Do perfectly the entire trial

>do perfectly the entire trial
>lose all your health at the rhythm game at the end
I hate this.
Why does Danganronpa have so many minigames?

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Is the rhythm game still awful like 2's was or did they fix it?

It's somehow worse

On the PC version they messed up the inputs. A is S and S is A. Makes the MEAT ON THE BONE even more meaty because you have to remember which button is actually the real button.

I don't know why they fucked with it. It was fine in the first game.

Using a dualshock made it even harder since it doesnt even use letters

I found it fun and it was really similar to DR1's so yeah.

what was the special thing you got for playing the demo? i assume they just hand you some free monocoins or something

man I didn't understand how the minigame worked, was convinced it was "ON THE MEAT BONE" and destroyed my perfect run by entering "ON THE MEAT BONE" like 5 times

333 monocoins and an item that triggers a scene.

The item is not exclusive to the ones who have played the demo, though, the scene is just early enough in the game that it's hard to achieve said scene otherwise.

thanks user

I love minigames. Thank God for the casino

I suck at these things, and still managed to pass every time.
I dislike the minigames, but they're part of the DR experience, what can you do.

So what's hangmans gambit like in V3? Quick like the original's or an overly long slog like in 2?

Much faster but more annoying

Can you fail trials completely in 2/V3? Just started 2. Is it like 1 where you just get a continue screen and start from a forgiving checkpoint or do you have to redo the trial? I just started 2.

Is it me or does 2 have a way weaker start?

forgiving checkpoints
also dr2 has the best plot

>more annoying
Compared to 2, it's practically a mercy.

2 is weaker overall IMO.

DR2 is pure ludo.

2 has lower low points but the high points.. hooo boy.

IMO cases 1-3 are pretty underwhelming, and most of the cast is obnoxious.

It's a good game for sure. But I preferred 1's setting, cast, story, and especially trial gameplay. Not by a lot, mind you.

I don't mind (most of) the cast in 2, I just liked 1's more. 2 had my favorite character though.


anyone else have a problem with GRAVEL IN THE SWIMSUIT

That it was dumb? Yeah.

He's everyone's favorite character, user.
I loved these. Wish there were more of them.

I really hope you don't mean Nagito. Dude would have been the worst character if it weren't for the chef. Those two, plus Gundam, were the only ones I disliked in 2. I intended to post a picture of my favorite with my last post but forgot.

awful awful taste, like holy shit that's bad


>hates sexman, chuunibro and hopeman
>likes whiny bitch that expects men to follow her ideals


So which of those three did you like? Hopeman was annoying, as was Gundams chuuni shit. I didn't like the chef's design but that's a matter of preference.

We all know the best girl of 2, but who is the best girl of three? I can't decide between miu and loli.

How was she whiny? Are you sure your not thinking of Mikan or Hiyoko?

How is it even possible to hate hopeman he's responsible for the best case in the series


They were all great. I can see how some people might think Nagito is annoying, but he's nothing compared to that edgy faggot Kokichi.

Because everything before that was obnoxious? He was annoying nearly the entire game.


>mentions worst characters without this literal shitlord

kokichi's entire character did not make sense including his ultimate

He wasn't that bad.

Miu is my waifiu!

It was a lie. He's not some supreme leader, he just led some little group of juggalos.

It's only messed up because it uses 360 buttons for some fucking reason. It "makes sense" if you know the layout of the controller but it should still show the prompts for what you're actually using. Everything else in the game is the same way, I don't know why they let it ship like this.

Why are you complaining about more content?

In any case I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

Does anyone know what the super lucky button is for?

Did they make the story of 1 and the case 5 of 2 at the same time? I feel like they did and couldn't fit dr2's case 5 in the first game so they make the sequel just for it. The whole story of 2 feels like a drag/filler till case 5

I can't believe that Monokid fucking dies in NDRV3

Miu is a gift that just keeps on fucking giving

Didn't know Miu was such a womanlet

>shit doesn't immediately explode towards the end before you can even react
It's far better.

>tfw 100k from each outlaw run attempt
I don't even know what to do with these coins now, I wish I could trade them back for monocoins

She truly is.

>2's rhythm game is shit

How bad are we talking here, I've still got the 2nd one waiting to be played on my Vita, finished the 1st one already.

I thought Aikido girl was just gonna be a more obnoxious Mahiru but there's times where she's surprisingly good. Is it simply because she isn't a Case 2 victim or is she genuinely better written?

That caught me off guard

Why did Tsumagi get cospox when she impersonated Kaede?

she cosplayed pink kaede

Tenko was awful compared to Mahiru. Mahiru held men to a higher standard while Tenko just fucking hates men.

Case 2 victim. Mahiru isn't bad at all but got killed before she could truly warm up to everyone.

>I wish I could trade them back for monocoins
You know Maki's skills makes it very easy to get them right

I had to look up a guide for this.

You can cheese it with Fever Time, don't worry about it.

Now ”"""""""""""Improved"""""""""""""" Hangman's Gambit is a bad game.

i heard somewhere that tenko is very polite to everybody in the japanese version and it goes beyond her hatred of men
but maybe it was just lost in translation

>Gets cospox when trying to cosplay real people
>Argues that all participants in the current killing game are fictional in the final trial
Explain this inconsistency, Kodaka.

Yeah but that's still like 15 minutes for a trial to get 800 or something when outlaw run, assuming a rate of 10 casino coins per monocoin, is 10k in less than 3 minutes. I'll get around to getting more coins eventually, doing the rpg shit right now.

Neither the music nor the visual prompts seemed to match up with the correct inputs. Not sure if it's a latency issue with my TV (I played the PS4 ports) but I has zero problems with it in the first game. And I have experience with rhythm games so it's not that they're too hard. It just seems busted. They also simplified them so locking on and shooting are the same button. They seem to take longer to complete overall due to the health system being changed.

It's a psychological condition and as long as she believes somebody to be real she doesn't get cospox?

It was a lie

Dangan de Ronpa hechikanism

danganronpa x umineko game when?

Maybe she just had the Nanokumas paint her pink. You know, because we Metal Gear now, and can handwave shit through nanomachines.

But that makes even less sense because she clearly percieves all danganronpa characters as fictional characters.

Assuming, of course, the whole cospox thing isn't something she made up to throw away suspicion from herself.

It was probably a lie so every case wouldn't be "ay yo hold up, I think tsumugi cosplayed as me to frame me"

Pretty sure she's a lying cunt.

she's cosplaying as the ultimate cosplayer who would get cospox if she cosplays real people now shut up

Well cospox isn't real so

neither is space aids yet here's Kaito

Neither is Danganronpa, it's all フィクション.

>you now realize that all plotholes and inconsistencies can be ignored because of the way the TV meta universe works
BRAVO KODAKA, you wrote a game that is literally impossible to criticize.

This is probably the best part of every trial.

Uso da yo!


Was there any foreshadowing in 1 or 2 for V3's ending?

They aren't connected like that.


I finished V3 yesterday and honestly I was stumped all the way through the finale
What the fuck were they thinking, I know BRAVO KODAKA is a meme but jesus christ

This is arguably the best song in V3
Except maybe Clair de Lune because it makes me tear up like a little faggot


Literally flawless taste.

y-you too user


Oh God, I forgot about the MEAT ON THE BONE. Fuck that one.

As we see from the Monokids, the people orchestrating the show are notoriously bad at following their scripts.


This was so fucking cute.

Who was everyone's favorite Monokid?