I want to make a game. I'm ok at programing, nothing amazing, but i can handle myself. I have an engine - Unity. But the thing i don't have is an idea. Do you have any? Something small, i'm not that good...
I want to make a game. I'm ok at programing, nothing amazing, but i can handle myself. I have an engine - Unity...
Anime Tiddies with like pong or something, I dunno, it doesn't matter about the second part.
make an /ss/ game
A block pushing puzzle game
Cats dont like ham.
Don't worry OP, most devs are in the same position you're in.
First tell me how much will you pay me
>Something small
Reverse tower defence game where you play as a necromancer and send out troops of undead to pillage dungeons and castles and whatever. Instead of equipment/inventory you instead learn to stitch together bodies of different creatures together, with different limbs giving your abomination different stats.
I always loved the idea of making a simple short RPG in your own hometown.
I like these. They're really good!