Almost 13 years and this rule still hasn't been clearly defined
Ryan Allen
Jackson Moore
I just want to be able to have CWC threads
Zachary Nelson
Culture relating to video games. What’s hard to understand about that?
Adam Martinez
Then you have to allow all e-celeb threads.
Gabriel Kelly
This desu
CWC threads aren't an exception to the rule in any way whatsoever. He's an e-celeb, and if e-celeb threads are against the rules, then so is he
Aiden Perez
>Rule 3 and 5
Forgot they existed desu
Ryan Morales
we need a rule for uneccessary tripfagging
James Harris
Very few people post story spoilers here cause no one plays games here
Connor Parker
Not my fault if they get spoiled that Akechi is the traitor
Austin King
5 is never enforced but 3 does come into play rarely.