What are some video games with wolves?


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Okami is the obvious one. And Twilight Princess I guess.


What are some video games with romanceable wolves?

The Long Dark

Dragon's Dogma


my ancestor :)


wolf simulator

look up on steam

What are some rpgs WITHOUT wolves of some kind?

what is the dog looking at? are dogs just autistic wolves?

Such a sad story, honestly.
>be wolf
>be alone, probably because other wolves chased you away
>just want to have fun and play
>go to humans to play
>wow, they're kind and fun to hang around
>they also feed you
>you become the local tourist trap
>get shot by poachers because they're faggots

rip friendly wolf

Apparently there was very little feeding going on.
Scat analysis indicates he ate lots of fish, hares, beavers, and apparently porcupines.

Wolves are fucking awesome.


they are wolflets

What? Did somebody see it happen? Did literal poachers confess because they felt bad?

How do they travel in that game?


aaaayy white dog

I didn't ask to feel like this

Better have been a hefty fine. Fuck these guys.


>Those names

This is why Hillbillies deserve to be culled.

In packs, arisen.

do you have that Arisen taking an exam and requires pawn's help ?


That wolf had balls of steel.

the game of life my nigga
good taste

These faggots should have spent at least a year in prison.

This is not justice for the wild doggo

apparently dogs bear some genetic similarities to those with william's syndrome, where you're hypersocial and friendly, but also retarded.