What were initial reactions like for this when the game first came out? Were people offended?
What were initial reactions like for this when the game first came out? Were people offended?
The only thing it made people do was think Kanji was actually gay, ignoring the point of his entire social link.
>being so new and underage you weren't around for the P4 launch
it was "Adachi is the Killer" all over for like an entire month.
no one gave a fuck
i was like 10 years old
Why would they be offended?
Didn't help that the VA said in some anime convention QA that Kanji was gay. God I hate that guy.
This especially.
American audiences were a mistake.
so is the thing with kanji that he was made fun of by girls specifically for having girly hobbies and so he developed a slight aversion to girls, and then his tendency for girly hobbies confused him a bit and made him think "well if i like doing girly things then maybe i'm gay", which only got amplified by naoto saying they were interested in them. did i get that right?