What went sooo wrong with MvC:I that it was outsold by Pokken in Japan and even in UK (Nintendo less popular territoy)

What went sooo wrong with MvC:I that it was outsold by Pokken in Japan and even in UK (Nintendo less popular territoy)

hell, Pokken in Japan only sold 41% of the initial shiptment and Still sold better

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Might as well get this out of the way.

>shit roster
>reused assets
>sigma is dlc
>terrible soundtrack
>terrible voice work
>terrible aesthetics
>collector's edition
>combofiend and filipino gayboy
>chun li's face
>dante's face
>story mode
>dlc on announcement
>who are you quoting

it being outsold in the UK is kinda sorta shocking but japan makes sense. japan does not give a fuck, not even a fuck about the marvel vs capcom series.

the series is only big here in the US for obvious reasons and even then this one still sold like hot garbage here

You're forgetting:

>No X-men

People got mad this game was being used as an advertisement tool for marvel movies instead of how it's usually used to push fox movies *shrugging emoji*

Even KoF of all games did better on its opening weekend than marvel.

>Last week’s other fighting game release, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, sold 8,273 copies on PlayStation 4.

>SNK’s fighting game sequel The King of Fighters XIV for PlayStation 4, which opened at 20,655 copies sold

KoF sold more on its opening week (more than twice as much) in Japan than Marvel it's opening week in Japan. Fucking KoF, a game that barely gets any attention outside of latin america and china and is considered irrelevant nothing but chink and spicshit in this place. One would think that a game with a brand name (marvel) that is as widely known as it is would be able to outsell something like KoF no matter what.

inb4 japs don't like marvel. Marvel 3 sold way more within the same time frame in the same region (something like 80K IIRC)..

Next game should be just Capcom characters.
They need to drop the marvel cast from it marvel is to much of a clusterfuck right now.
Dont expect the Xmen or dead pool or doom or any of the acualy interesting characters ever to come back in to the game.
Wo marvel Capcom can just add we characters they want.

I'm just surprised how much capdrones there are in Sup Forums who blindly defend it

It pushed marvel comics in general not fox movies.
All characters in MVC3 are comic book versions of themselves.

t. casual story mode shitter
Go play injustice 2

Making and selling games is business and you gotta make money and all, but this game felt so heartless like there was no passion at all behind it. It just seems like a business transaction. And no matter how much business justification you try to make about it, if you can't sell it as a game and not a business venture or marketing scheme, then you've already lost a sale by that alone.

This was a very dishonest development.

I think it's hilarious that a Capdrone's defense is something like "uhhh you didn't rike it??? I better guilt you out of you're are attitude to make you go buy it by using ad homonyms so you can be a capdrone like me!!! surely that'll work to increase sales pls someone buy this game fuck you haters go play injustass 2 story mode only faggots this game is for REAL players"

Real players are like what, 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of this world population, given the sales.

All they had to do was just make the current 6 DLC characters playable day one not DLC.
Whats the point of selling DLC that should be in the base game from the beginning if if no one is gonna buy your game because of it in the first place.
I guarantee that the sales would have bean much bigger if even a success if they added Sigma B panther Mhunter and Venom to the game from the start.

Their livelihood depends on it. Esports is big money.

As someone who bit the bullet all i can say about the game is that everything about it other than the game play is shit.

Cast is jsut recycled shit from UMVC3. I only like 5 characters in the entire game.
Ost is mostly bad.
Stages are mostly bland like only 2 are acualy good.
Story is a meh waste of time.

But the game is just so much fun to play and the net code is one of the best for a 2d fighter right now.

They might as well just add Venom through a free update at the rate this shitshow is going. Why not just try and pick up as much spaghetti as possible? Knowing Capcom, they'd be too much of a Jew to do this though.

It's amazing that sales aren't an indicator of a good game until a game someone doesnt like gets bad sales

>spider-man infinite with reality stone
>multiple characters, but most notably dante, have set ups that allow them to turn normal moves into overheads
>many specials, most notably gamora's blasters, can't be pushblocked or reflected
>everyone's gameplan is use beam super to lock opponent down and then tag out and go for the overhead mixup

Nah, the gameplay is trash too.

Ayy, I can think of another fighting game that was shat on for sales as well as for graphics, both being reasons that MvCI was defended for or not considered all that important.


Just 4 female characters.

>venom is dlc
>ugly graphics
>and not even wolverine as a playable xmen
yeah, there is the problem... also, it is a fighting game and most of the audience is very nick-picky, so trying to sell them something that a lot of popular players seen to be hating is kinda of impossible, not saying they are not justified on hating the game but damn... for me it doesn't look that bad

MvC is only big in the US. That said, even in the US it sold horribly.


they should have just stayed with the cell-shaded graphics, they look a lot nicer that whatever they are using in-game

The logic is they're selling it BASED on a fucking brand, and then you turn around and pretend like that doesn't matter? It's just double talk and hypocrisy. Oh, we're gonna use the Marvel brand! What's that? Characters matter? No, just think of it as functions! Instead of Capcom just creating a totally new IP and using those so-called "functions" in it, we're gonna take a pre-existing IP that the fans just love, strip it of a majority of those things, and market it as functions and make you confused!

It's fucking stupid.

Is it as bad a fuckup as KoF 12? I bought this shit day one for 60 BUCKS like a dumbass

What's KOF12? I don't know what you're talking about.

Why the fuck didn't they use Ghost Trick characters, even if it was only Sissel the series deserves more respect.

That's what Capcom gets for betraying Nintendo. Monster Hunter World will flop too.

You don't even need beeam super just a normal fireball or dante pistols are enough to create an opening

>no x-men
>only thing missing to make marvel's side a mcu wankfest is changing the characters to be exactly like the movie versions
>you want more capcom characters? too bad, have slightly less shitty black widow instead.

Or maybe go full on 'tatsunoko vs capcom' and find a new group/company to put instead of marvel.

I just sort of figure it's capcom's strategy finally coming back to bite them in the ass. Most people know there will be some "MvC: I Ultra" or something coming out within a year that expands the roster even further so it's better to just wait until the actual final version is released.

What did they do to poor Arthur?

This game flopped. Monster Hunter World is next. Capcom will come groveling back to Nintendo soon.


You gonna try a 3rd time?

I'm glad they took out the filthy mutie miggers and their broken tier fucking characters


Capdrones are so mad that their game is a failure.

I will at least it looks like game that came out in 2017

You know... X-men? Legendary Comicbook?

>first game in the series is named x-men vs street fighter
>capcom removes x-men from the roster to sell movie tickets
Fuck 'em and fuck this game.

Never heard of them

you need to realize that the average person will never be able to do something like this and it has nothing to do with the character and everything to do with Justin Wong...

Honestly it's all well deserved for capcom at this point.

Yes because capcom is the one making money from marvel moves.

Don't be obtuse, you know this was financially motivated.

this corpse is on Marvel's door for whoring out their IPs to every possible studio during the 1st attempt to Super Heroes Boom in the early 2000

>no x-men
>carol goes binary in the fucking game
Binary Ms Marvel first appeared in uncanny xmen when they went to space and storm did that weird shit you uneducated swines.


B-b-b-b-but the gameplay is good, and that's all that matters! The game not selling won't affect me, despite the fact Capcom and Marvel will deem the game a failure, and there probably won't be a new MVC game again, or new characters past 2018!

>market bullshit prevents you from making a complete MVC game
>instead of just waiting a few years for x-men to return to marvel, they try to shove half of a game down our throats

Fuck 'em both.

>Capcom removes x-men from the roster

Man, you can blame Capcom for everything else that is bad, but in that case, it wasn't their fault. Marvel was already being picky with X-men back in MVC3. They didn't want team Ten More Years, and made them pick Sentinel or Juggernaut.

That's fair, they're both shitty.

Gameplay is enjoyable and will be part of my fighting game rotation I jump between regularly which includes MvC:I, SF4, SF5 and GGRev 2, I will be adding DBZF to the rotation soon enough.

>Gameplay is apparently good, an step up from the past game
>Game gets destroyed cause graphics and Roaster
Nintendo was right.

You should probably educate yourself in what's going on at Marvel Entertainment user. Combofiend is still retarded at the PR side of things, the game is still ugly and the music is still bad.

But the exclusion of X-men is one of the few things Capcom is not at fault for.

Someone at Capcom looked at that and said it was fine. How can you be cool with that?
They fixed Chun and Dante's models only because of the memes, but everything else is still ugly. They didn't even fixed Dante's win portrait.

I mean Capcom could have just waited a few years to make another MVC game, UMVC3 got an HD remake within the last year.

>Gameplay is apparently good, an step up from the past game
It's not, taging being free was an absolute mistake, all you do is pressure your opponent under long ass animation attacks and tag your other character to mix him up while the oppionent is trying to block, rince and repeat.
Balance is a joke, reality stone is broken and damage scaling is pretty damn stupid

>How can you be cool with that?
without a context adn the fact that the model are a clear step back from the previous game, then I would have not problem tho

>mfw almost every theme greatly improves at 1.25x speed


I was told Hagar would be in this game
Roster looks like shit

yeah its 2017 you have no excuse for putting out shit

>Double K
My nigger

>I mean Capcom could have just waited a few years to make another MVC game
The F4 is still not getting that embargo lifted anytime soon and the only reason the X-man embargo failed is through now desire by Ike Perlmutter, who's the reason it existed to begin with. AFAIK this game had 2+ years of development time, I imagine more than a little bit of that time was spent over negotiations with a literal stingy stereotype of a man before they grew disheartened and continued with their plans. And it showed in the early release footage. In fact if I had to guess, I would imagine Spiderman is only a character because Sony caved in and decided to let MCU make the Spiderman movies and venom is in because Sony making an original Venom movie was not expected.

At any rate, the odds of things changing had been low for years going into MVC3 and remained low (much like the quality of Marvel comics now) and would have continued to be low if the X embargo lasted and Inhumans didn't flop.


>You should probably educate yourself in what's going on at Marvel Entertainment user.
Here's the kicker, I don't give a flying rat's fuck what's going at Marvel. I'm not paying to hear their politics. I'm paying to be entertained. If the latter is not forfilled, then why pay? It's a waste of my money. Forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza.

The music is pretty bad in general, but Jedah's theme is making me want to play him, despite never playing Darkstalkers.

Nigga just reflect. pretty sure the last winner at NLBC used space stone, and Soul Stone niggas making some plays happen

>i have no problem with them making them develop a Marvel game in one year because they fucked up SF V and needed money?

The finals of the first major was between Space Stone and Soul Stone.

>Capcom holds one, singular, Europe qualifier for global MvCi tourney
>An American flies over the sea and takes it

Well, I guess we're just gonna fast forward to the part where only Americans are left playing this game at Evo every year.

>I don't give a flying rat's fuck what's going at Marvel.
Somebody making the statement and then branching into a tirade about brand without knowing about the brand is silly. That's the point.

To use your pizza analogy. you ordered from a place whose supply chain recently was exposed for low quality products and then are surprised when the pizza you ordered is composed of low quality ingredients.

I meant the character models visuals

Well. Yes. It's mahvel baby.

Even better at 1.5.

>To use your pizza analogy.
Oh, you didn't know.

I didn't buy the game, so I don't even know why you think I'm surprised that it's bad. I had low expectations from the beginning because it's Capcom.

But I'm still going to criticisize the behavior and attitude because I can and should as a consumer who should demand the best rather than letting every company lower the bar further.

Except in this case you're blaming Capcom for the Marvel side of the roster when the culprit is Marvel. Not Disney. Not even Marvel Studios (who are in charge of the MCU and are a separate entity). Just Marvel Entertainment

It's fine and all to be a consumer and vote with your wallet but unless you know the real reason for the problem you're not going to affect any change. Luckily for you other people who know the problem ARE affecting change because all of their wallets cast a much larger vote.

>wanna make a marvel license cross-over game
>marvel don't own their own IPs to license them

youtube.com/watch?v=gpe_jFDLL78 1,5x is pretty good here.

The themes lacks energy on regular speed.

They own. FOX and Sony only has the MOVIE rights to X-men/FF and Spider-man.
They won't add X-men/FF to their games (and a lot of other medias) to try to devalue those characters, so FOX will return the MOVIE rights to them.

It doesn't matter who's at fault, the result is a bad product generated from the synthesis of bad attitudes and bad business. What point are you even trying to make? You want me to go ahead and think "oh, well you make a point, I should indeed buy the game and forgive Capcom because THEY'RE not to blame!" They're the forefront of this messy game. It can cascade up to Marvel, or Disney, but Capcom was involved in it as well and it's their game. If they want to turn it around and say "hey it's actually so and so's fault", fine, I don't care. It doesn't mean I'm going to cave in and buy it. They are part of the business deal because they could have just as well turned it down and thought it would be as impotent as it turned out to be, so no, Capcom is not completely innocent here. If I wanted to make a food analogy it would be the difference between a bad distributor with horrible mangled politics and a decent one with a passable reputation.


I wanna like this game but I honestly can't bring myself to do it.

Gameplay is a 7/10 at most

Let me extend the analogy to a famous company called MONSTER(tm)(c)(qed)(ltd)bbq) cable(r)(lol). This company tried to brute force its overpriced merchandise into many reseller stores such as Best Buy so that it would be the most prominent and available product, but this was a business deal between the involved parties to shelve these more copiously than any generic 5 dollar cables you can buy at literally any drugstore. Whatever the politics was, it doesn't matter, Best Buy and friends agreed to it so I decided that their store was not an ideal spot to patron. Instead, I took my ass over to the local drugstore and purchased some cheap cables and they still work just as fine as they did before. This is a 5 dollar cable vs MONSTER's 50 dollar cable for the same size. A 10 fold difference birthed from MONSTER's strong arming greed and Best Buy's sell-out nature offering its storespace to the highest bidder.

Capcom saw money out of the deal, I'm pretty sure, so they got greedy enough to let Ike pull their strings for them. Usually when you apply for licensing of IP, you request that you can use whoever and whatever you want for whatever amount they ask for and express them however you want within the given limitations (which would prorate the fee by negotiation). You don't say, I'm going to pay you to make me your bitch, unless you're into BDSM culture and you want your dick stomped by a femdomme.

>I should indeed buy the game and forgive Capcom
At no point did I state you should buy the game. I'm not even marketing it to you and I already mentioned the other problems coming into this conversation. In fact on some of the overhead bugs alone I would happily tell you to not buy it despite the stellar gameplay No, I'm saying that anything other than the truth has no real weight in a discussion. You lead your statements talking about "brand" and expectations from that "brand" but without knowing what was even going on WITH that "brand" and I just pointed out how silly that was.

>they could have just as well turned it down
You must have forgotten just at what stage in MvC3 was the full roster finalized on. This was towards the ass end of development. Just like Dead Rising I'm pretty sure there's such a thing as being too deep into development to reasonably waste an investment. Thinking otherwise is rather unreasonable.

What Point?
Truth for one. I made a silly assumption that you would benefit from being educated at how low Marvel has fallen right now. You can shake your finger at Capcom. God knows I do for Breath of Fire 6. But when you divorce yourself from facts it makes it hard to have a reasonable conversation with anybody.

Never did I think
>actually Marvel is the reason the Marvel roster is fucked and here's how it's affected other Marvel owned products
would be responded with
>Nah that's Capcom's fault anyways
Goodness gracious.

>I would imagine Spiderman is only a character because Sony caved in and decided to let MCU make the Spiderman movies and venom is in because Sony making an original Venom movie was not expected.
Spider-Man has always been part of Marvel's market plans much before Homecoming was even a project. Ike never had anything against Spidey and knows that's a real goldmine he can't afford to waste, unlike the X-Men whose main target are teenagers and manchilds who might not have as much money.

You're getting it wrong. Capcom is not the good guy, since the game is bad in general. Even though they would add X-men to the base roster if they could, their side is shit too.

/fgg/ is so fucking retarded saying every fighting game is dead because capcom keep fucking up

Makes sense. I mean Spiderman WAS the face of Marvel

Every problem with the game is founded, but I still find myself wanting to play it despite even the gameplay being buggy and the systems being unbalanced. Could be because it seems like a field day for a lab monster like me, could be because Nemesis and some other characters I liked in 3 look better in it; Thanos and Monster Hunter look fun too.

I've been trying to find a cheap copy online but ebay auctions always spike in price at the end so I'm unlikely to find something under $40 for a little while. If I had a decent PC I could get it for like $25 but that's sadly not the case.

they are all over /vg/

What's worse that they can't even try other games because they keep on sucking that capcom dick,

Also fucking dark age? The only reason a dark age exist is because capdrones refuse to try other games out.

/fgg/ is a really retarded general

>fighting games are now announced and released within 9 months

What happened?

>You lead your statements talking about "brand" and expectations from that "brand" but without knowing what was even going on WITH that "brand" and I just pointed out how silly that was.
It's not silly. If you put a brand in a goddamn title, you're recognizing its importance. If you devalue its importance then why use the brand? On the other hand, if you feel it's important to mention but then the content betrays its importance, then you're just riding on coattails. It doesn't matter whose politics fucked it up. The result is a bad product. You can talk about how knowing something more about the whole story matters, but if it's not actually accomplishing anything to know other than plain gossip, then you're just being pretentious about it. I'm a consumer, and the money is the bottom line, not your rhetoric about knowing the true story behind it.

>You must have forgotten just at what stage in MvC3
I was so sure we were talking about MvC:I. People liked MvC3 and its ultimate version as far as I know. I should know because I went to locals where they played it a lot.

You can keep your babble about the truth here and there, but it's more ostentatious than it's worth. If you feel it's important then go make a wiki about it.



>You're getting it wrong. Capcom is not the good guy
I don't even remember calling them that. I'm pretty sure I was saying they were not completely innocent given that they're a party to the agreement that could have been turned down. They wanted money, understandable, but it was probably a risky and impotent venture, so still their fault just as well as whoever else you want to blame, be it Disney, (((Marvel))), some subsidiary, Ike himself, Trump, Kim Jong whatever, martians, I don't care. Capcom's the bottom line because the check went to them and they agreed to it.

>people that go to the pizza store likes pizza

No shit.

>people that go to the pizza store likes pizza
Oh my god, you only have once choice in pizza stores?! Well since we're on the topic, we can go to AGDG and talk about making our own pizzas.