Who is the best video game youtuber and why is it pic related?

Who is the best video game youtuber and why is it pic related?

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Only acceptable answer.

Queen /Narcissa/, of course

Because he's good and knowledgeable about games but isn't a pretentious asshole who takes them too seriously. He treats them as a hobby primarily for entertainment and genuinely loves them, and that passion carries into his videos. A lot of times he makes a video solely to just show people a game that he really likes and gush about it for a bit.

He also has a pretty good sense of humor. It's very crude so a lot of people don't want to admit that he's funny but I think his delivery is great and he always gives me a good chuckle.

So basically that. He's not pretending to like games for klout, he's a dude just making silly videos about his hobby and his passion is infectious.

the fuck is that thing

>this is a serious post

I don't even knew who that is

this is what playing 10000+ hours of the same part of the same game does


No kidding. Why the fuck is speedrun community so autistic?

Where are the mods when we need them?

his gimmick seems to be the KNACK BABY thing, outside of that what does he has to offer?


Youtube stars should piss off liberals more

That's either a guy or a very European woman.

i prefer poki for entertainment

What a fuckin abomination

It certainly helps that he isn't shit at video games like 95% of video game youtubers.

Killing franchises.

>Nosferatu posting

It's an American ''''''male''''''

make me

Super Mario Bros. 2

let me guess, he fat asian guy is rich through e-sports or some internet related shit, and the harpy leeches off his success like a tick

t. lonely white male

he sucks nintendo dick at every opportunity
no wonder Sup Forums aka nintendogaf loves him

t. i subscribed to girl streamers for the ""content""

scarra isn't fat just thicc, and he is dadzoned, poki is single

>the shining video

i've never lost that much respect for someone in 5 minutes

why do dumb comedy people always feel the need to try and showcase that the dumbness is just an act and they're actually le thoughtful intellectuals when they're out of character? know your place

Look how mad you are :3

If so, you have shit taste at "video game youtubers".

He really doesn't, though.
When the Wii U was out, he said Nintendo needed to wake the fuck up and start listening to their audience.

Why do you know so much about him?

what was he supposed to say? "IT'S THE SHINING BAYBEEEEE"? wow fantastic review

Who was in the wrong there?

Because I actually watch his videos, dipshit?

maybe dont do a review of a movie has been discussed to death by infinitely more insightful people than you?

what does he have to say about the film that hasn't already been said? what's the point of the video other than to virtue signal ?

no fucking way that profile shot is her


any let's player recs, I just dropped mine

The answer is NEVER Narcissa. She's infallible

If you say so

He stopped being funny the after the first sixtillion times he did THE EXACT SAME VIDEO. Doesn't help that he sucks nintendo dingaling and never does research into the arguments he tries to make.

oh shit my bad

matthewmatosis and digital foundry are literally the only channels worth watching

Angry that your argument that you parroted from Sup Forums doesn't hold up?

18+ ONLY

>he sucks nintendo dingaling
nintendo hasn't made a bad game in years user

So is this thing still alive?

E-celebs are not video games.
Sup Forums is a board for video games only.
Do not post off topic threads here.
Go Sup Forumsack to your cesspool.

well then who do you watch cunt
his videos aren't the same at all

>relies on internet personalities for friendship

Stop it I say!

Yo stop sucking his dick so hard

I don't think he offers much in the way of substantial commentary but gosh darn it he's completely unhatable.

I like dunkey, but being shit at the most linear metroid and preferring igavanias is pretty unforgivable.

fuck off there's no way I'm going to Sup Forums I haven't been there in 2 years, this thread is on topic ya sperg

baby boy

/thread should have ended here

Barely. He averages 150 viewers per stream, and hasn't had a mental breakdown in over 2 weeks (a new record)

>Knack 2 baaabeeeyyyyyy

Where in the fuck did I mention being friends with him?
All I did was mention that he doesn't always side with Nintendo like you claimed, and now you're personally attacking me because you realize you argument doesn't hold up.

>nintendo hasn't made a bad game in years


lol tl;dr dunkeysucker

The worst part about people like this is that they think they're smart.

Riddle me this, if Dunkey loves Nintendo so much then why is his highest rated game ever a Sony exclusive?

nigga that's just a list.
it's claim evidence and reasoning c'mon now

He wasn't wrong at all. Metroid has been treated like this lost AAA major pillar of Nintendo's IPs, but the series has always been far more obtuse than basically every game that aped its formula. It's a game that's designed for multiple replays within a short time frame, which is not something most people are interested in.


jesus christ


why shitpost tho? he's right and you're just wasting your own time ;)

>evidence and reasoning
I just gave you both. Everything Nintendo related is gutter tier. I only acknowledge their part in shaping gaming as we know it.

>defending a dunkey supporter

>Everything Nintendo related is gutter tier
AWFUL bait
absolutely TASTELESS bait

Funny thing is that Cosmo was much more attractive and charming when he identified as male.

>Elder God
>High Tier
Dunkey, classic JonTron, first 2 Sequelitis
>Lovable Tier
SomecallmeJohnmy, ProJared
>Shoutout Tier
Best Guy Ever
>Worthwhile Tier
Joeseph Anderson
>Autism Tier
All the rest of Normal Boots and all of Hidden Block
>Cancer Tier
Haedox, anyone not mentioned

Holly crap I actually laughed out loud.

Mark Brown and Joseph Anderson should be in elder god tier and GGmanlives is pretty good if we're being honest. Also throw in GamingBritShow to autism tier.

No he is not, he is not funny anymore, and has proven to have shit taste in multiple times.

You do know he is not serious about it, do you?

>has proven to have shit taste in multiple times.
alright user.
what's so shit about his tastes?

Mmm no not really. He was fairly normal until he turned 18, then his freak genetics took over. Pic related, top pic taken when he was 16, bottom pic when he was 23

Igavania >> Metroid
Simply the truth

wait, are we actually allowed to have youtuber threads now? I always just get told to kill myself for posting this kind of stuff

Dunkey, eat Nintendo dick and gtfo from here.

You probably have shit taste in Youtubers

>PewDiePie ends up being based
What the fuck with this timeline.

I am legitimately serious.
Look at this pile of garbage you people defend with passion. CoD gets annualy blow torched in effigy for being the "same".

Literally this

>watching youtube "gamers"
Jesus Christ, this is a new low.

Shit I forgot so many people, mark brown might be high tier, gamingbrit gets worthwhile tier from me, Hyperbithero gets autism tier tho

>tfw Sup Forums is too afraid of being triggered to enjoy gold like youtube.com/watch?v=hfz2XOv_Huo

The only good ones are SotN and AoS with HoD and CotM being Other M tier so no.

Even in cherrypicked images, it's still 100000000000 times better than Narcissa

Let me stop you right there.

You're not wrong. Ugly is ugly, but things can always get worse

dunkey and all these other vidya youtuber cunts all look the same
>white or mexican
even arin looks like that now, what the fuck is going on, how long is it until pewdiepie gains 50 pounds and grows a neckbeard

All of them are North American

Kys timeline poster

Hey mate, many teenagers need surrogate siblings to enjoy their games with. Not all of us where lucky enough. Had I not great taste
from early on, I'd have dropped gaming.

And who knows, some of us may game with each other in the future through the powah of the internet.

yet he has a cute sounding gril he loves and she love back.