Benefits for not having a switch

benefits for not having a switch
>can play EDF 4.1
>can play persona 5
>can play trails series
>can play yakuza
>can play tekken 7
>can play MH5 ;)
>don't have to pay to play online
>not a fat manchild
>can browse internet
>don't look like a fool
add onto it, Sup Forums

I don't get it, I own a Switch and have all those benefits?

>don't have to justify switch purchase


Honestly, outside of retro stuff and a modded 360 or Wii, why torture yourself?

But all the good games on 360 were ported eventually, the one and only reason to own an xbox is to play JSRF

Still more worthwhile games than the fucking PS3.

I have a switch yet I have all those benefits.

>don't have switch
>still can't do these things

You lied OP

PS3's got Demon's Souls so they're tied for useless plastic

Why are ps faggots always shitting up this board.