Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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For that price, it better include one of he actual pyramids of Giza.

Quality thread.

That first comment KILLED IT

I mean, I am no genius but I'm pretty sure you can sell anything at any price you wish, I could sell a wooden stick on 800 bucks on ebay right now if I wanted to, if someone is stupid enough to buy it then is it really my fault?

The "anime BDs in Japan" approach. Price it absurdly high, some retard will buy it!


For 800 dollaroos you could get a quality prostitute to pretend to be your sister



>ubisoft is so strapped for cash that they know idiots will pay $800 for garbage

I hope they get bought out and shut down.


Christ that Jap bra looks uncomfortable



let me guess *game not included*

I've seen weebs actually try to claim that the Japanese one is better

I like it when we come together.

this isn't the only place

Looks like an incorrectly sized bra. Guess it was designed for less endowed women.

what's with all the kangz posting? the hero doesn't look like a nig in op's pic


need mo munny for dem programz

Can I get a reliable source on the differences between Japanese and American bras? Because that image looks like a load of shit.

Normally I'd criticize you for derailing the thread, but it's not like a Facebook screencap thread is anything to be protected.

did someone reupload that video somewhere?

Why do you need a reupload? It's still up on youtube

The biggest difference is of course the sizing.
A Japanese bra is a full cup size smaller than an American bra of the same letter size.

Note that this crossbow is not actually functional, nor is it made of even passable quality wood.

Oh shit Sup Forums, they figured out crowbcat (literally who?) is your ringleader! Shut it down!


meanwhile... an actual crossbow...

Seeing them get their panties in a bunch over nothing makes me laugh every time

>laughing at we wuz is rayciss
>not the group of people trying to black wash an entire race because they have no historical relevance

It is.

There's no difference in the bras themselves, but the sizes.
An A cup for you would already be a B cup in japan. So if not in japan living woman with a C cup would buy a C cup bra from japan, that bra would actually be a B cup for the rest of the world. Meaning a woman with C cups would squeeze her breasts into a B cup (C cup in japan) bra, resulting in what we have in that image.

we wuz kangz nigger

>implying we wuz is about blackwashing

Memespouting redditors shout WE WUZ at anything even vaguely resembling a non-white historical power.



jesus christ

>we wuz kings and shit nigga
>a negro saying it
>uh racist much

>inb4 game not included

I can not believe they are having fun posting such boring illogical memes, why can't they be more mature serious discussers and quality posters like you and I.

But they do it with wypipo too though. They say WE WUZ KHANZ to Finns all the time.

>expecting logic from liberals

I had one of these as a kid, I'm surprised my back is not fucked up from reloading it

Well, to be fair, Kangzposting hasn't been about that for a while.

I bought the $500 or so Titanfall Collectors edition. I didn't even see if the game was in there. I just wanted this.

I also bought Watch_Dog's CE for the statue. Never played it.

I also bought Dishono(u)red 2's CE for the mask. Never played it.

I have Rome 2, Shogun 2, Warhammer 1, Warhammer 2, SWTOR, Skyrim, Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 and Witcher 2 & 3 CE's. Probably more.

They say WE WUZ KHANZ to mongols, who genuinely were khanz.


I was planning on making a collection of cool CE stuff, but I never did. I mean, I have it by proxy, but no proper cabinet or whatever. So much money wasted, user.

reviewers and unboxers will unironically purchase this to review it on their shitty youtube channels.

Some of those have really cool statues though so I wouldn't even be mad.
Unless you're taking out loans/credit just to get them...

You should have at least gotten the Divinity Original Sin 2 collectors edition, at least Larian deserves your cash

>straight up racies
how the fuck is this racist? is it because they're black?

Oh god no, I have loads of disposable cash.

Shogun 2 had hand-painted Japanese Chess Set. Awesome.
Rome 2 had a workable mini-catapult. Awesome.
Watch_Dogs had a neat statue of the protag.
SWTOR had a neat statue of the antag.
Diablo 3 had a USB stick, which was really it, but nice artbook.
Witcher 2 and 3 had nice models of Geralt.
Warhammer 1 + 2 had neat bits, 2 had a USB stick to go on a necklace and it's cool.
Dishonored 2 mask is great.

What was it? I try and avoid doing it now.

yeah then you're fine
should really get a proper display if you haven't already, at least for preservation if you aren't going to y'know display it

>Watch_Dogs had a neat statue of the protag.
Why would you pay hundreds of dollars for a statue of a hat, no matter how iconic?

>What was it? I try and avoid doing it now.
a cloth map of the setting
a great art book
a setting book, a GM screen (actually useful if you play tabletop roleplaying games)
and a apparently really well made statue of one of the party members, a skelleton dude

It wasn't that one. It was this one.

Hmm. Would have been nice but Divinity triggered my min-max autism badly. I went around stealing from everybody and save scumming if failed in case there was something hidden.

They say it to Finns more frequently

I see the Iconic Hat and its novelty man-shaped display stand, but I still don't see why you would want such a thing.

Yeah. I need to get a massive bookcase for all my other books and shit too. I should probably sell some of it.

There were two editions, user! This was the hat stand. Don't bully the statue, please!

So why did you get the miniature hat statue with novelty stand and not the full-size replica hat?


watch dogs is pretty comfy
why wouldn't you?

now i understand why Io Nitta has such weird looking tits

Because I was collecting CE statues at the time.

>I went around stealing from everybody and save scumming if failed in case there was something hidden.
you can now only steal from a person once, and it straight up tells you when your pickpocketing will fail so you'll never be in trouble if you pay attention.

speaking from experience user?

I can actually personally speak to this. Japanese women really don't have much in the way of tits, like overwhelmingly small boobs. Its so incredibly rare just to see the equivalent of a C cup that aren't implants (including porn) and that would be huge over there. Not only that you have a large number of adult Japanese women who are effectively flat, as in they don't even need a bra. I'm talking not even enough to full an A cup. Japanese women also typically have smaller chest and rib circumference to western women, because there is no weight to support.

So what this means for Nip bra technology is;
A) Its about fashion.
B) All actual function is channeled into making no titties look like SOME titties.

So, all of them have shitty bulky padding, the band size is always too tight and since displaying cleavage or even the lower part of your neck is unthinkable unless you are a literal prostitute over there, they don't even attempt to create a natural looking bust.

Also every Japanese women is insecure about this fact, they have the worst boob envy of any group of women I have ever met. They usually have a huge thing about personal boundaries but with women they will be all over your tits with their clammy fish hands if you are a western girl.

I guess, I might wait for the moment.

Idealists truly are subhumans.

>Why is this allowed?

Because retards keep buying them. I can't imagine anyone who isn't complete dipshit ever buying a fucking collectors edition, of ANY game.

It's only allowed as far as people will buy it. If you want it is it worth £800 to you? If not then that's fine. If only a few buy it then companies will know it's not a worthwhile thing. If they do then I guess it's worth the companies time to sell you happy meal toys at stupid prices. I recommend getting into gaming and tacking an absurd preorder onto your game

But why a statue of a hat

Also every Japanese women is insecure about this fact, they have the worst boob envy of any group of women I have ever met. They usually have a huge thing about personal boundaries but with women they will be all over your tits with their clammy fish hands if you are a western girl.
>anime was real all along

thats an odd way to talk about yourself, since you're posting on this site

Sure kangzposting, but they are attributing the whole wewuz to racism, if the same shit happened and whitey tried to claim that they wuz egyptians you'd never hear the end of it, but since it's black people, they don't kno no better.

>because they have no historical re-

I was about to have an Encyclopedia of sources here but, nevermind im not gonna start. heres a meme.


I bought the ME3 CE a few days after the launch since our Gamestop had a lot of PC copies in stock, and that I hadn't bought a CE since Bioshock. I ended up not immediately starting it because of some post-launch threads here indicating a dire need for patching, then it got worse, then it got depressing

I didn't play it at all until the extended cut patch hit, and at that point, I just cracked my Origin copy and pirated the future DLC/patches, because fuck opting-in to paying any more than retail at that point. There's 3 major pieces of story DLC currently, so even if I was the type of person to constantly use a strategy guide, what SHOULD be the A-grade print of the official guide became obsolete after Omega

The worst part about the DLC is that it's still a major cash cow to move Bioware points, and since ME3 has so much goddamn DLC, it's $100-ish last time I checked for it all, and $40-ish if you just want story DLC. If you've ever wondered why ME2 and ME3 don't have DLC-rollup "GOTY" editions, this is why

>whitey tried to claim that they wuz egyptians
you mean like white people in the same thread claiming that everything good in civilization and technology is because of whites?

When will we have somethjng with none whites that people will not end up becoming impossible to talk about?

>thinking sub-Saharan Africans have ever mattered

They did more shit when they were enslaved than at any other point, sadly.

Yeah but does that one have engraved motifs from a video game movie featuring Academy Award nominated actor Michael Fassbender as a time traveling parkouring super assassin? Heh I think not.

Yes, but I payed extra for the mommy play instead.

to be fair - most - of that is true
render unto ceaser what is ceasers

>projecting this hard
that makes no sense

when you an hero

If you're at the point where you're gonna defend a misfitting bra because it's Japanese other weebs get to fucking call you a weeb.

Well, there was Unrest
But only because no one talked about that game at all

you prolly already knew this since you're likely on a vpn but w* posting is a bannable offense on Sup Forums

The series isn't everyone's cup of tea these days but I generally like the games. I honestly think its nice to have a difference franchise out among all the other 'giants' out there, final fantasy, madden, call of duty, etc. inspite of being milked. And at least they're doing a bi-yearly thing now so people will maybe get less butt blasted about said milking.

$800 is a retarded price for what you get in it though. At least throw in some sort of Egyptian painted ps4 or something damn.

Wait why do they hate The Last Night?

that dude does have a point.

>Still Playing AC

hasn't this cash cow's milk spoiled yet?

Developer said some Harrison Bergeron type shit on twitter and that the setting of his game is what happens when SJWs go too far

>GAF humor
What did he mean by this?