Perfectly vidya marxist intellectual threads keep getting slid

>perfectly vidya marxist intellectual threads keep getting slid

hmmm... really makes u think.....

Other urls found in this thread:

>MFW I successfully push Marxist agenda in video games but Sup Forumstards are so annoying that they only help my cause
Thank you, OP


maybe you should go cry about it on Sup Forums


Makes me think that Sup Forums should be fucking deleted so you faggots no longer have a base on this site. It clearly doesn't work as a containment board and never has. Fuck off, retard.

Right-wing politics are becoming more popular everywhere tho

Good idea then the entirety of Sup Forums can post here :)

Why are you so desperate to push this shitty bait? Just go to Sup Forums and do your liberal activism there instead.

>degenerate gluttons choose the easy way instead of the path to progress

Not like that's even how it works, Holodomor for instance.

>Good idea then the entirety of Sup Forums can post here :)
They'll eventually get bored of switching their IPs and "migrate" to r/thedonald. It'd be hell for the first couple weeks or so, but in the long run it'd be well worth it. Everyone who isn't a cuck fetishizing redhat knows that board has brought nothing positive to the site.

you know there is a site where evil nazis get BANNED on sight, its called neogaf.. you should check it out (if you havent already)

>commies allowed but nazis aren't

wow really makes u think

No need to tone police by exaggerating with "evil nazis." They are neo-nazis and unapologetically so, or are dumb enough to still think it's humorous by pretending to be. Either way they need to fuck off and stop ruining the site.

It's not like the Communists hated Nazis. Oh, wait.

>expecting a Sup Forumsack to actually know anything about history

>let me be a edgy faggot and post the same pic over and over in order to talk about board drama and """politics"""

I think someone else said it best that /po/fags are just furries all over again. I don't mind sharing a board with stormfront neo-nazis, but having them spam EVERY FUCKING THREAD with their stupid bullshit is fucking insane

Thanks for pointing out patently obvious things as if it makes you some kind of intellectual somehow.


It's actual Redditors who think they're "fighting back" against Sup Forums by posting shitty bait on Sup Forums

>claims others are redditors
>posts southpark
>posts reddit link


>Communism is bad
>Marxism is bad
Nobody really believes this, do they?


>exaggerating with "evil nazis." They are neo-nazis

I think the hundred million or so people who died under state enforced famine in communist regimes would believe so

Were you attempting to make a point with this image? Use your words, user.

>ideology that is responsible for the death of over 100million ppl

Why is his face so asymmetrical?

It's an image from Reddit

That wasn't the ideology, that was mismanagement.

If you want a destructive ideology, look no further than fascism.

>guy just says he's not offended by "WE"

fuck off gaf

>self-taught "intellectual"
by that logic any fucking idiot who happens to read "deep" books can be an intellectual
this guy is fucking useless

>killing russians and other assorted poorfag countries
wtf i love communism now

Cant you pol fags just stay in your shit hole? no one cares about your edgy shit


>oh no 10million people died how could this happen


>marxist intellectual

Is this the new >Mexican intellectual

>tfw wasn't admitted to uni so now I can never be an intelectuall

Curious how the complain specifically about Sup Forums

Y-You do realize it's possilbe to teach yourself things right? And how you don't have to have your fucking hand held by a teacher, right?

>Haha that was mismanaged communism never mind that no communist country has ever succeeded they were all mismanaged but that doesn't have anything to do with the ideology lol

Fuck off, commie.


Oh wow, a SECOND picture!

abort yourself nazi edgelord

>by that logic any fucking idiot who happens to read "deep" books can be an intellectual
Yes, that's how you do it.

fuck off Sup Forums

yeah he just woke up one day and magically knew everything about marxism

I've got something better than a picture.

No part of communist ideology says "and then we have to starve a bunch of people"
But fascist ideology says "and then we have to gas a bunch of people"

You can't deny this basic truth


do you really think collaborating a shitton of nazi furry pictures proves there are more nazi furries than communist furries?'

even if that wasn't a gigantic fucking logical fallacy in itself, who cares anyways?

you are a stupid fucker


Like in all groups, there's a couple loud autists who can't shut up about what they like. In this case it's liking not having to choose between eating your family and starving to death with them.
What's happening on Sup Forums is another thing entirely. There's a concerted effort to make annoying posts that seem right-wing oriented, but exist only so that same poster can then loudly denounce them. They're afraid of what they caused to happen and are now unsuccessfully trying to re-poz this hole.


how do you learn about an already existing ideology all by yourself, without ever reading or hearing anything about it.

How is We Wuz Kangz racist? It's a meme making fun of racists dumbasses in the first place.

It's a google images screencap. There's a LOT more, and even articles on the phenomenon.



in that case go and search "communist furry" on google images and get back to us

its mean to blacks



Really makes ya think


Maybe those blacks should stop being racist and stop trying to steal other peoples histories.

>not stealing

Isn't even more mean that blacks try to steal other peoples culture?

>Sup Forums is ruining everything guys! I mean it! They're everywhere!

Fascism isn't a developed economic and political system. It's just a vague term for a variation on ethno nationalism that Mussolini made up on the spot so that his movement would stand out.

It's literally a meme term that's degenerated in meaning until all it means is 'bad country'

Fun fact, large parts of America were totally fine with fascism and have never shed its authoritarian and militaristic nature fully.

Like most wars, the fight against the Nazis was not ideological, but political. The US didn't give a shit what the Nazis did, they only cared when their Japanese buddies bombed them.

I thought Sup Forums liked the Nazis though

There's not nearly as much. Almost nothing after the first scroll.

>black men make up 5% of the population
>account for 50% of the murders


My white skin... I feel so ashamed...

You... do read a book about it user

Figures the meme ideology would appeal to frogposters

More like the meme ideology appeals to leftists as a universal scapegoat.

So if I say there's nothing wrong with being Jewish and cultural Marxism is nothing but a Nazi conspiracy theory I'm not going to get people telling me I'm wrong?

Pinky promise I'm not sockpuppeting.

So right my fellow! We need to feel ashamed of our skin color! When has the white race done anything but evil in the world?!

>If you don't like Communism, you're a Nazi
Nice try retards, Bernie couldn't even Hillary because only retards think Communism works

You'll have people saying being Jewish is wrong ironically as a joke,.

But for real Cultural Marxism is a thing and if you don't believe it then you just aren't paying attention.

Then it's not self taught because you read a book that someone else wrote.

Or I'm paying more attention than you are.

And no, the existence of Marxism as an academic concept doesn't prove your point.

Well thank fuck we can conclude you're entirely self-taught then.

I wish right wingers would stop trying to take over video games! FUCK OFF TRUMP SUPPORTERS!

Video games are inherently capitalistic in nature.
They're created to give you enjoyment in your free time. They serve no purpose for continuing existence.
Such a thing could never be thought of under communism. If you're not out working the fields or standing in a bread line you better have already starved to death otherwise the commissar is going to make you dead, along with the rest of your family just to provide an example to the rest of the filthy slave plebs.
So communists strive to destroy video games. Not because they hate them, not because video games are fundamentally the opposite of their shit ideology, but only because they hate humanity and want everyone to suffer as they die.

Cultural Marxism, which is the belief that art and cultural should all be conformist and held to a single standard, is definitely real.

You have all these developers being told not to have skimpy girls, or sexy girls, or white guys, or straight guys in their games. They're told to make their game mechanics in a single way so eventually they all start blending together and feeling the same. And they're not even subtle about it.

And then there are so many games where the "evil capitalist organization MUST be taken down!" such as Wolfenstein 2.

So this there a Communist ending among others? Where you install true Communism is the States?

I wish social marxists would stop trying to take over video games! Just leave games the fuck alone!
