This game is way too fucking short

This game is way too fucking short

I've spent 2 hours on this game and already have 40% completion. The game looks nice and plays kinda okay but its not worth the current price imo.

who wouldve thought a meme game is actually shit? hmmmmm

Not all games are supposed to last for 50 hours, especially not 20 bucks games that rely on replayability first and foremost.

do you have A+ everywhere? completing the game requires it.

Are you so poor that a $20 game is a loss?

>hasn't finished the game yet
>says it's not worth it

You haven't even ebaten it yet. How the fuck do you know if the whole package is worth it?

>Memers and shills actually convinced me to get this fucking game pirated

Chances are, my laptop won't be able to run it and that was primarily the reason as to why I didn't buy the PC version (don't got no Xbox One either), but even if it won't, at least this game gave me the fucking excuse to clean up my fucking HDD, because 11gb is way too fucking huge for a game as simple as this.

Jesus fuck, what the hell was I even doing with all these unused PSX ISO .rars and games I would barely even touch.

Twat shitters like Op are why Contra and Gradius are dead.

This thread is full of nugamer faggots. Neck yourselves

>expecting quality from indie games
You have no one to blame but yourself.

No, I just currently think that this game is too short and not worth the current price.
It will probably take me an extra 3 hours to beat the game and $20 for a 5 hour game is too much.

>Pirating a $20 game on a fucking laptop

>buttblasted sonygros.
>pirating a $20 game that is actually worth buying and supporting the devs

This thread is cancer.

It's worth the money you retard. Not our fault all you've done with your entire life is played video games so much that you can beat a game like this on your first try.

nice work idiot.

10 hours for 20 bucks is more than okay, also each animation frame was hand drawn and scanned so making the game larger would be a huge investment compared to other games with 3d models

You know, after Hollow Knight, I would agree with you IF Cuphead wouldn't have production values like it does. It looks and sounds fucking amazing to be honest. But it's a very short game, I give you that.

It depends really how much you give credits to the developers.

>2 hours on the game
>already 40% completion

Sonybro lying to my face, and I don't even care.

No one is even remotely impressed.

Need a tissue?

You haven't finished the game until you complete it on expert.
Playing on casual doesn't mean you've finished the game.

user, it's twenty fucking dollars.

Wait what

>its ok when sony does it for $60