Do turn-based games exist solely for mentally slow people?

Do turn-based games exist solely for mentally slow people?

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More like Action based games exist for ADHD people incapable of planning

they're usually more intellectually inclined than SPEED FAST SHOOTY TOOTY TWITCH HEADSHOT 360 SOLDIER KILLSTREAK MLG LEAGUE 5 ever is, so no

Triggered brainlets

Is this really a good use of your time

Do hamster cartoons exist solely for mentally slow people?

a whole new wave of ham poster shitposting is coming soon Sup Forums. the storm is coming.

Something like SMT or Disgaea requires a lot more thinking than most action oriented games

Back to Sup Forums you go

t. dicklets

>brainletinos cannot comprehend the concept of thinking quick

>only controlling a single character

really makes you think

Turn-based is the thinking man's gameplay

If by slow you mean people suffering from clinical depression then yes

>mfw Umaru second season in just a few days

I literally can't hold myself

moe anime exist solely for mentally slow people

>brainlet still struggles to understand that some people just think quicker


>t. cowadooty bros who wouldnt last 5 turns in a real game of chess

this is how you identify the inferior beings, anons, watch as they struggle and yell impotently at their ADHD episode they call a genre

at least post the proper webm

yah chess is for retards lol real geniouses play rock paper cisors

Simultaneous action selection is a subgenre of turn-based games, since time is not a factor, good job showing your brainlet again

>He says while posting shit designed for literal cavemen

to excel in chess you just have to plan ahead and read your opponent
to excel in rock, paper, scissors, you must peer into the future by reading time itself.

>he doesnt change his hand at the last split second to secure his win

lol mad cus ur bad at rps get gud

RPS is actually more about intuition and mindgames, about reading your opponent and their patterns

while these could be considered skills on their own, and you CAN influence your chances of winning, the nature of RPS is, in the end, that it's a guessing game

>shitty hamtaro
>can't into strategy
fuck off brainlet


get your low iq ass back into the 8th grade.

am I going too fast for you grandpa?

>chess exist solely for mentally slow people

Well considering the newest SMT game had a Rick and Morty reference, that should tell you a lot about the kind of people who play those games.

>comparing chess to games where you literally just have to smash the attack command button (literally every single JRPG in existence) in order to win

Can Magnus Carlsen beat Bisu in Starcraft? Fucking thought so.