Is ruiner worth a buy?
Is ruiner worth a buy?
Absolutely, it's my personal favourite car in GTA5.
It's my GOTY, even though it's not perfect
I can't stop playing it
I got 4 hours out of it on Easy, so I can only assume anyone who says they got 8 or more out of it spent several hours doing nothing but dying
You haven't beat shit.
That's right so what? The game is too hard and not beating it still gives me the right to criticize it.
>The game is too hard
Only because you haven't tried harder, like everything in your life
But not understanding how the game works and hammering your head on silly mistakes such as standing still, not evolving with the challenges that the game throws at you and so on, makes your critique pretty flawed and doubtful. If your going to criticise the game you need to understand it.
It's pretty insane how large the fan interest has been, without any mention of Devolver Digital.
>Too hard
>not beating it still gives me the right