Happened to be at walmart and...LOL
Happened to be at walmart and...LOL
here's yesterday
and the day before that
another walmart
>80 dollarydoos for a fucking Skyrim clone
No fucking thank you
ouch thats a lot of leaf bucks!
>mfw you go to walmart everyday
where are your shoulders
bone for comparison
Walmart has empty Switch boxes. It's been like that since launch.
>goes to a CDN Wal-Mart
>expects any vidya to sell to people who don't play it
>Same pictures every day.
Weither you're Pokebarney or Sexgenie, you're a faggot.
>OP's ugly reflection in the glass
walmart from yesterday
OP is a fat white male
woah... people can buy the products they want at their own convenience since they are in stock... incredible
same walmart
updated pic from today
>Being a console war shitposter
Do...people seriously have that much time on their hands?
Imagine you’re as pathetic as OP, so butthurt that you openly claim to go to Walmart every day and take pictures of the Nintendo Toys trying to show people online that it’s worse than your favorite toy.
Suicide is the only answer, OP. You are beyond saving. The autism runs too deep. I guess you had to snap these photos on moms phone quickly before your handler came back to grab you.
He's a leaf. He's obviously retarded
>yfw this is the sole reason he goes
Its the same pictures with time it gets posted with no timestamps. Faggot probably got his fat ass to Walmart once, took some pictures of boxes with no security (aka empty), and now trolls teh 4chans.
>Be OP
>Taking pictures in various walmarts for shitposting on Sup Forums
>Some canuck cashier notices me staring really close at the products
>"Uhh, sir. Is there anything in there that interests you?"
>A vein bursts on my forehead from that statement
>How dare this prick even THINK that I would be interested in NINTENTODDLER TRASH
>I stand up, do a 360 and walk into the display shelf
>My large forehead makes contact with the glass, and I collapse from the extreme pain
>I pass out, drenched in my own piss, but not before getting to say, "T-The absolute state of Nintendo..."
Oh, it's pokebarneyfag. Okay.
nope I go everyday its part of my morning routine now
People complain about there never being any Switches in stock, it has to be a joke since I see them everywhere now. But I also see PS4 and Xbone too so nobody seems to be buying any of them really.
those two pros were still there
Next Wii U
>Nintendo said they were increasing the stock
>And did just that
Reminder the PS4 was initially hard to find too.
I seriously have no idea what these pictures are supposed to be showing. A bunch of Nintendo products at a Walmart?
>there are games still being released for the original Wii
That's the only mind-boggling thing in OP's autistic pictures
ps4's at this walmart got restocked since yesterday
theDude was a leaf?
Reggie just got done saying he doesn't know when stock problems would be resolved, and expected it to continue throughout the holiday season. Demand has obviously dropped. Otherwise he would have said "we have boatloads of them coming in so don't worry" or something like that.
I saw a switch on the counter
>Happened to be at walmart
>goes every day
oh wait, its mine :^)
>you decide which is revlealed
i couldnt help but notice he omitted insufferable faggot
give that car beck ted NOW i know you stole it
who wouldn't? walmart has everything.
We saw your thread yesterday, OP, you can stop being a faggot now.
Btw, it can't be just a coincidence
Well played, OP. What games did you buy?
hey op
get a life you faggot
Just zelda everything else is kiddy trash
Then why is it from the same angle every time with no timestamps? No need to lie we are all anonymous here.
Nice car, switch is shit though.
I wish it was the same day. sadly no one buys switches in leaf land
not really
If you go there purposely every day to take pictures you didn't "happen to be there."
did you see any pikmin amiibo?
I was there picking up some AAA batteries and accidentally walked past the switch shelf. Couldn't resist snapping a pic.