>perfectly vidya marxist intellectual threads keep getting slid
hmmm... really makes u think.....
>perfectly vidya marxist intellectual threads keep getting slid
hmmm... really makes u think.....
Other urls found in this thread:
>MFW I successfully push Marxist agenda in video games but Sup Forumstards are so annoying that they only help my cause
Thank you, OP
maybe you should go cry about it on Sup Forums
Makes me think that Sup Forums should be fucking deleted so you faggots no longer have a base on this site. It clearly doesn't work as a containment board and never has. Fuck off, retard.
Right-wing politics are becoming more popular everywhere tho
Good idea then the entirety of Sup Forums can post here :)
Why are you so desperate to push this shitty bait? Just go to Sup Forums and do your liberal activism there instead.
>degenerate gluttons choose the easy way instead of the path to progress
Not like that's even how it works, Holodomor for instance.
>Good idea then the entirety of Sup Forums can post here :)
They'll eventually get bored of switching their IPs and "migrate" to r/thedonald. It'd be hell for the first couple weeks or so, but in the long run it'd be well worth it. Everyone who isn't a cuck fetishizing redhat knows that board has brought nothing positive to the site.