Small ostacle blocks your path

>Small ostacle blocks your path
>You could go over it easily
>"This path is blocked, lets find another path"

>character dies but can be revived with items/spells
>character dies in the story
>suddenly can't be brought back to life

>character absorbs millions of bullets without a problem
>gets shot on a cutscene once

>what do faggot

>Character has literally hundreds of items in their bag
>can't lift a medium sized rock

>literal rubble blocks the path
>"oh well, better go kill four lords and take their souls so i can open this up"
Fuck you, Dark Souls II

Why do you put more effort into the Sup Forums threads than the Sup Forums threads?

>ending of FF7:CC
>seeing advent children soon after

fuck you square, why train up for and fight Minerva after that ending?

>characters get wounded countless times by swords, axes, lances, magic, etc
>gets killed by a single arrow

>characters can take flying leaps across buildings in cutscenes
>in-game, a 2 foot gap is enough of an obstacle that they can't leap over in 30 seconds, instead making you do a sewer maze instead for about 20 minutes

>villain shows up to gloat in a cutscene
>your character doesn't just immediately shoot them in the face even though they totally could

I liked how they handled it in Batman: Arkham Knight
Batman gets shot in a cutscene by a villain who knows the weak spots of his armor. Common mooks in gameplay don't know that, so they just shoot generally at him.
Shame that there's literally zero consequence in that cutscene since he heals up after a second.

I wish I was this flexible ;_;

>video game logic
>it's different then real life logic

thumbs up if u agree & don'tforget to hit that subscribe button

Well no shit. You wouldn't be able to lift a medium-sized rock if you were carrying literally hundreds of items in your bag either, retard.

>a 10-year old has 60k instagram followers

>die in one bullet
>get shot in cutscene

I don't believe you.

Because Sup Forums thinks I'm a bot anyway

subtle Sup Forums thread

>FPS game
>going through corridor
>character puts his gun away when nearing a door, despite the fact that he never normally does that
>he gets ko'd by some random mook hiding in a corner behind the door or some shit

FBI Honeypot

What motivates you to post these?

Are there any good video games?

>gate with gaps clearly big enough to fit your arm through
>Does not open from this side hurrr
dark souls gets retarded sometimes. don't even get me started on the pile of rubble in 2

Stretch every day then. It's really not that difficult to become more flexible, it just takes a little time and persistence.

>characters can be brought back to life at the church in town
>entire town is scandalized by a recent murder and no one just revived the victim

>grab legs and bite thighs and mound while holding her upsidown
>eeek no oni chan no no there
>nom nom nom


Are there any video games period?

>time and persistence
>not that difficult
If those weren't literally the two most difficult things in the world for humans we'd all be superhumanly fit millionaires.

Yeah, but I think I've


I mean oh a snorlax in the way, can't just climb over him since he won't wake up no matter what, can't just use a master ball either, gotta go get a that flute shaped dildo.

Sorry about that. I'm pretty sure I'm dying. I've coughed up blood and puked in the past few days, but I haven't told anyone. Anyway, what I meant is that I think I've beaten all the good ones.

That was one of the cool things about Final Fantasy 5 when Galuf got killed they actually tried to use cure spells and phoenix downs on him.

>tfw cant find good games to play
end times are coming soon should probably go to the doctor.

gachimuchi threads get deleted but this shit stays up