Game you love finally gets a sequel

>game you love finally gets a sequel
>it’s shit
What’s her name Sup Forums?

Danganronpa 2
Danganronpa 3

Sticker Star still hurts to think about.


The anime?

What about Danganronpa 53?

Golden Sun


>creators of game you love don't make a sequel despite pressure since they know the story is finished and anything else will just be pandering
No better feeling. Fuck all these sequels and reboots.

even if taichi's a simpering beta cuck now, it's nice to know he and his sister are still disturbingly close

Is there a term for this artstyle? Its so fucking bland and weak

I don't even think Dark Dawn was bad, just too easy compared to an already easy game.

it's called low budget

bioshock infinite,i know i`m not he only one that sufers

SM anime has great animation though

>Tales of Symphonia 2

I guess the Mystic Artes were kinda cool? Man that game sucked.

>Sora looks perfect in the promo art
>looks terrible in the actual movie

>top and bottom girls have the exact same face
who approved this

>Toei Animation
>putting effort into anything but Precure

Digimon Tri. They decided to do a new season of the first Digimon's anime, but ignored several important characters and added a convoluted plot. Not to mention they threw in a new character that nobody wanted but all the main cast have to focus on.

As for a game, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is shaping up to be what I didn't want in a sequel to one of my most favourite games.
>More open world
>Customisable character
>Not continuing Jade's story
>Actually a prequel
>Seemingly less mature, more vulgar tone

I'm really fucking worried, especially with the Vivendi takeover looking likely. If they put lootboxes in BG&E2 I'll be crushed. That'd probably be the most disappointing thing I could experience in this hobby.


art, not , which like every otehr long running series just depends on bursts of sakuga every and then to keep people on board and praising it anyway. that minimal shading cuts on cost and effort, and then the washed out colors facilitate the minimal shading. it takes a lot of skill to use many details and more saturated colors, if you can't choose a palette, you compensate by using extremely washed out, noncommital colors

*art, not animation

Everything Ubisoft makes these days are games as service, BGE 2 will be just that.
At this point I hope Vivendi buy them so they stop doing that shit

Bravely Second.
Final Fantasy Lightning Returns (though I didn't finish it, it struck me the wrong way)
Sm4sh compared to Brawl
Brawl compared to Melee
any modern Nintendo franchise basically.

The main issue with Digimon to me at least is that they whitewashed the entire racily diverse cast. It's a Toei animation at that so it's shoestring and looks budget but that makes sense for their shows usually are for children. Then for a nostalgia bait show like this aiming at children doesn't make sense.

Sun and Moon is a different case. They wanted to be distinct and it allows for fluid animation. Pokemon actually is really big budget. They just used an art-style that is appreciated by their target audience (children) more.

Majesty 2
Disciples 3
Heroes of Might and Magic 5+
Gothic 3
Deus Ex IW
Stronghold 2
Fallout 4 I could stomach 3 somehow
Damn if keep thinking about it this list would be quite long.

In a different timeline we would've gotten CCS episodes at the frequency Toei shits out Sailor Moon

>Thinking that Vivendi will actually be a good thing
At least a few higher ups in Ubisoft care about the quality, but Vivendi absolutely does not given their previous acquisitions. They will squeeze Ubisoft for every coin and leave it more of a husk than it already is.

This finally got a second episode?