Subtle video game clothing thread
Subtle video game clothing thread
Jordan Adams
Julian Thomas
would wear/10
Nathaniel Scott
Thinking about picking these up for me and my crew.
Cameron Cox
Ryder Walker
Do you think he likes games?
Cameron Ramirez
I think so yeah, but i'm not good at thinking
Alexander Jenkins
Jeremiah Lewis
This is actually pretty subtle
Elijah White
The only thing more plebby than wearing full-on steampunk binocs and a cape is trying to be """subtle""" about your retarded interests
Cooper Sanchez
Austin James
Charles Clark
Tyler Lopez
Add the t'shirt design on Todd's tshirt and just keep going
Caleb Sanders
Adrian Lee
Ian Sanchez
>no waluigi
Connor Young
Wow it took me a while XD
Jackson Collins
Put Todd's face on the model.
Ian Scott
Matthew Garcia
Michael Reyes
This shirt was made for children so it is actually less offensive than OP's pic.
Cooper Clark
Joseph Richardson
Juan Cook
Aiden Butler
Carson Gonzalez
How do you go about putting images on this man's shirt?
Jaxon Sanders
that's actually good
Jackson Hill
>buy my shirt
Jackson Parker
good one