Look at that disgusting american piece of shit

look at that disgusting american piece of shit

it looks so bad it's not even funny

why do they always get rekt?

oh shit the purple things are buttons? i just thought it was to add some colour to it

The Super Famicom looks utilitarian and has no personality, like an old computer. The American Super Nintendo is iconic.

Why was the SNES redesigned for America?

shit design for shit taste

4 u

Because Americans have souls

The SFC/PAL Version is superior. I think it's one of the best looking consoles ever made, shame about the the colouring age issue though. But I do enjoy the depressed X and Y buttons of the American controller.

its funny
i wonder what we would have said back in the day about the differences in the design

probably nothing, just complain that the US wasn't getting more JP games and EU would complain about getting games like 2 years after the US did.

fuck, i feel bad that the EU always got shit so fucking late or never at all in the case of Chrono Trigger. those poor shits didn't get an official version of CT until the DS release.

Oh and the American cartridges are superior because they have a label on top. Going through PAL/SFC games can be a pain the ass sometimes.