It's embarrassing when and indie game like Cuphead developed by three people have 19 solid and consistently challenging...

it's embarrassing when and indie game like Cuphead developed by three people have 19 solid and consistently challenging bosses, while Dark Souls 3 which is funded by a major publisher and developed by a 30 year old studio has the likes of Yhorm, Wolnir, Wyvern, Greatwood, and Deacons.

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Die you degenerate barneyfag

A bit easier when youre making a simple 2D game consisting only of bosses

I don't think I've ever seen this kind of art style in a game before. It's very pleasing.

It probably takes longer to animate a Cuphead boss than a Dark Souls boss.

>consistently challenging
git gud

I personally don't like the artstyle at all (never was a fan of 30s cartoon artstyles); but it's incredibly well animated and the visuals mix excellently with the level design choices. It's a masterful job.

This. Dark souls devs literally on suicide watch

Toppest of keks.

I would love to see someone animate 3d as fast as an artist can draw 2d. Fucking most 3d REQUIRES a person to draw in 2d FIRST. You fucking retard.

I'm sure they're shaking in their boots over a 2D indie shooter released in a quarter they have no releases in and in a style they've shown no interest in delving into. People act like From has a monopoly on difficulty.