Game has a spider boss

>Game has a spider boss

Name seventeen (17) games that do this.

dark souls 2

and dark souls

and demon souls

>game has a spider protagonist

non venomous spiders are your friends. They kill bugs like cockroaches, flies and mosquito. Parasites and repulsive creatures. Spiders also don't go after your food or spread diseases unlike the shit mentioned above me.

They clean your house from those parasites.


>game reminds you that spiders exist

I think
Maybe it was Oblivion actually

Game has you kiss a spider.

Resident Evil 3 - I forget where specifically.

Also, I don't fear any creatures in game. But HEIGHTS. FUCK HEIGHTS!

And bloodborne


World of WarCraft

>spider boss
>tfw you're a leg man

Diablo 3

>game reminds you about spiders
>feel goosebumps
>move away from any furry cloths or blankets
>shake and shiver like a rape victim
>cant stop thinking about spiders in my food or drinks or if i take a shit and one sneaks up on me
>feel violated
>mfw someone posts a spider and i get PTSD for an hour and am too spooked to go to bed

Donkey Kong 3.
Torchlight II.

Otogi 2
Earth Defence Force
Dark Souls 1

Devil May Cry


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

>game has spiders walk over your hud

& that's why i'll never play painkiller


zelda games with gohma

does spider have puss puss?

Dark Messiah of might and magic

Kind-of in skyrim, if you really counted it. If you fought it early and underleveled/equipped enough like the game intended, you could think of it as a boss. Otherwise it was just sorta a fleshy roadblock.

Your astroturfing is scaring the animals, arachnafilth.

Humans are normally never more than 10 feet away from a spider.

Metroid Fusion

>Being afraid of spiders

Remember when Skyrim was released and the first part has you escaping through a spider nest and all the games' journalist outfits made articles about how insensitive Bethesda was for those with arachnophobia? If only anyone knew how much worse their articles would get, and I thought that was bad back then.

Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold


SM64 Last Impact

oh please tell me more about the scary spiders user

If spiders were even as big as a chihuahua, they'd go for human flesh for dinner.
Fucking hick nutjobs treating vermin like "friends"


I wonder who's behind this post?

>DMC 3
> DMD mode, spiders become significantly larger once their devil trigger hits .

That's why I could never beat the game on DMD, that damn mission 7.

>game has spider girls