Vae Victis

I think I'm almost done with pic related just got the soul reaver. there was a BO thread a while back and got me wanting to play it (after searching for the PC download for 2 days). Other than turning into a wolf dodging everything and having to get out of wolf form to chop some fucking trees, it was pretty fun. I played Soul Reaver first, but never finished it because the dreamcast had a habit on dying on me. Is BO2 worth it? IIRC it was shit and irrelevant like DMC2.
LoK thread.

>Blood Omen
Maaaan such memories.
I still remember playing it when I was eight...
Always getting frustated as fuck because they kill you at the beginning and my childish brain thought this was bad(when it's important lore lmao)

What the fuck?! The game literally plays a cutscene right after and starts you off playing again. Did you really not process this to be scripted?!

the VO work on this series is awesome.

BO2 was handled by another writer, and introduced a bunch of plot holes to the setting.Defiance patched most of them later.

BO2 is still a decent early 00s 3D platformer/action game, though. A bunch of unique mechanics, pretty authentic animation work (that blocking, unf), and some really grotesque elements in the setting, if you're into that sort of thing.

My eight-year old brain didn't register it as scripted.. lmfao.
That doesn't mean I eventually decided to continue and finish the game

When I was a kid I'd see screenshots for Soul Reaver 2 in magazines and think it was Dreamcast exclusive because of the health bar.

>plot holes
You do realize SR2 explicitly says "I saw Kain's memories blooming and dying right before his eyes" implying that due to them fucking with timeline, Kain's background got altered as well with some memories and events from his past literally being overwritten with new ones, the BO2 ones.

I actually enjoyed it in a DC. Lol!
Soul Reaver 2 is KINO

SR2 didn't even come out on Dreamcast.
But Dreamcast does have the absolutely best version of Soul Reaver 1.


No, BO2 is a piece of shit. But you must play SR1&2 and Defiance.

Victis you goddamn retard, it's Vae Victis, learn to latin.

But is fun? PS2 games were iffy around that year.
I guess everyone has their moments. I remember getting stuck cause I didn't know how to wall jump at the beginning of MMX for 20 minutes.
I got a chuckle.

BO2 was garbage.

>But is fun?
It was for me. Will it be for you? I don't know. Only one way to find out.

You won't trick me newfriend

Vae victis! I have found the Heart of Darkness! And you... go to oblivion!

I guess I'll give it about 4 hours. That seems long enough, right? I plan to play all the LoK games anyway. The world of Nosgoth is too much fun.

Just treat it like a darker, grittier spinoff (and I don't mean that in a DmC sense), and play the "proper" LoK games afterwards to complete the story.

Good luck. I thought BO2 was a clunky piece of shit but maybe you'll find a way to power through.

The floor mural is literally a metaphor for Raziel killing himself.

It can't be clunkier than something like Tomb Raider ps1 right?

Yeah nah it's not particularly clunky, it's just empty, ugly, stupid story and an action game in a story driven IP

>blood omen
Best LoK game in the series

BO2 is the only game in the series that approaches good gameplay but people dont like it cause of the story

BO2 is definitely the worst entry in the series and people hate it because it introduced quite a few plotholes, but let's not pretend that a time travel story would ever work without plot holes. If you don't like the gameplay then you should at least read up on the story as it is at least somewhat relevant. They tried to make the best of it in Defiance.

I wouldn't put it on PS1 levels, I just didn't like how it felt.

It also grows wings in Spectral.

Dude, you're not supposed to actually play this one. You got memed on.

>not enjoying the pinnacle of block pushing puzzles that is soul reaver