What does she read from the gamer meter?

What does she read from the gamer meter?

This 1

this 7 you mean


my sick 100000 gamerscore on XBL

This picture used to give me an erection, I also remember it looking better but I guess not

What's so cool about dubs? Do i get a boner or something?

Worst fucking girl

user, stop resisting and suck them, i know you want to suck these worst girls feet.

I don't like chuunis

Are you sure? You might just change your mind.

okay, but where's the ass?


Kirino > Kuroneko > Saori > Ayase > Glasses

Wh-what, you like watching my ass user. What are you, a pervert?

Actually, put Saori first.

I gotta say, this is one of the worst attempts to discuss non-vidya on Sup Forums.

I'm still mad.

Oreimo's been discussed to death, though.

Sure, but "gamer meter"? At least say something like "what game let's me play as X".

Your sweater's on backwards, dumb terrorist

I want to fuck the kuroneko girl.

she's not legal