Should I buy Pokken or ARMs?
I need a new Switch game and both seem decent, I liked the Pokken demo.
Should I buy Pokken or ARMs?
I need a new Switch game and both seem decent, I liked the Pokken demo.
I like ARMS more, the combat feels more engaging, less about combos and more on prediction and outplaying your opponents.
Wish it had a demo, seems like ARMs would be better as a party game too but I already have MK8D for that.
Both games look good, I'll probably get the other in a few weeks whichever I decide to get first.
Out of those two i'd vote for Pokken, imo it just has more value to offer. It's fun too ofc and has good online or it did on Wii U anyway
I like pokken more because the characters feel more different than each other, as said there's more focus on combos but they're very simple to execute and I'd argue the focus of the combat is on the rock paper scissors system they have which makes the combat more focused on mind games
I like how stylish the gameplay is, I like the phase shifting or whatever it is.
Looks like I'm probably going with Pokken.
>I need a new Switch game
Because I am burned out on MK8D and Disgaea
please post more pics of your cat, faggot
i love that nigga
When I got my Switch last month he was there for the unboxing too.
>Bed that close to the TV
we better see that boy when Odyssey drops
or else
btw, keep going.
sceptile is thicc
ive been having a lot of fun with pokken and i havent even gone online yet just been doing single player stuff
arms was pretty boring to me but i'm also a pokemon fan so it helps
No other place to put it really, my desk is in the only other possible spot.
If I get the $$$, I need to save some for Black Friday sales.
I wanna main Decidueye probably.
What's single player like? Is there a story mode?
dont expect this like grand expansive story or anything its mostly a climb the ranks until you're the best type system while occasionally having a shadow mewtwo boss fight until the end where you actually beat him/unlock him
outside of that theres a daily challenge where you play as a random pokemon and earn skill points for a couple pokemon
also trainer customization if youre into that
that's a real "long-cat" as they say ;)
i'll buy you odyssey if it mean i see more of that fucking cat
Buy dragonball xenoverse 2 which is > Pokken and >>> ARMS
Pokken. I'm planning on buying it myself when I get paid which is 2 minutes from now.
Late reply, here he is with his father figure cat.
Being a nofriendsmode player, the single player is pretty great in a simplistic way. Climb the ranks, put attribute points on your favorite pokemans, and customizable endless battles offering the choice to change opponent Pokemon without going back to the select screen.
The voice acting is fucking atrocious though, and the story is literal shit.
Pokken best.
On another note,
Golf Story or breath of the wild dlc?
I'd go with golf story
Trial of the sword is alright, but it's not worth 20 bucks, we still don't even know what the second pack will be