I just want to discuss this game. Sup Forums, gaf, and reddit, please stay away from this thread

I just want to discuss this game. Sup Forums, gaf, and reddit, please stay away from this thread.

A bump because I like you.

Fuck off, it's literally a commie sympathizers game.

All political shitposting aside it's a ripoff of Metro. If they had actually just done a Man In The High Castle game it would've been a lot more fun. This game is just obvious controversy baiting like the old school GTA's or Manhunt, except this game sucks. The models also suck and the gameplay is nothing new. It's just COD: Swastikas and Sickles Edition 2: High Castle Bugaloo

as long as the gommies aren't actually the good guys i'll be fine but it seems like they want the leftist numale audience so they probably will

Politics are a big part of the game and as such part of the discussion, if you want to discuss a game without discussing politics then choose another game

I feel you, but there's not a lot to discuss yet. I don't think we've seen any substantial amount of gameplay.

>Kill nazis.

>Oppose political group
>Not politics

Who's here for qt polish waifu?

>he thinks there's actually discussion to be had as to whether killing Nazi's is okay
this was settled 70 years ago you fucking retard

>Villains are socialist
>heroes are capitalist
>Commie sympathizer game
Do you actually know anything that you talk about or do you just make it all up as you go along.

>game is about being communists and killing national socialists
>not political

>kill nazies
>side with an overt communist

That is the problem people have with this game, if it were just "run, gun, and kill Nazis" like all of the other Wolfenstein games, it wouldn't be a problem.

>killing enemy soldiers our nation is at war with is the same as killing members of a political group because they hurt your feefees

antifa actually believes this

yet we still didn't gun them all down and even let them design post war tech for us

fuck off with your wide brush bullshit

If you mention the shitposters in the OP, you are basically inviting them in. Nobody in their right mind is actually offended by this game. They are just larping for edgy points.

>implying that National Socialism is the same as marxist socialism.

>arguing about killing Nazis in a Wolfenstein game
I hate you people.

i hate horses

Socialism is socialism, it always sucks ass.

nobody cares that you kill Nazis, it's that you ally with filthy Marxists

worst opinion in the entire thread

Way to miss the point, but you probably did it on purpose

m8 u better back up that lip before i give you a cyber bullying you aint never gonna forget

Yeah no real American would ever do that.

God this board will be unusable for like a month after the game comes out

I hope you can kill that commie scum and continue nazi slaughter

>real American

he literally undermined the constitution more than any other president in history

ill kill you for saying that

I wish so too but that's obviously not gonna happen


Well I mean national socialists gave half of europe to the marxists so there may be something there.

say that to me and my friends

remember ww2

Bubi was a fag who got what was coming to him.

There's a point? Nah, still hate you faggots.

I got spuuuurrrrs that jingle jangle jingle

>Discussion? What's that? I just want to shitpost

If you really did, then you would've said something about the game instead of mentioning Sup Forums and reddit

So this there a Communist ending among others? Where you install true Communism is the States?

will they show everyone starving like would happen in real life?

we dont know

So have all war presidents.

the game is developed by Swedes

I wish I could be this naive again


I hate lawyers
And doctors
and planes

Having replayed TNO the other day, I'm looking forward to this game, while also dreading that Machine Games will not have learned their lessons on what didn't work. From the gameplay reveal from E3 (that's the only pre-release footage I'm watching, trying to go in relatively blind.) it seems like the story will be just as much, if not even more, of a focus, so I hope they pace it better than TNO. It felt like whenever the game was getting into a solid rythm of gameplay, it would be interrupted by a pre-rendered cutscene, a "gameplay" cutscene, or the mission would end and I would play around in the safe house for 10 minutes doing fetch quests.
The Old Blood was better paced with its gameplay to story ratio, so i hope they follow that example.

>All political shitposting aside it's a ripoff of Metro
...How? If it rips off anything, it's Half Life 2.

Just posting promo stuff from the game.


>study latin

Looks like the same clunky CoD wannabe trash as the first one
>black revolutionary front
I hope this shit is fake

i thought that was fake too it isnt

You know, without the Allies winning the war, you wouldn't have a Cold War or a Red Scare or anything like that, so communism would be a lot less maligned in the US than it is in our timeline.

What if You defeat the Nazis in this game, and the next game has the Communists as the villains?

Wolfenstein is dead
Doom is dead
id is dead

Why did they have to make the most generic black person tragity story about her?

>Coming from Mississippi
>Went to Harlem.

They couldn't even make a black revolutionary character without having the most a-typical fanfiction backstory ever.

>Black Revolutionary Front

This shit annoys me, not because of the whole black thing, but because the idea that identity movement like that would serve any purpose when the country is run by Nazis is laughable. Either the writer is shoehorning stuff in or this (fictional) woman is meant to be an insufferable identitarian stereotype, which judging by the trailers could very well turn out to be the case.

Nothing more American than siding with dumb commies.

>socialist against socialist

Only if humanity followed them.

So what are the big mechanical changeups for this one? The New Order was a willful mishmash of new and old like new DOOM, so what is this one's big hook?

cause the dev's are virtue signalling narcissistic faggots. I can spot the type and smell the rot a mile away.

Why wouldn't it make sense for BJ and his resistance group to side with a small group of communist resistance fighers, who already have a small foothold in the states. Communists were some primary ideological enemys of the nazis and in Wolfenstein the Soviet Union existed only for about 20 years and the cold war never happned, so there wouldn't be that much of anti-socialst sentiment in the USA.

I'm going to miss the sex scenes. A shame the love interest is now pregnant

Orgs based around identity in the face of oppressive regimes are actually exceptionally common.

>willful mishmash of new and old like new DOOM

Probably plays exactly like The New Order except you can climb now like in DOOM

That would actually send people into a rage. There's Sup Forumsoutrage where they consider anything involving emotion at all communism, and then there's the everyday gamer complaining that he has to side with actual commies.

Would have been cool if you had an all American coalition of klansmen and black panthers to fight back against the German invaders.

But even during the actual second world war USA allied with the soviets, who were probably ten times worse than the guy who is in Wolfenstein.
Also in that reality the Nazis literally rule the world with super-tech, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend should apply double.

Yes, and they're silly, particularly when they're opposed to a regime that oppresses many different groups and follows en evil ideology. There are a hundred other things a revolutionary movement could be based around, but no, gotta base it around that melanin and unnecessarily fractionate your possible support base.

As alt-history this would make a lot more sense.

Well the orgs based around identity often make deals with other orgs to work towards a common cause.

>>game is about being communists

its video game

Is this supposed to enrage me? Because it doesn't. Only a retard would be upset.

yes you are retarded

The every day gamer does not give a flying fuck about teaming up with commies.

>"I know, the good guys should have their own exclusive racial-identity centered faction. You know, to combat the Nazis who as we all know are evil for being part of an exclusive racial-identity centered faction."

Isn't that what the game is about though? BJ trying to unite the splintered resistance groups into a singular revolutionary movement?

If you're gonna shitpost personal attacks, at least have them make some semblance of sense


If you're gonna shitpost personal attacks, at least have them make some semblance of sense

Do you actually believe otherwise? Get help.

>sel-taught intellectual

Literally me: the character.

This. Holy shit. He is the biggest contributor to this shitty mess we live in now as any president ever.

>Only a retard would be upset.
That's most of Sup Forums, Sup Forums and the alt-right in general.

step outside your room every once in a century 2bh

Exactly. It shouldn't be necessary, but BJ is the only one with an actual ideology that people can unify behind, even if it's simplistic (gotta kill the nazis gotta freedom) rather than basing it around his identity as some sort of Jewish super-Aryan. BJ wouldn't need to be the great unifier if the groups had any ideals that encompassed more than just their identity group.

They do, but historically (and in the present day) they tend to split apart on bad terms once they make any significant headway because 'hey wait a minute, you aren't the same as me'.

Which is particularly ironic in this case given that their oppressor are Nazis with the white supremacy turned up to eleven.

Took the day off to play it, can't wait, gonna be awesome.

>self-taught intellectual
>influenced by the works of karl marx

But without a guiding ideology like socialism, I don't see how blacks would want to work with whites pre Civil Rights that closely. Huddling together racially is the best way to put them in a revolutionary mood, second to socialism.

>>kill nazies
>>side with an overt communist

literally WW2 in a nutshell, is every WW2 game political?

it wouldnt be wolfenstein without nazis doing magic, science or super magic science

besides red alert already exists

Not an intellectual, just a fanboy. Same kind of dullard who thinks malcolm gladwell/ayn rand are gods.

The New Colossus is supposed to have up to three hours worth of cinematics. I don't think the devs learned much from Old Blood.

>b-but you side with commies to defeat the nazis!
Sup Forumscucks GTFO of my board god fucking damn it

>The New Order was a willful mishmash of new and old like new DOOM
No it wasn't. The only thing "old" about New Order was its health and armor system. Everything else about it was like a typical modern fps. Still fun though.