am also posting your wife.
>Light, light, light
Someone livin the healthy life right there
Your wife is cute! Cute!
that's just a typical weekly trash load for an american household
Damn I wish. I wish she could impregnate my Warden's feminine pussy like the devs originally planned.
Your wife is a smelly swamp witch who can't even wear a fucking hat properly.
Her sweat naturally smells great
I don't believe you.
The fuck are you looking at?
Is DAI as bad as it looks?
It's not as good as oranges but a little better than 2
Aside from the fetch sidequests, it's pretty good.
it wasn't as bad as i would have thought.
can't say i liked it all that much, but it was a bit better than expected. then again, i expected complete and utter shit, so you know.
look at all these replies, your waifu is a whore.
Don't mind me, just pirating your wife.
The story is flawed and generic. Combat is dumbed down, with tactical slots gone and only 8 active abilities per character available. The companions and advisors are mostly fine, but once you look at characters outside this category you lose any substance. Evil guys are pure evil (with one notable optional exception) and everyone else just doesn't get enough screen time to get invested in them (I also blame all those novels DAI is building upon. Perhaps the experience is better if you know what happened in them).
Threre are drastic decision during the main story, but it has no effect on the game world afterwards. Dialogue has almost no impact on the given situations and doesn't contribute to a personality like in DA2. Special dialogue options must be unlocked via spending special skill points. They usually don't grant any benefit though. Your character just doesn't sound as stupid.
The maps are beautiful, but too large for the content they offer. Also this content are mostly fetch quests, with one "major" questline per map. About half of them don't have any impact on the main story.
Otherwise the game is mediocre when it comes to visuals. I would advise to use Reshade. Everything in this game is shiny (e.g. wet wood shimmering like metal).
They wanted to make it possible to let morrigan impregnate your female warden via magic. We all know it means she would have given herself a magical futacock to pump you full with seed.
plz stop
>only 8 active abilities per character available.
This is literally the only thing I absolute hate about the game. Well, that and the fact that the final dlc is bugged as fuck
Always want to replay that game because you get to be a fucking Inquisitor with a large private army, people seeing you close to being a god and that you can execute prisoners for not acknowledging your title
always stop because of all the quests shit
I completed the game 100% though, so there's no reason anyway
the multiplayer was interesting though.. to bad it was dead when I started playing