What was your favorite game this year?
What was your favorite game this year?
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For honor
fuck these hats are annoying. When will they go down?
I love these stupid party hats
open xcom
I played TTYD for the first time ever this year, so that
How new?
Darkest Dungeon
Finished it yesterday, somehow bumbled my way through DD3 in 15 minutes blind thanks to the gimmick, when it should have taken me 2 hours and all the campfires instead of none. DD4 was an amazing finale to everything leading up to it. Absolutely loved it all
Fucking newfag.
Darkwood hands down had the best atmosphere this year , so i'm going with that
Assimilate to our culture or gtfo back to Syria
Like seriously this shit is so goddamn annoying. Fucking gook doing stupid shit
Pyre was really fucking great as far as games from this year go. But I probably still have to give that second and BOTW first, as boring of a choice as that is BOTW restored a love of gaming in me I haven't felt since like 2010.
As far as games NOT made this year, Sleeping Dogs was goddamn amazing.
Is it really Sup Forumss birthday? It's my birthday and I got a little spooked seeing birthday hats
No you nooblet, it's all of Sup Forums's birthday
MGS3. No matter how much I try and think I love any other game more, it'll always be MGS3 deep down.
Was specter of torment this year?
>this year
Nevermind I'm fucking retarded and tired. It'd be NieR Automata then. I was so satisfied it was the perfect sequel.
Missed a spot
I love these.
The fact that it doesn't perfectly fit triggers me.
Halo Wars 2
So redo it bitch nigga
>party hat tilted forward
its the little things that make you kek
it used to be a perfect fit, what happened?
I just recolored over his normal hair
Good stuff.
Shut up newfag
I hardly played any new releases this year, my favorite so far is Rising Storm 2
When you kill yourself.
>Mouse isn't connected
I wish you could summon bosses to do an attack for the rank 5 spells.
I think the only new game I've bought this year is Injustice 2 and it kinda sucks. I;ve been doing my backlog mostly this year. Resident Evil 2, REmake and Ocarina of Time for the first time this year and they were great. As far as releases this year go I'm intersted in Resident Evil 7, BOTW, Nioh and Evil Within 2
fucking phoneposter
>not using the catalog
openxcom piratez
>Have to deactivate 4chanx to see hats
So far, Breath of the Wild
this is the best meme since the one with the tree
I've been on this shithole website for 10 years.
Nier: Automata, probably. Yakuza 0 was pretty great too.
>only 10
NieR: Automata
Good thing we finally have a solution to fucking dumb phoneposters, they should just make the hats bigger then and have them on every post.
The End is Nigh. In terms of released games this year.
They show up just fine while running 4chanX.
>using 4chanx
lmaoing @ ur life
Fixed it for you
Works on my machine.
>not using 4chanX
Zelda BotW, but only because it's the only game of this year that I've played. Great game tho'.
Wait, I just remembered I also played Metroid Samus Returns, another great game.
I wonder if I'd be a less broken person if I never came here.
Hollow Knight and BotW are my favorites.
Persona 5, Nier: Automata, Splatoon 2 and Metroid: Samus Returns are really good too.
And there are still so many games I haven't even tried, like Cuphead and Pyre. 2017 has been an amazing year
happy birthday Sup Forums, i don't think there's any other places which entertain me this much. i love you all faggots even Sup Forumsfags
Persona 5 or Tekken 7. Evil Within 2 isn't out yet but I know I'm going to love it
>Sup Forums now absolutely loves chads and accuses anonymous posters on the internet of secretly being women
This place cracks me up
Zelda BOTW
Nah, it'd just probably express itself differently.
Sonic Mania
Well, it turned out lots of chads are pretty redpilledans make good bros. And 3DPD women stopped being nearly as desirable about the same time that women started flooding the internet. So it makes sense, at least.
t. Redditor
Same brother. The big titles I've played this year have really disappointed me though. I'll probably get shit for this but I'm mostly referring to Persona 5 and Breath of the Wild. I enjoyed them while playing through but when I think about the games now that I've completed them, they were pretty lackluster. I think it's the endings to both games that bring them down for me.
Haven't played much else that came out this year, but I'll probably pick up TW: Warhammer 2 soon
My nigga
Fuck you, you cannot understand the Darkness that I face everyday
You don't know me
>I'm a redditor for noticing the transition from >"tfwnogf fucking chads" /r9k/ dominated Sup Forums to "Fucking chads they're the best, goddamn roasties off my board" Sup Forums
what are the hats for
NieR: Automata easily
>i really need (You)'s right now
Don't give in
Sup Forums's birthday A DOII
Here (You) go
t. Assblasted redditor
Raspberry Pi 3
>(You)'s farm simulator
What did user mean by this?
Also, I love hats
Fuck you, that hurted my internet feelings
Nier Automata hands down.
>someone out of the thousands of posters posts one image showing this
you're fucking retarded
That´s actually funny
>Paying for the Sup Forums pass since 1012 just so he can throw it on when he asks dumb questions
The absolute madman
I only played Sonic Mania and Nier Automata, I'd say Sonic was the better of the two. Great game.
Roastie is a common term on this board and back in like 2010 the concept of accusing a Sup Forums poster of secretly being a women was unheard of and the Virgin X and Chad Y meme is one of the biggest things the sites seen in ages.
You might now be doing it, but it's still a trend on the site retard.
Nevermind the fact that it came out last year for Nippon, Future Tone justified buying a PS4 just for one game.
>WTF i love Nier.A and party hats now!
Damn, Sup Forums has been around for 1007 years already? Time flies
>happy birthday
It's Sup Forums's birthday, not Sup Forums's. This board came later.
what the fuck in my post says "please explain the term roastie to me"
your either baiting or straight up autistic
Download Stylish.
create a new style with the following content.
Will eliminate all hats.