Is Kotaku the worst gaming site?
Is Kotaku the worst gaming site?
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No it's Polygon
But it's very close
>trying to pick the worst turd in a toilet bowl
Ugh jesus, kill it with fire.
After gawker died, thank based Hogan and that gay tech dude Thiel, Kotaku became the worst site on the internet, on occasion usurped by huffpo
Fuck off Sup Forums
>hulk hogan kills kotaku
>it's somehow still alive
make it stop
Nice hat, Heather.
Are there any good gaming websites that don't give a fuck about socjus, celebrate tittays and games and actually have fun?
Hello, Sup Forums.
>white ******people*******
Lmao no wonder you're going extinct. Natural selection
this isn't a Sup Forums issue. Kotaku will not shut the fuck up about gays and trans when I just want to know about vidya, not your identity politics
Is this Linus after transition
Kotaky and polygon = buzzfeed of games
that doesn't mean buzzfeed games don't exist.
They are absolute garbage, usafags should purge their liberals.
ANyone remember when kotaku busted out the prototype nintendo DS leaks? That shit was great.
It's fallen far.
>Ekran Resmi
>only Sup Forums hates videogaem ''journalists''
How embarrassing.
hi nigger. :)
gamesarefun and 1up are the only good video game news/media outlets that ever existed. they are both of course dead as shit now.
honorary mention to gametrailers back when their modus operandi was uploading game trailers
Looks like linustechtips in drag
I hoped they would all go down in flames, but sadly not.
yes, kotaku.
you're the only ones that give a fuck about "socjus"
>Grrrr he has pink hair guizz!!!
Fuck off
check your privilege
Turns out he worked at Starbucks, not surprised.
As I said, hello Sup Forums.
Stop false-flagging.
I'm good friends with him, he identifies as a male.
Honestly, people who quote every post in the thread are the equivalent of someone yelling inside the restaurant.
If you don't have anything compelling to say, say nothing, doing this is like begging for existencial validation.
Life can be overwhelming at times, but you can always quit.
>"once I impregnate this white woman, white males will be gone for good!!"
>gets shot trying to steal a TV
>pawg grows up and has more kids by a white dude
>gasping for air through the bullet hole that punctured his lungs
1/4 of kotaku posts are socjus shill bullshit and hating men. Are you retarded?
I hate pol but these fluidgender faggots are just annoying as fuck.
show me some right now
They make this shit up for attention and acceptance of other fucking termites. I can only imagine how stupid they will feel one day, assuming they don't die first due to body positivity leading to heart failure at the age of 28
Highlight reels are their only redeeming quality although it's gotten flooded with pubg
If reading this doesn't make you feel stupid nothing will
I think I'm in love. Who is this semen demon?
couldn't find one from this year?
you said a quarter of their content. post more.
"I spent less than 20 minutes outside. Five of those minutes were spent enjoying the game. One of those minutes I spent trying to look as pleasant and nonthreatening as possible as I walked past a somewhat visibly disturbed white woman on her way to the bus stop. I spent the other 14 minutes being distracted from the game by thoughts of the countless Black Men who have had the police called on them because they looked “suspicious” or wondering what a second amendment exercising individual might do if I walked past their window a 3rd or 4th time in search of a Jigglypuff."
go away patricia hernandez
I mean he's not wrong
It reads like satire of Sup Forums through inversion.
>capitalizes Black, but not white
>just like Sup Forumstard types capitalize White, but not black
quit being retarded on purpose
I think Kotaku and Polygon is the same shit. Both garbage.
not even a crazy article, considering that it's wtitten by a black man and when he wrote it. literally just some dude talking about his fears. it's only tangentially gaming related but who cares, they have a really high output of articles anyway.
>written by a literally gay wigger
It really doesn't get more stupid than that.
shit the fuck up shitlord
I assure you I'm not doing it on purpose
did that sound clever in your head?
Yes very
>posts celebrity sex tape
>celebrity in tape threatens with suing so hard, their grandchildren are gonna need grandchildren lawyers
>posts a full length post detailing how they're gonna keep the video up
Was it orchestrated? Nobody can be this dumb.
siliconera and
You ferget that Denton then spent the courtcase saying he would put cp on his website if it involved a celebrity
>hamfisted morals from the immoral
Naaah, I'm going to pass