Post your character from whatever game you're playing and rate others.
Easy mode: Post your character, don't rate anyone else's
Normal Mode: Call OP a faggot, or insult those who participate in these threads
Hard mode: Post your character and rate others
Ultimate mode: Post your character and rate others from a game or series that you don't typically play. Good fashion sense transcends all vidya.
Zachary Gutierrez
Would love, what geemu?
Jack Lee
The one that mods love to hate.
Andrew Perry
Noah Morales
Pretty good.
I had a hard time getting into DS2, but that game had some great armor sets. What shoulders are those?
Ryder Kelly
OP is a faggot
Xavier Roberts
Lalashits needs to go in the oven.
Luis Walker
Jack Thomas
>don't rate anyone else's
Liam Barnes
I got bored of FF14 until the next patch so I reinstalled Wildstar Usually not a fan of Lalas but yours has a nice outfit, user
Lincoln Parker
That's a really cute nerdy loli. Would rape tenderly.
Michael Miller
>post my char >someone recognises me >posts my server/name >everyone will know I lurk/post here
Jaxson Young
Never been much for potatoes or glasses, but the outfit itself is really nice.
Anime edgelord to the max, but it works.
Kevin Martin
Hunter Flores
They're the executioner's shoulders. I think you get them from the chariot boss.
James Morgan
I like it. Reminds me a lot of Valkyrie Chronicles for some reason.
Pure astronaut. I've never played Wildstar. Are most of the outfits "space themed?" or is there a lot of variety?
Carter Cox
Nathan Lopez
Jack Turner
Justin Wright
>normal difficulty
Step up your game, jabroni.
Jaxson Ward
There's a fair bit of variety, some of the armor is super-tech stuff and some of it looks more tribal or elemental themed. I like the casual outfits you can build. Baker's boy caps are always great.
Elijah Bailey
Cooper Jackson
I was going for a shield maiden kind of look, so you're not completely off
Evan Mitchell
fucking furry trash
Jose Martinez
I'm a big monk
Luis Murphy
cute warrior
Justin Smith
Dylan Brown
Brandon Perez
let's see your character then faggot
Hunter Anderson
Looks like some kind of space monk. That is, if monks used plasma guns instead of their fists. I like the color scheme though.
Thomas Diaz
Holy shit, what has happened to WoW? 10 buttons and worse looking armor than TBC leveling gear?
Jaxson Myers
thanks! space monk is pretty accurate. the melee is an open palm strike albeit with space magic behind it
Elijah Watson
Ryder Morris
I can hardly tell what I'm looking at, it just looks like a grey blob. I'll give 1 point cuz it's female. 1 / 10
Eli Flores
Jeremiah Stewart
shhh i'm sleeping
Charles James
I expected this character to be a joke, turns out I really like her
rad mage with blue magic, lmao
Leo Martin
all these cute ffxiv characters make me want to resubscribe and then stop playing after a week
Thomas Nguyen
Not a fan of the designs so far, except the OPs is pretty decent.
I may have found decent, if they were given some better options for the skirt. (I know there's not.)
Juan Collins
Andrew Stewart
>Elezen >Looks good >Nice outfit
How is this possible?
The lack of better skirts kills me.
Also, what is that chestpiece? I've never seen a caster in armor before.
Robert Thompson
Exterminate the lalafells
Mason Sullivan
I want to looks just like this.
William Rivera
Legacy Warrior Mail from last year's Moonfire faire. You can buy it on the mogstation site now too.
Isaac Rogers
why thank you
Christopher Flores
>a blue red mage >tfw no blue mage ever
That's almost cheating. Bard always gets the pimpin' outfits, I think it's easy to make them look good.
Nice Reminds me of Mr. Bigglesworth from Austin Powers. I do like those pants though.
Evan Gutierrez
it's actually a smug rat I don't like the pants either, but it fits the desert theme kinda purple is because the magic is purple
Asher Martin
Hudson Martin
>not liking the token cute race
Maybe you should just jump off a cliff.
Connor Bailey
I pick easy and normal mode. OP is a bundle of sticks
Elijah Richardson
>hand rubbing merchants >literal slavers >responsible for all the calamities since their creation by the allagans 5000 years ago
Ryan Nguyen
You look like a candy cane coated in tar and feathers. I don't like it.
I like the second one from the right. The rest of them are pretty shitty animu trash desu. Also, you lose points for heterochromia. That shit's dumb.
Brody Phillips
Well the game is literally all animu trash, Either you play Cast and go full Gundam or you play a fleshy race and have to drown in an endless supply of anime. Also I just went lore friendly with the 2nd character cause they all have heterochromia.
Jose Bennett
something something all lalafells are faggots rate hate please dont masturbate
Josiah Nguyen
personally not a fan of freckles but I like the outfit
Landon James
I like the outfit, it goes well together, but the face seems off. I just can't see a magician with a tough, scarred face.
Ian Sullivan
What a load of hogwash. We've never done anything wrong. And we don't originate from a failed Allagan experiment!
Nathaniel Jackson
that pose just makes everyone look like a smug asshole unfortuneatly i dont have any other screen shots, and they scar is just something i forgot to take off
Brody Garcia
She's actually 33 years old
Wyatt Rodriguez
what did she mean by this?
Asher Hughes
drinking and fucking
Nathan Gutierrez
sucking dirty pirate dicks in the back alley
Jason Powell
Cause thats what miserable people like me do everyday, that is until we die :DDDD!
John Kelly
Call me Bonedaddy
Justin Hill
i dont really take enough screen shots
is this game still alive? i have heard next to nothing about it since it came out
Isaiah Thomas
7/10, genuinely cool looking and funny.
Grayson Hughes
I dont play FF anymore and this is from ages ago. for some reason i have this saved and has this file name.
I just cant see what makes lalas attractive to play as p.s Highlanders are the nest
shame the ears arent integrated into the helmet. how is wildstar now btw?
really cool armor senpai
Blake Adams
Dominic Baker
>black >no ass
The only true problem with ff
Jordan Hill
Grayson Perez
What feather armour is that?
Adrian Gutierrez
>delicious brown >black not the same thing
Brody James
rate me on the edgy scale
yeah it sucks that everyone has a hank hill tier ass
Brayden James
Still, no ass.
Charles Kelly
I'll call you Papa Shango instead.
Y'know, basic yet functional armor sets don't get much appreciation these days. I like it.
Congratulations on hitting level 45. I hope that you didn't unironically glamour this as your outfit, because it's arguably the worst armor combination in the entire game.
Maybe it's just the eyepatch, but I like it. Usually animu hairstyles look lame, but yours looks good.
Camden Gray
i didn't try to go for the anime villian look on purpose but it just kind of happened
Connor Richardson
Jaxon Murphy
What game is this? TESO?
Christopher Morris
Grayson Smith
is this POE goodlooking female face actually. nice one
Matthew Anderson
bone / 10
Carter Davis
Wyatt Diaz
i miss this game even though i can't really bring myself to play it any more
i think it's path of exile
Blake Myers
Path of exile. This is my summon raging spirit necro witch, with the Raven spirit cosmetic so i went with a dark armor setup.
Wyatt Fisher
Henry Kelly
a friend of mine got me bdo a while ago so we could play together but i can't really get into it at all and im just really confused about most of the stuff in the game
Connor Bailey
Please don't call me a nigger.
Pretty good, user.
Christopher Powell
also the pop in is fucking atrocious. walk 5 feet and everything warps and pops in. ass
Michael Myers
Dominic Hall
dem fucking jaggies, looks shitty
Alexander Powell
My paladin waifu
Michael Wood
yeah it's fucking awful but even still the game does look pretty nice in certain areas
Angel Bailey
I fuckin' love PSO. Your character ain't half bad either.
Matthew Walker
Phew so raping her would be legal.
Justin Hernandez
I like the ears being exposed, they have cute flappy animations when running and putting your weapons away. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the cat-ear helmets in FF14.
Wildstar is quiet but global chat is commonly found with people chatting or advertising parties for dungeon runs so I think it has enough people to play with, you just need to be social about it.
Dominic Long
Lalafelfel are fucking STUPID AND UGLY and if you play them you're a DUMB FUCKING FAGGOT WHO SHOULD BE HANGED
Jeremiah Cook
i dont think i've played gw2 since the year it came out, how is that new expansion for it?
Jason Hall
Charles Rivera
Damn bro, you alright? You seem to have a lot of pent up anger.
You should try petting a potato. It will do wonders for your blood pressure.