Who is the best video game youtuber and why is it pic related?

Who is the best video game youtuber and why is it pic related?

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Only acceptable answer.

Queen /Narcissa/, of course

Because he's good and knowledgeable about games but isn't a pretentious asshole who takes them too seriously. He treats them as a hobby primarily for entertainment and genuinely loves them, and that passion carries into his videos. A lot of times he makes a video solely to just show people a game that he really likes and gush about it for a bit.

He also has a pretty good sense of humor. It's very crude so a lot of people don't want to admit that he's funny but I think his delivery is great and he always gives me a good chuckle.

So basically that. He's not pretending to like games for klout, he's a dude just making silly videos about his hobby and his passion is infectious.

the fuck is that thing

>this is a serious post

I don't even knew who that is

this is what playing 10000+ hours of the same part of the same game does


No kidding. Why the fuck is speedrun community so autistic?